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Posts posted by Zaina

  1. I'm glad you found a support group amongst yourselves lol.

    Really guys, this would be an interesting discussion, if you didn't beat the same dead horse.

    Tell me one thing: why do you want to turn SWTOR into WoW, if WoW is already well and successful?

    You just need the same in a sci-fi skin?

    Why should be WoW the gold standard for online gaming (with group elements)? (Let's not call it MMO for a purpose please).

    Just because it's the most successful? 1 trillion flies eat crap, so they can't be mistaken?

    What is the reason why grind cannot be the ultimate purpose of an online game? Don't tell me it's because it's always been like that.

    Really interested here, no sarcasm.


    Alright, I'll do my best to answer your questions.


    I don't want Swtor to be WoW. At no point have I said this. I want swtor to be swtor. Not Barbie Dressup Cutscene Simulator. There's a reason I gave 6 years to this game and not, ya'know, WoW. At no point did I say WOW is the gold standard. I didn't even imply this one so I'm not sure what to tell you. For what it's worth I don't think it should be. It is currently the only MMO that is hitting everything I want in an MMO, so there's that. And sorry for potentially triggering you by calling it an MMO but that's what it is (was?) and that's what we're talking about. I'm not sure about what a fly thinks about crap, so I can't answer that too well but I am curious so let me know once you've played through 5.0. As far as why a grind can't be the ultimate purpose, never said it couldn't. It's just not my cup of tea. If I wanted to do the same thing over and over again I'd go replay through a single player game a bunch of times. At least I won't have to pay a monthly subscription to do that.

  2. Keep going Zaina!!! You're spot on!


    The sad thing is, the reverse of what he's trying to claim is true. The people who didn't like apples to begin with are suddenly pleased that SWTOR is no longer catering to the apple lovers. Like it or not, SWTOR was meant to defeat W0W...it was a W0W clone for all practical purposes. Now that they've lost 90+% of their customers by not doing a good job of making a decent apple, they are trying to pretend players like oranges...which some do...I enjoy an occasional orange myself...but it's not the bulk of my gaming diet and not something many players are willing to pay $15 a month for (see server status for confirmation).


    Spot on. And they're stringing us along. "Right now we have oranges, but we'll be talking about our plans for apples in the next livestream". And they briefly mention that they haven't forgotten about us apple lovers, and we'll love the apples they have planned for us. And then they give us apple seeds, and an apple slice. I want a full apple. And I don't want to be strung along and that's exactly what I've felt like. I gave them the benefit of the doubt for an entire expansion, but no more.


    I'm starting to develop a citrus allergy from BwA.

  3. There, fixed it for you.

    All clear, don't like the game, don't pay for it, all the power to you.

    Not calling stupid, but calling them Space Barbie Simulator players (okay, I get the joke, haha #sarcasm) or <insert your smart name calling label> is just another skin for stupid, not all the power to you.

    See the difference already?


    I'm not sure what the point of the edit was, since it doesn't change the substance of the post at all. I'm not sure how much more I can boil it down. For ME they went ahead and made the game not fun. They gave us an apple 6 years ago, and for better or worse we have an orange. :rolleyes:

  4. Boy, not this again, I am looking forward to the day when I go to the WoW forums and whine and demand more story/cutscenes in my WoW, otherwise I call it a joke, ragequit, unsub, and call all WoW player stupid, white knights, what have you.


    Not gonna happen.


    We'll, I can't say I have called the player base anything, but okay. The point here is they gave us a great game, and then decided they didn't want to take it in that direction anymore. And so I'm not going to pay $15 a month to play Space Barbie Cutscene Simulator where the entire point is to buy cosmetics off the CM to make yourself look cooler in the cutscenes.

  5. That would be fine, but you also started out the thread by calling oranges a "joke of a [fruit]".


    If a game/fruit/whatever isn't to your taste, that's totally valid and I wish you the best of luck in finding entertainment/foodstuffs more to your liking (which it sounds like you have with WoW). But there are an awful lot of posts on this board that go beyond just "I thought I was getting an apple and they gave me an orange so I'm done" and into "oranges are stupid, people who like oranges are stupid, and BW is stupid for making oranges" territory.


    Leading your thread by calling the game a joke might give one the impression that you're in that second category.


    It's also my stance on the game too. It has become a joke. Look at this DvL fiasco with the achievements. Or how about a feature that players have wanted for awhile now (being able to customize the newer companions) happen and it's called a bug and scheduled for removal. The cartel market being mostly reskins. An MMO where real, hearty group content hasn't been seen in two years. So yes, this apple/orange hybrid is a bit of a joke.

  6. Apples and oranges.

    If you like apples, wonder why you kept eating an orange, and while you still liked it, you ditch it finally and you claim it is because it doesn't taste like an apple.

    The problem was with your original expectation, not so much with the game or its devs (whose have issues, but has nothing to do with your reason for leaving).

    Good luck and enjoy your apple, I guess.


    I enjoy apples. When this game came out, it was advertised as an apple. I consumed an apple for some time, and then BWA said "Our metrics said people like oranges, so here's an orange. We're not stopping apple production, but we're not continuing it either. Don't think about how that's confusing. Buy our Cartel Fruits and accept it."


    So this is me saying I'm going to find a new Apple tree. And this apple tree is WoW. And I enjoy its apples so far.

  7. People don't understand this concept. I've tried explaining this before. All I know is that if I'm playing the game and having fun, i'll pay the subscription while playing. It's the least I can do in thanks for them giving me something that I am enjoying.


    Exactly. I loved this game. Obviously I did, else I wouldn't have given six years of my life to it. I would very much like to see this game thrive. But when I stop having fun, and start getting actively annoyed at the choices and actions of the developers, I'll take my sub elsewhere. On the other hand, like yourself, the more I like a game the more I'll support it. I don't believe that Bioware Austin will change, but a man's allowed to hope.

  8. I did...and you made excellent points and I am sad to see someone like you leave. Thankfully, you told them why...something many people dislike reading on the forums, but also the most critical feedback you could give a developer.


    I hope you return...but I don't think you will...:(


    I'm not against returning, I'd just like to see some of these things fixed. A lot of people are mistaking my post for a hate post, but it's the opposite. I loved this game and I WANT to love it again. This is me telling them why I'm leaving. Vote with your wallet, right?

  9. I went back and read it all. It seems that you've burned yourself out and want to blame the devs. I've been playing since launch day and haven't done all that you listed yet. Also, WoW is trash.


    So, let me reiterate:


    Ugh. :rolleyes:


    I'm not sure if burning out is necessarily the right reason. I'm mainly a raider. I enjoy raiding. There hasn't been a new raid in two years. The new story content is not my taste. How am I wrong in my way of thinking? As far as WoW goes, it doesn't seem like trash to me so far, but again it's all opinion. Either way, I hope you enjoy your time in swtor and find a lot of enjoyment in 5.0.

  10. Poor kids I hate to tell you but it took WoW how many expansions to add companions and they still have it done wrong. I could go on for days about how WoW has failed and I dont care if everyone mainstreams to WoW for crap like Legion I will not buy another one of those games because its such a drain of money for the quality for work they actually give you. I have had several friends try to get me to come back and after watching gameplay over and over I see nothing has changed same grinds, same raids just re-vamped... pathetic work for a 150+ team.... so dont talk to me about this game being bad when the dev team here is less than 1/4 of WoW's and the quality they provide is much more satisfying.


    So far from what I've seen from the WoW dev team I'm pleased. I'm paying the same amount for a subscription, but I feel like with one game I'm getting more. That's all it boils down to. It's entirely a matter of opinion and I even said so in the initial post. Clearly we look for different things and value different things when defining quality, and there's nothing wrong with this. I'm displeased with swtor's quality and that's all there is behind my decision.

  11. Because it finally gave me the nudge I needed to toss this joke of a game out:


    So this was going to be a sarcastic post about how I've been enjoying WoW more in the past few months than I have been enjoying Swtor in the past few years, but about partway through I decided something more serious was in order. I've been playing this game since the beta days without stopping until as of late and I feel like I have a few things worth saying with the release of 5.0.


    Allow me to set the stage for a moment, to try and share a perspective that I don't believe many of the remaining players can share; that of someone who has been here nonstop since the beta, who has dipped into every aspect of this game and, for lack of a better expression, beaten it. I have played through every story. I have leveled every advanced class to max and have done prog raiding on most of them, as every role. I have cleared every raid on every difficulty including timed runs. I've even sold runs. I've completed Kotfe, albeit in a very slow and bored manner. I've collected every datacron, maxed every profession. I have titles on characters that can't even be obtained anymore (and I'm not talking about Infernal/Unyielding). I've played this game to death in every corner of it. Except for GSF. I'm a baddie at that. I loved this game.


    I haven't logged into this game for any significant amount of time since WoW's Legion dropped. There was a time when I strongly believed that this game had all the potential in the world to be the WoW killer everyone thought it would be. The content was fun and refreshing, the stories were amazing in that they were unique and didn't feel awkwardly shoehorned in (Yup yup my smuggler totally killed Valk in a single shot to the back, nothing weird about this at all, feels totally natural). Guilds were alive because there was things for them to do; they weren't doing two year old content for the umpteenth time.


    The dev team has also been a point of disappointment for me, and let me explain why. I'm not going to pretend to know what struggles they go through or what their day to day is, but the lack of competence from them has given me a bit of a chuckle at times. Several year old bugs are left unfixed, there's an economy breaking exploit at least once a month, unwanted things are added and wanted things are swept under the rug (the rug in this case being "soon"). Livestreams are a bit of a mess and the sometimes week long gaps on the dev tracker (or when they do reply it's never to anything truly relevant) make me feel like there is a massive divide between them and us.


    The one redeeming factor, to me, was the story was somewhat interesting. However, recently in swtor's subreddit someone made a post about the writers being in love with their characters and it seemed to make sense when given some thought. With the way they took the story, I feel like my character isn't even my own. Just a vehicle for the writers to tell us how super cool their characters are by comparison. A minor gripe maybe, but one never the less.


    Comparatively, I've had a wonderful experience in WoW. The developer livestreams are consistent and give us useful information. The content stream is excellent and keeps things fresh. Raiding is very alive and celebrated. The developers feel very active in the community and do listen to the advice (even if they don't necessarily act on it, there is evidence it's taken into consideration). The WoW subreddit even has a developer that's active there as opposed to the odd post by Musco on the swtor subreddit. I'm not a WoW veteran by any means, but I know people who are and they seem like they're content with how they've been treated. As a swtor veteran I feel like Bioware Austin couldn't care less for me, which is sad. I used to wear my Founder title proudly, but now it's a joke. In WoW thus far I've seen rated PvP is alive, Guilds thrive, cities are populated, and there are more than 2-3 servers where people congregate. Not to mention the distinct lack of credit spam (although it does exist). It's a breath of fresh air compared to what I've seen this game devolve to in the past few years.


    There's a myriad of other reasons too, but I don't feel like it's worth posting them as ultimately it will fall on deaf ears, trolls, and replies to this asking for all my stuff since I'm quitting (sorry, I've already given all my non bound stuff away to people). I imagine this post will catch some flak, and thats okay. I'm not going to say you're wrong for liking or disliking the game, or that it is dead. Simply put, to me this is not the swtor that I gave 6 years of my life to. To that, my subscription will be cancelled upon completing this post.


    Thank you for 6 years of fun times, good memories, and amazing friendships.



    Yours Truly,


    Suton/Beta, originally of Vornskr now of Harbinger

  12. Good read.


    I like what they are doing with the stats. The truth is, the only stats that matter are your main and Endurance. My Agent does not care about strength since she never uses it, Presence is an afterthought and so on. I am a little wary about the crafting changes as I have a lot of people at 450 (Level 55 cap) and I do not want to lose their utility.


    The story looks like it should be worth at least a month's sub though. At the very least it is making me grind out Makeb over and over and over in expectation of Shadow of Revan being free. This should be a pretty good change, not sure about Galaxies as I never played that.


    One of the concerns with the homogenized gearing is that it will become pretty ridiculous to gear when EVERYONE needs not only the set pieces but the other stuff that drops too for their optimized mod/enhancement/what-have-you which are great for gearing new alts or for players just starting out.

  13. I have played this game since it was in the beta stages. I've dabbled in just about everything this game has to offer whether it be the PvP, the PvE, the social aspect or just running laps on the fleet waiting for something to happen. I have loved each and every moment of that. This game has provided so many positive experiences for me in my years of playing it. Some of the people I've met on here have been people that I have had the pleasure of meeting in person and they have turned into friends I hope will continue to be a significant part of my life in the years to come. I don't post on the forums much at all, but today I feel like I have to.


    Not terribly long after the launch of Rise of the Hutt Cartel, I saw several friends quit the game entirely. The majority of them were fellow raiders and guildies from my first guild on SWToR and I was sad to see them go. Several, but not all, came back for a short while for the Dread Ops and once those were cleared they saw nothing left for them in the game and quit again, having yet to return. There was nothing left for them to do that was new or challenging or exciting, and they "didn't like the direction the game was being taken". I saw no fault with where the game was and where it was going, and was still having fun playing it so I stayed.


    When KoTFE was announced I was very excited and eager to see everything. Lana finally raised enough money to see a plastic surgeon and have her face fixed, we had a new enemy and a new story to dive into, the trailer was simply amazing; I was anxious to dive into it! I was pretty sad that progression raiding was taking a backseat as I've grown to love it, but I hoped maybe it was just a temporary thing. A lot of my friends were fairly disappointed and not looking forward to KoTFE and I couldn't quite grasp why, and I think I am starting to get it now. The changes to the game we know and love are changing it into something else entirely. Streamlining mainstats and the crafting system seems like ridiculous overkill in catering to the lowest common denominator, and the new abilities so far take away a lot of the uniqueness from each class. "When everyone has a leap, nobody has a leap!"


    I have a friend who has done the Consular story probably just short of a dozen times and that story is her absolute favorite. I personally couldn't tolerate it more than one full time. I found the Darkside Warrior story to be fun as all get out, she's not a fan of it. Each time I played through one of the class stories I loved it because it was fresh and new; like reading a book for the first time. The second or third time around though was pretty dull and painful. Progression raiding was similar in that even if I spent several weeks on one boss, it was something I had yet to complete and it challenged me and taunted me to complete it. I loved and hated it, but there was nothing quite as great as the feeling of victory on your first kill of a boss. My concern is that with the focus being SO heavy on the story, what happens to the people who complete it? Not everyone can stand the same story a dozen times. Some may not even like it the first time. What are they to do after that? I fear the game will become desolate in between story arcs.


    I am worried about the direction this game is heading. SWG had a very in depth class system and a large playerbase. They implemented the NGE, streamlined it all and then most of the game population quit. I love this game and the friends I have made on it and do not want to see a second NGE hit and have to watch as hordes of people flock to unsub. I see that happening again slowly with each bit of new information that trickles our way. At first it was amusing, then it seemed like a joke, and finally it has gotten to the point where I wonder is they're going to just give us a single class and let us customize that.


    As I said, I don't often post on the forums. Likely this thread will make absolutely no difference and people will scoff at it and sling some negatives words at me. That's fine. I'm not sure the purpose of it, but likely some hail mary pass to ask that the game we have all known and loved for the past several years isn't broken into a fragment of itself and left to the same fate SWG was. Ultimately, I hope I'm wrong and this all plays out to be so much better than it looks like it will. I love SWToR and I love the community I've grown to know on here, it would suck to see that go.


    tl;dr Please don't NGE SWToR

  14. Hey all. Have another little update for you!


    Firstly, I just want to personally thank everyone who has contacted/ran with/or recommended players to Infinite and Inquisition. It has been a true pleasure running with everyone and we're excited to have helped the community at large prepare for end-game raiding. :)


    Unfortunately, I have just been laid off from my job. With that being said, my game time will be incredibly short as I look to find other employment in about the two-week span I was given to find it. One potential opening has me moving to another city an hour and a half away.


    So, if you are interested in running or scheduling runs, please contact the following person:

    Zaina is his username here on the forums. He's our top raid lead, decorated officer, and dedicated SWTOR player since beta.

    In game, he can be contacted under the characters:

    Aluth: Republic

    Lam'me: Imperial

    Beta: Republic (alt code 0232 on the e)

    Suton: Imperial

    Headstrong: Republic

    Na'je: Imperial


    Once things settle down, I will once more be in contact regarding these runs. And to those who have scheduled runs with us, we still look forward to hosting you. :)





    Hi guys! Zaina here. I'll be temporarily filling in for Rayne. She's gone ahead and listed all the ways to reach me, so any questions you have send my way!

  15. Just completed my run with <Slayer> and it was some of the most fun raiding and embarrassing myself I've had in quite some time! Was great fun spending time with them for a while, and now have a near-complete set of cosmetic gear... I'll be back to get a complete cosmetic set when my funds return!



    Would certainly recommend anyone who needs anything they're offering to see them, they get the job done and have plenty of laughs along the way! The fact they're one of the few with a Republic faction offering is a bonus, 10/10 5 stars you name it! :D


    It was great running with you! Very glad to see you got your wings tonight. Happy flying!

  16. Kudos to Ming-vodo


    Always fun playing with him, and he's usually really nice to me when I'm on his team.


    Edit: And Xinrimy over on the Impside. Without him taking 50% of my damage I'd be a puddle of dead on the floor more often than not.

  17. I noticed earlier in PvP on my Infiltration Shadow that the Low Slash animation seemed to be playing on repeat a few times, and that my target was being whitebarred quicker than usual. I chalked it up to an animation glitch and having people be liberal with their stuns until my friend wanted to see the new animation. We dueled, and I used Low Slash. It hit them...then hit them again...and again...and again. Each time doing damage, stunning them, and not consuming force or a GCD. It will happen during other attacks without interrupting them (we tested using TK Throw) We tested it further, it happens from melee range as well as distance. In fact, distance does not matter. The first hit was within 30m, we ran apart and it was still hitting him from over 45m away. The next hit seems to happen as soon as the stun wears off meaning it can happen as many times as they aren't stunned or whitebarred (using your stunbreak makes it fire off again). It repeats until the target is at a white bar, in which it fires off once more and stops. Further testing showed that if the target resisted the stun somehow (parried, in this case) it stopped the loop. It has a 15 second cooldown and went off about 3-4 times during that cooldown each time. I have attached a parsec log as evidence to this. Not thinking that this is working as intended, but if it is and I am an idiot ignore this.


    As a side note, my friend just tested it on his Shadow and did not have the same issue. It seems to not effect all shadows or assassins.


    My friend and target dummy was able to record some of it via potato so here's that, if it helps fix this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7QPHw9Tdac



  18. But there are, in my opinion and that of others, better systems available.


    Systems that don't give one player the power to alter the experiences of other players.


    It doesn't matter if any of my scenarios happen every day, it only matters if they happen once.


    One time; One rogue "warden" and the game has to do damage control.



    But I am done here.


    I am repeating what I have said because you can;t seem to remember anything past two posts, and the arguments are made.


    Not just by me, but by others as well.


    Yeah, we want better ways to deal with credit sellers, but this ain't it.


    Sure, it isn't the most amazing best idea ever since sliced bread. But it's certainly the most practical. It worked in SWG, it isn't like its a whole new thing that's innovative and never been done before.


    It has both been done AND worked before.


    Others do agree with you, but there are also plenty that think this is a great idea that have posted too.


    It's very little risk for a lot of return, and I don't understand what about that you can't seem to grasp.

  19. I covered this earlier.


    Maybe they have decided to quit.


    Maybe they are tired of the "Jawa game" or someone's political and/or religious rantings.


    Maybe they are drunk and think it's funny.


    Maybe they just had a bad day.




    So much to lose? What? Banned from the game?

    Again, look at what I just said.


    Someone just went through a 12 pack and a fifth after their car got repossessed and you expect them to be overly concerned about being banned because they decided to silence someone that was ticking them off?




    I covered the "reversible" aspect in an earlier post, too.

    That just creates more opportunity for someone to decide that they are going to abuse their power precisely because you plan to give them the means to cover their behinds and call it a "mistake".


    You get silenced for an hour because someone thought that you were LFGing a little too frequently and see how drastically that impacts your fun.


    And the silencer? They get to say "I accidentally did that. Didn't realize it until later so I went back and un-silenced them and apologized".

    Doesn't matter that they fully intended it and the apology was just so many words that meant nothing, all that matters is that the person reviewing this will see that they "corrected their mistake" and call it good.


    And how would one of these other "wardens" (assuming that another one was even on at the time) know that you needed it reversed? You couldn't tell them... You have been silenced.


    And without them being able to go back into the chat log they probably won't be able to see why you were silenced.

    Should they go around unsilencing everyone that jumps around in front of them? That someone else says "they got silenced and need it undone"?


    Because if so, what's the point? A gold seller could have someone come along and say "My friend got silenced. Can you fix it for them?".

    And that is assuming that these "wardens" are somehow marked so that players can pick them out from regular players.


    You're grasping at air, with your argument about the WHY they'd do it. Sure, it can happen. But how likely is it? Not very. Is it worth entirely tossing away a system to fix a problem based off of a very unlikely scenario? Well, no.


    As far as other Wardens being able to unsilence, I'd imagine there would be some kind of system in place where they can see why/who and the logs. Another check/balance. The people chosen are chosen specifically for their unlikeliness to mute people based of being tired of the Jawa thing/religious debates/whatever. Again, they aren't handing this out to just anyone.

  20. You are giving one person the power.


    Okay, so you are giving that power to 50 people or a hundred people or everyone that plays the game, but each person has all the power they need to silence someone.


    They don't require the approval of anyone else to execute their actions.


    You want one person to be able to decide "Hey, I am going to silence that player" for review by someone else later. Possibly much later.


    That there are other individuals given the same power doesn't matter. One person has all the power they need.


    One person.


    That is your idea. Why is it so hard for you to understand it all of a sudden?



    I mean, are we talking hypotheticals? Sure. That one person totally could go and mute everyone on the fleet for six hours. But...why? With all those requirements, they've got so much to lose. And for what? Muting everyone for six hours? And the command is reversible anyways. Not like one of the other Wardens couldn't undo it. It isn't like the effect would be drastic or lasting.

  21. If a group of people large enough to silence someone all report them, then that is not "too few" by any definition of the word.


    You act like one "carefully selected" person is the answer, but that one person could decide that they are leaving and never coming back and proceed to silence everyone that dares chat.


    You think that a guild will get 50-100 people or however many it would take to all decide at the same time that they don't care if they get banned and have a permanent file placed on record for abusing the system?


    The less power any individual has the less likely that power is to be abused.


    You think that the chosen ones would never silence someone playing the silly "Jawa game" or expressing an opinion that they don't like? That they might not do that and then "un-silence" them later to try and pass it all off as a mistake?


    Hard to discipline that person if they acknowledge and correct their "mistake" isn't it? Even if the person so affected had their play experience diminished for several minutes.


    One person with the sole authority or needing 50-100 people to all put forth the effort?


    One person that can try and pass it all off as a "mistake" and grief anyone that speaks if they want to or 50-100 people that will have to accept and answer for their actions every time someone is silenced as a result of them?


    The mere fact that you feel the need to give the lone player an out speaks to the risks of giving one person the power.


    Where are you getting the idea of a lone person? Every mention of this I have used the plural form. It wouldn't be ONE person. It'd be many. If only just for the fact that some servers are active 24/7 and need people from different timezones.


    I'm not sure where you're getting the idea of a single person, but its wrong.

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