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Posts posted by darkdoctor

  1. Hi, I like to asked if you can update the CE store with special items from special events like pets, companions etc. I know I missed a few while play (Revan pre order - Bit Raider problem when that expansion came out - couldn't get online). I missed out on droid pet and Darth Hexid and other stuff. Please can you update CE store with these special items & companion please?
  2. Hi Devs: I like to asked if we can pay to merge or relocate character or characters to one account to other. In my case I have the CE edition and my other account doesn't and I love to move my favorite companions to my CE account please, thanks?
  3. Hello All & Devs: Thank you for customize the KOTFE companions finally :)! Please fix these tho, for Lana when you take her default customization off Lana has a new face??? Another thing I notice in cut scenes is if Lana has helmet on you don't hear sound effect in helmet/robotic voice just her reg voice but not in cut scene you can hear sound effect fine. Can you fix this issue please, thanks?
  4. Hi Devs: I notice in expansion Scorpio dies couple times and why couldn't we take her back to ship to used her armor as disguise. Think how our character rule Zakuul as Lady of Sorrows or even Empress of Alliance dress as Scorpio. Or maybe a thank you to our Imperial Agents for helping Scorpio at the end (Support Scorpio). Used the armor as underwear for cyborg race. Just a suggestion
  5. Hi Devs: Please can you make a dark gray/dark gray dye? Why I asking is you have single dark gray for both Primary & Secondary but why not for both? There also Dark Gray with other colors but you don't have Dark Gray/Dark Gray. Can you please make this for coming pack or sell them CC please?


    One thing - can you add a collection to dyes for maybe sub player or collector edition owner, man I spend like $300 on black/black dyes alone please?

  6. Hello Devs: I like to asked can you redo (give a disguise for Lana) in chapter 3 where Lana saves our character in carbonite please? Do something like Leia did in RotJ to save Han. Lana disguise as Zakuul knight or guard or droid then how she got into that area in the outfit she has now. Then when we get to Obsession we can unlock Lana and rest of new companion character outfit slots please?


    Here couple pics





  7. Hell Devs: I like to make this suggestion for future updated I hope. When a player take his/her helmet off the neck armor is still attach to torso armor. Why I asking is when watch Shadow of Revan and meeting Shae Vizla cut scenes when neck armor came out of helmet (

    ) 2:15 mark and on. Why cant the neck armor stay on neck when she take and put on helmet? So many of my characters I wish they have neck armor like B-200 Cybernetic, helmet look great but the neck is unprotected. I wished the B-200 suit would be fully cover tho in battle.


    The other is having some kind of voice changer when wearing helmet, some helmet don't have any voice changer. at all, my character wearing a helmet and her voice is same. Can you add this to future updated please?


    here a pics


    No Neck armor




    Neck armor



  8. Hello: I like to asked the devs of this game to please make or updated these ingame ideas please,


    1) Dark Gray/Dark Gray Dye


    2) A option to add a robotic/breathing/metalic voice to all helmet - something like dark malak's face mask


    3) A underwear cybertronic type outfit for Cyborg race at the beginning of the game


    4) Please make option so we can change Lana, Stan outfits to the one we like, say when you land at alliance home world we get that option to change them


    5) Gree HK customization please


    6) Please make a Scorpio/HK theme armor our character please (call it robotic set)


    7) Please updated the Eidolon armor set that full armor covered neck to feet (no red lines everywhere) - a circle chest piece (something like c3po has on his torso), robotic thigh-high boots


    8) Please make robotic thigh-high boots


    9) Please make a Dye collection in your legecy page (almost $300 dollars buying black/black dye)


    I really love this game and I hope these idea get ingame one day, thank you!

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