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Posts posted by darkdoctor

  1. Hello All: I like to asked this is my 1st Pirate event and I was wondering what happen to my character who has gone traitor from their original faction? I know some mission on imperial side in (destroy the food) why would I want my traitor character who support republic do that. Is there any story in Pirate Event that help traitor character and should I play my traitor character in that event? Please let me know and thanks?
  2. Hi, please help - wreck my romance with Arcann because I didn't know if you pick friendship do you have kill her if you pick that or is romance was the only option for her to join you again - picked wrong choice when I did this quest and watch the video on youtube is there a no video option (friendship) that you can be friends with her join you and then romance option. Is there away to romance Arcann again just asking
  3. Hello Devs: I notice on my IA then I can't get back Scorpio as she was a main companion to my character. How about when she download into Iokath you can take her body and maybe used it for yourself (Iokath rep is highest - armor set) or build a new droid companion or have a companion disguise as Scorpio. Maybe when you get to highest rep Scorpio contact you and want to have a agent/companion in your rank again (only if you IA, high rep with her or letting her merge with Iokath computer) I notice on Gods of Machine op you can get a pvp boss costume (more then 1 hour) for your character so why not a Scorpio one? Just a idea :)
  4. Hello Devs: I have made few character that have came from Zakuul (role playing) but I like if we have a character sheet that would info on what their home planet, their real name, military record, there some much that we can add here. For Zakuul character could we get a hk black sky trooper skin or a faction like Gree, there some many factions ingame. This would be a cool figure in the game. I know other mmo have this option (character info sheet) and would be great to see in this game.
  5. Hello Devs: I like to asked if you can add old rewards to the Collector Edition vendor please or a Special Reward Vendor for all players? Why I asking is I missed out of few special rewards ( the pre order for Shadow of Revan because of Bit Raider problem at the time) and few other like Rogue One movie armor set, few droids and mounts. Please consider my idea because I missed getting them for 1st time and really like to get them, thanks
  6. Hello Devs: I like to asked is the 2 rewards "The Strike Team Specialist and Strike Team Commander Character Titles" and The new Kai Zykken MK-85 Test Log Mount is both unlock for account wide (all characters will get it) - it didn't mention in Onslaught PTS: Round Two page, please confirm thanks? Just wondering if I have to play on all my character, copy to test server and do the stuff to get reward, we just need to do it once.
  7. Hello Devs: I like to asked can you make 2 or 3 new skins for HK-51 (Gree Droid, Eternal Empire black Sky trooper) please? For those 2 faction, have character that support those 2 faction and love to have HK look like those droids
  8. Hi All: While playing the late part of the game I decide to keep the Star Fortress (Empress - total control of enemy worlds with them still control) What I like to know - please devs (can you take the star fortress out of log or say you meet with resistant at those world if you want to (Sith vs jedi - Imperial vs Republic) so those log wont be there anymore. Few of my character still have Star Fortress missions and there not updated. Also did the Star Fortress get destroy when robotic god took control - no updated. Please devs can you updated on this topic, what happens to Star Fortress, thanks?
  9. Hello Devs: I know I asked this few times in past but can you make a option in character sheet that make our character sound robotic (hk-55 helmet and IA story where watcher 2 is talking robotic also (disguise), talks in strange tongue (liike Leia as bounty hunter). This would be a cool option to our character.


    Also can you make neck armor option too for helmet option, like if the helmet is off you can still see neck armor - some armor look real funny when you see a character in helmet and their neck is showing.


    Last is can we have a option to have helmet/mask on it cut scenes - what I mean is when I talk to my companion there goes my helmet/mask (while she robot/Cyborg who need helmet/mask on) . Please can you make this option as well thanks

  10. Hi Support: Most of my characters are getting faction armor bug - my trooper get merc torso armor in cut scenes, my Imperial character who have Lana, all of her armor looks republic then imperial. This has been going on from last year - sent bug reports and no fix. Can you please fix this, thanks?
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