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Posts posted by darkdoctor

  1. Hello All: Is there anyway to get 2 titles and skin? I just made Legend on Shadow Syndicate but I had the tokens for Legend stats before end of season on July 5 but the 5000 token a week wreck that. Why wasn't it 12000 a week so we can get the titles and skin? Please devs is there away to unlock the 2 titles and skin?
  2. Happy 9th Anniversary to SWTOR! I still can't believe where all that time has gone. I remember the day SWTOR was sending out beta invite and receive a chance to played the beta. Then receiving my Collector Edition in mail :) and then big day launch :)! Then all the new expansion that came and one Shadow of Revan had that bitraider problem where I couldn't get in for almost a month and lost my pre order because I couldn't play (Only problem I remember tho but still enjoy the game).


    I hope for future that devs will add all those special email we missed or Rogue One special armor will be added in new tab or Collector Vendor. Avatar logo for our companion and a combat and off duty outfit for our companions. Adding new stories, new races and classes to the game. I also see new improvement ingame when starting a new character story.


    But I still enjoying the game and Thank You for this awesome game



    SWTOR :)!!

  3. Hi, I wished that those macrobinoculars would be unlock for all your characters so that 1 character has do this mission. You can still do missions for each planet and Heroic 4 last mission be please unlock those macrobinoculars, thanks
  4. Hi Devs: I like to asked when will the Black/Black Dye be up for sell again (from 1500cc to 900cc)? I notice the White/White dye was on sell but not the Black/Black dye. Why I asking is black/black dye is my favorite color in the game (wish there option in Collection to unlock these color but I don't mind supporting this game and not the remake of Anthem) Please put this dye on sell again, thanks
  5. I like to see if there is a New Game Plus we just do our class story, option to do planet story too, with all our favorite outfit too . I have characters from I started back in beginning that I love to redo their story then making a new character. Please request a New Game Plus
  6. Hi Devs: While playing my IA character at the end of Iokath story I wished we could take Scorpio body back with us to make a decoration for our stronghold or maybe a suit of armor for our female characters can have. For a loyal companion to used or display as decoration or armor set. Wished Scorpio come back in story as loyal companion (merge with Iokath) or a enemy boss (kill her) that has capture your love interest before you wedding :). Just a suggestion for some of my IA characters favorite companion.
  7. Hi Devs: Just like to asked can we have a option in game that we watch the briefing and end briefing for all heroics then hearing the npcs off screen please? Maybe do this for 1st time doing the heroic mission (cut scenes) then have a option to turn end briefing off. For me personal I like watching all debriefing for each heroic :). A suggestion I like to see in game, thanks
  8. Hi Devs: I like to asked for a option to put into character sheet that we can used a robotic voice changer when our characters are using a helmet, like the Hk-55 helmet, the new Malgus Reborn full helmet ( 2 of my favourite voice changer) Please can you add this in future. Just asking in the movies when Leia was disguise as bounty hunter she didn't used her own voice but robotic voice - can you do this for this game please?
  9. Thank You for new armor sets, really like the Ruthless Oppressor armor :) - wished it had Malgus Reborn full helmet robotic voice changer, make your character soon more ruthless, scary etc


    A bug/graphic problem when using Malgus Reborn Torso and Ruthless Oppressor mask - all my characters who used this combo make my character lose their hair - bald (happen to all my characters) - please fix

  10. Hi All and Devs: I like to asked the devs if they can updated this Bounty Event to new worlds and that all lvl character can still do bounties on Hutta and Ord Mantell please? Wish this could be a regular thing for our bounty hunter characters this event with new worlds to collect bounties from. Please consider my idea and thanks, having fun with this event
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