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Posts posted by Chorusgirl

  1. Here's a mental test to take to tell the difference between real content, and just garbage. Take away the loot. No reward at the end. Would you ever do it again more than once or twice, ever? (MAYBE 3 times?) No? Then it's not content, it's just filler garbage. Virtually every boss encounter in WoW, ever, fits into that; and most bosses in SWTOR, too.


    End game PvE needs to be designed as if there are no rewards; THAT is the key to longevity.


    Don't you think this is what they were trying to do with Nightmare Mode EV/KP? There was no different loot between Nightmare and Hardmode. Nightmare was a great fight, much more challenging than HM. What I saw happen was that people just opt'd to do HM because it was easier and provided the same reward as Nightmare. People put in the time not ONLY because they enjoy the content, but because they also get to see their character progress. Progressing one's character is what makes MMO's addictive. It's the same idea as leveling, you want to reach the "holy grail" in a game either by finishing the content, or getting your character to max level, or by getting your character to best in slot gear. We all do it for the achievements, whether it's personal or game granted.

  2. I'm more concerned that if 5 other classes (including republic sides) have their threat drop that isn't affected by GCD, why is it that only imperial side bounty hunters are affected by this? I'm not saying anything about PT's lack of threat drop...that's a whole other can of worms. But it's pretty ridiculous that the mirror classes between factions aren't similar in this GCD on their threat drop.
  3. How do well geared guilds handle this encounter? Do they slow DPS at a set point?


    We have to hold our ****s for like 15% of the fight because of the pushes associated with the boss percentages. The easiest thing to do (for us at least) is to hold dps and allow fearful debuffs to fall off. This also usually coincides with the Baradium bolder that dispels Toth's enrage, which we also have to hold dps for. There's typically a new ability used every 10%.

  4. Dulfy,


    You always put out such good content. You research and spend a lot of time putting all of this stuff together, which is no small feat. These selfless acts do so much to benefit the community. I know it's kind of a weird place to post a love note, but I thought that here was as good a place as any to say that you do the swtor and gaming community a huge service. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I was a fan of what you do, as we seem to play mostly the same games (SWTOR, SW, GW2, ETC). Keep it up. I'll always be keeping up on your posts.



  5. Hi Frankt. My guild does 16m HM TFB. I tried to respond as well as I could to hopefully offer some work-arounds.


    1. Occasionally only one add spawns


    I don't think we've ever had this happen


    2. Tanks cannot target tentacles


    This is due to TFB's gigantic hit-box. Work-around is to bind the Hot Key "target closest enemy" and have your tanks us that to target the tentacles.


    3. Occasionally the game with deselect the tanks target and target TFB


    We haven't had this issue. If I had to guess I would say this could happen when a player uses their mouse to move their character and could end up clicking the boss in the process of trying to move their toon.



    1. Last night we had a grasping tentacle get stuck in the air (graphics bug?)


    I've seen this happen a couple times. Your best bet is to watch the cast bar for slams. You should still be able to dps them while avoiding their damage.


    2. People randomly die when jumping through gates or falling off the ledge


    Someone was just asking us about this the other night so I'll copy what i replied to him:


    The deaths from zero-damage is normally due to a couple of things.


    1. When a player jumps off the ledge and zones back to entrance, moving too quickly to another platform can cause this. One of our tanks had this problem and he has worked around this bug by waiting 5 seconds after he loads, and then starts to move back to where he needs to be.

    2. Zero-damage when jumping from the tentacle platforms are due 90% of the time to either moving off too slowly or jumping back before they finish their slam cast. Does the person die and zone back at the ledge? Or do they fall to the floor? If they fall to the floor it can't be avoided. If they are getting warped to the first platform then it is most likely latency/lag delay and them not avoiding the slam from the tentacles.


    - Wait 5 seconds after loading when the phase starts, also wait 5 seconds before jumping off the platform that you get warped to, when you fall off.

    - Watch the dps when they jump too and from the tentacles. You will find that most of the time they are either going too early or late for the slams but instead of the death showing as the slam hit, you see zero-damage no target deaths.



    Hope this was helpful

  6. So I just switched to arsenal DPS spec on my Merc after playing for almost a year as a healer. This is a pretty big deal for Arsenal Mercs that are participated in PVE.


    ***our threat drop is affected by GCD.....***


    Snipers threat drop is off the GCD

    Sorcs threat drop is off the GCD

    Marauders threat drop is off the GCD



    I'm sure I'm not the first person to bring this up...is this a bug or what?

  7. if you rip out mods from BH pieces and stick them in rakata your gear is significantly better, just requires you knowing what mods/enhancements you need.


    This is what I did with most of my gear, although I went back and replaced my rakata with tionese since it looked better with my pink bounty hunter chest. You can keep your set bonuses this way while using your black hole coms that you get through the FP dailies and weeklies to upgrade the modifications. I actually geared out my alt in 61 level mods by doing dailies. There are a lot of different ways to gear up without necessarily doing HM denova. I used the boots for Mercs since those had power/surge stats and were one of the cheaper pieces. Anyway, good luck gearing up!

  8. First I wanted to say thank you to Derkae for maintaining this thread. It's a lot of work with little recognition so again, thank you for your hard work.


    I had everyone in the guild copy characters when they opened up the 1.3 patch on PTS. Lucky thing that we did, since we were not contacted initially to get copied for this most recent patch. So we had like 10-12 people logging on and were able to fill our last few spots with a couple pugs, one of which plays with Death and Taxes. All of these players are great people who went out of their way to log on every night and help us test the 16m HM version of the fights. Without those players, testing 16m would not have been possible by us, so thank you for making that possible.


    When Denova was on PTS we knew that other guilds were working on the fights and getting much further than we were while keeping all of their findings and strats private till the time that they beat it and had their rank solidified. I wanted to take a different approach and have some of our raiders stream as much as possible with mumble so you, the community, could hear us bang out strats.


    In my 9 years of raiding in MMOs I've never played with a group of people that spent so much time sharing all that we've learned with the community. Aoroc worked for hours putting together our experiences for the benefit of the raiding community. Thrills ended up breaking her computer streaming every night so that the community could see everything that we saw of the new content. Sangz, Lamy and too many other's to list put in tons of time writing up their thoughts on the fights, things that they wanted to see changed, and bugs that they were experiencing.


    I have the privilege of playing with some really amazing, driven, tireless, and giving people. I know that there will always be a few naysayers in the bunch but I see way more positive feedback than negative. The SWTOR community is a great one. So in closing: thank you to everyone in the community for all of your support. I wish you all the best of luck on all the new encounters in Terror from Beyond.




    GM of <Cali Killed Nox>

  9. I miss the customization of grid (from wow) I like having visual indicators and being able to only show important stuff. I also like being able to add debuffs to your raidframes so we can tell who the heck needs dispelling. This was a huge pain in the butt on the first boss of the new raid encounter and we had people calling out when they were debuffed. This is not going to work out so well in 16 man.


    We have a dispel/cure but it's hard to tell via raid frames who needs it.

  10. Combat Logs


    It's great having these availible. I'm currently using the ACT plugin to check out what the logs are picking up and not picking up. There are a couple changes I'd like to see:


    1. A better indication of over healing or effective healing in the combat logs


    2. Sorc heals currently show up as belonging to the person that is affected by the spell and not as a heal (or prevention of damage) from the person that cast it.




    UI Customization


    First let me say that the way that the UI customization is set up on the 1.2 PTS is amazing. I love that I can now set everything up how I want it and can't wait for the rest of the swtor community to check these changes out. It is very easy to click on the boxes and then change around the size, opacity and flip things around. Well done. I would like to see:


    1. The ability to resize debuffs on our raidframes, ability to hide certain buffs or all buffs.


    2. An indicator as to which damage debuffs on the boss belong to me.


    3. The ability to turn off the Portrait on my health bar, perhaps some more skins for our health bar.


    4. Bar Snapping - allow us to easily stack our quickslot bars ontop of each other without painstakenly trying to line them up.


    Guild Bank


    Bug: The option to allow stacking does not work properly. I had one tab set to allow stack and the other to not allow stacking. The tab that was not allowing the stacking only had 1 withdraw per week. One of my raiders was able to move stuff around in that tab and make a stack of items without pulling them out.

  11. The debuff that counted the number of people that are currently engaged in the encounter seemed to be a bit off. I was looking back at our video and I only had 13 counts of the debuff. From what I understand it should be at the number of people that we had in the group to propperly effect the strength of the dot (that is supposed to keep the ops group under 16) Theoretically we could have brought in 3 extra people if the counting was off and reliably short by the 3 players.
  12. This is what I posted on the PTS forums


    Diary Entry March 19, 2012



    Thank you BW for fixing our Rakata gear for better itemization. The legs, chest, and boots now have built in Power/Surge. This is closer to the proper stats that we want to have as a healing Bounty Hunter.


    I thought the changes initially were completely awful when I first jumped into the new flashpoint. While learning the new fights in 'Lost Island' I was cursing bioware up and down wanting my old heat costs back. We survived all of the new flashpoint and then I was on a mission to figure out my new basic rotations without reaching heat cap most of the fight.


    The next night I worked on my napkin math and basic rotation on the fleet. While doing this I came to the realization that I wanted 0 alacrity on my gear. I had a very minimal amount coming from live (120 alacrity), I still kept the alacrity talents (4% + 5% on crits) since damage reduction was not really need in any of the fights up to this point. I bought a couple pairs of operative columi gloves with the left over tokens that I had on my freshly copied toon. I swapped the power/surge enhancements in and got rid of the alacrity ones. Many practiced rotations and excel napkin math spreadsheets later it occurred to me: Bioware wants BH healers to use rapid shot more in their rotation!



    I came up with some basic rotations that I've been reprogramming my fingers to do so I'm not constantly heat capped. Below I spelled out how I heal on the current live patch and then how I'm healing on the PTS 1.2 build.



    Managing a Supercharge Gas Rotation



    Single Target –



    How Supercharged Gas used to work: you could get pop it about 25 heat and start spamming




    HS > RS > HS > RS > HS > RS > HS > RS




    How Supercharged Gas works now: The ideal time to pop Supercharged Gas is at <10 heat and you can spam




    HS > RS > Emergency Scan > HS > RS > Rapid Shot > HS > RS




    and that will put you directly at ~40 heat at the end of the SCG buff with the 2 pc rakata bonus.





    Multiple Targets –



    How Supercharged Gas used to work: you could get pop it about 25 heat and start spamming




    Kolto Missiles > HS > RS > HS > Kolto Missiles > RS > HS






    How Supercharged Gas works now: The rotation will look more like




    Kolto Missiles > HS > RS > HS > Free ability > Free Ability > Kolto Missiles > RS > HS > Free ability





    It's all a matter of rewiring your brain and fingers to click certain buttons in a certain order. It's not that bad. I'm going to post some more numbers once we check out the new Operations. But for changing your gear, I would suggest for this build of PTS 1.2 to drop all your alacrity


    I recently healed the new world boss encounter on Voss - Nightmare Pilgrim. I have a video of the fight here. I was getting 6 frames per second due to my computer. I'm running a Q6700 cpu, GTX 280 graphic card, 6 GB of ram, and have high speed cable internet through Comcast. For this fight our healing set up was 2 BH, 1 Op, and 1 Sorc. You can see how I am managing my heat (somewhat sucessfully) in this video.






    What I'm really interested in seeing is my overall healing compared to the other healers in my guild. So once there is some better tools that can compare the logs of all of the healers in the guild I'll be able to provide a more visual comparison of the different healing classes with the current build on the 1.2 PTS.


    So with this I'd like to open the floor for discussion, I'll be updating this thread with my discoveries as I tinker with my gear and rotation and the application of the new way of healing once we hit the new operations, we might end up doing a couple Operation fights on PTS if they don't open the new Explosive Conflict one soon, just to test out the new combat log and compare some more numbers.



    Note: This is from my post on the PTS forum post. I'm currently copied and actively testing the BH changes. So subscribe to this thread if you want to follow the new changes and my thoughts on it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=368624

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