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Posts posted by Tenetke

  1. The classes and abilities are mirrors, unless their code is devoid of comments then generally fixing abilities to have them operate in the same manner should not be that difficult. The only reason it would be difficult is:


    1. Animations

    2. Spaghetti Code


    If it is 1 then all you need to do is edit the animation speed, since by now BioWare knows what the issues are and exactly how many seconds have to be shaved off that would be easy to do.


    In fact we know it is in the pipeline for 1.2, but it should be in the pipeline for 1.1.5 and not 1.2.


    If it is 2 then new coders need to be brought into the project to clean it up. Spaghetti Code is really bad and makes fixing code issues exceptionally difficult. Though the code should never have gotten that far if it was in that bad of shape.


    I teach Game Design and programming for a living and have done it professionally as well. Fixing mirror classes, which is what TOR needs to do, is far easier than balancing different factions that have classes with vastly different abilities. The basic fixes regarding mirror class abilities and animation times however are far from difficult given the basic design framework.


    I hate to tell you but this game shows all the signs of number 2. From the looks of it though it's only getting worse.


    I would also say that anyone who has worked in any kind of graphics will tell you it's pretty obvious that the republic fleet was made second. There is simply no way a professional would build the republic, then put in those reflections first. Then build the empire, go back and delete the republic and put in the empire reflections. It's entirely possible that the original images maybe named wrong or something. They could be using some sort of generic term for it, and that might be it. Then either way you are dealing with complete incompetence. There is really no way around it at all. Either they built the empire first and then thought "no one will look close enough to see the reflections", or they built the republic first and didn't bother even checking their resources.


    I'm not saying it's the worst thing in the world, it's just very bad. The poster I'm quoting I have a question for you. If your students made the same mistakes, what kind of grade would you give them?


    For those that don't know what spaghetti code is, basically it's like completely unstructured coding. Never mind, I will quote wiki


    Spaghetti code is a pejorative term for source code that has a complex and tangled control structure, especially one using many GOTOs, exceptions, threads, or other "unstructured" branching constructs. It is named such because program flow tends to look like a bowl of spaghetti, i.e. twisted and tangled. Spaghetti code can be caused by several factors, including inexperienced programmers and a complex program which has been continuously modified over a long life cycle. Structured programming greatly decreased the incidence of spaghetti code.

  2. When will SWTOR Fall?


    When I think of the MMO community I am reminded greatly of the first person shooter industry. In the FPS industry there is total brand recognition and brand loyalty. People who play Halo 3 are insanely critical of every other first person shooter out there.


    People who quit Halo 3 are worse. People who quit Halo 3 end up looking for a game that simply does not exist


    In a similar way the old MMORPG community still flocks around looking for the perfect MMO game. While Massively.com represents a very positive MMO community, MMORPG.com represents the disdain of former World of Warcraft players.


    Star Wars: The Old Republic for so many was a chance at making another World of Warcraft.


    Less than a week after the game launched people were clamoring that the game population shrank…. it did not.


    A month after people claimed it shrank… it did not.


    We’re now two months in and all signs show the game’s population is still growing.


    The thing people are slowly realizing is that the large population of the game isn’t level capped. While the Fleet Republic will see around 200 people, the other zones will look at about 40-50 players each.


    Star Wars: The Old Republic is still growing and all signs show that it’s population will not fall any time soon.


    So the question is… when will it fall. Or more appropriately, what will cause it to fall. There is after all a chance that SWTOR will continue to grow in sales and will find a revenue model that will attract more constant players.


    So off to what will cause SWTOR to fall!














    I understand being hopeful, but what you are doing is basically telling a lie. Hoping that peoples perception will change based on it. That just isn't how it works. Now if you could somehow change it so that actually in the game they didn't see it dead, well then you would have a good chance of it working. Right now people log in, they can easily see that there might be 50 to 100 on the fleet, thats generally it. Most higher level planets have 1, or 2 at most on them.


    Please feel free to show us your screenshots though. Log in and do a /2who of every planet. Show us those high level planets with 50 people on them. I will gladly cheer for you. It means you've managed to find a server where the majority haven't quit. Most aren't like that.




    Yes, it's growing so fast that light servers have increased drastically, and heavy are almost as flat as full. LOL, you guys talk a big game but the graphs don't back it up. Wait...next you will say how that site is the devil and they are just making up numbers to see BW fail.

  3. The OP has a date for it.


    2 weeks agoish.




    And wouldn't a better sample be on the weekend during prime-time?


    LOL then please, feel free to post one then. It won't look like the above. One of the highest servers was swiftsure, and they were basing it off having most of the players who are switching to oceanic.


    There is already a site that tracks this though.






    I don't think anyone wants the game to fail. BW still has time to turn it around. They are still either around 1 million or just over (my guess). So I would certainly say they have time to change things. The problem is that they have lost so many people. Those people tell their friends. Word of mouth gets around, you have people going to third party sites and posting bad reviews bad things about the game. New potential players see it, and they turn away from it.


    I've canceled until I see 1.2. Based on it I will renew or just stay gone. I think there are quite a few others like that.

  4. The worst tanks in pvp are the ones using the tank spec...


    A tactics vanguard is an awesome tank in pvp, when paired with a commando healer :)


    I think that's what the OP is referring to. In pvp the tank ac is better off with a dps spec. You can go some tank, but things like shield/defense are pretty much useless. On my tanks I don't even bother with a shield usually when I can get better stats from a non shield. Keep guard up, taunt, and play just like any other damage dealer.

  5. Now i i know everyone will say Guardian so that is not even something i would talk about.

    The Guardian is not even a good tank PvE but a complete failure.We all know tanking in SWTOR pvp doesent work because force attacks and teck attacks bypass shields so tanks in general are useless in pvp.Unless one is in a pre made with a damd good pocket healer

    and someone actually guarding the "tank" ^^


    But i would have to give the vote to Vanguard.Have not played Empire tanks

    so dont know about them ?


    Hey I like my vanguard. I do agree about the tanking aspect being next to useless for them. Almost all of the damage you take in pvp is going to be types that ignore shield/defense. Nothing to do for it though, just have to take it and keep playing if you like the ac.

  6. True that. Rift was awarded the prestigious First Bug-Free Software Ever Released Prize.




    Oh, snap. I thought you just said it released without any bugs. Still, that's an awesome accomplishment: You submit a bug report and it is fixed instantly with a hotfix.


    Pfft I was there at release. RIFT had bugs. They just were pretty minor. Even then when you reported them you actually felt like the devs cared. It is very different than I feel here. When I can submit a bug report and I get



  7. A whole 2 months? Wow, it is a good thing you weren't around when WoW released, having to farm the 1 raid zone (2 if you count scholomance but it was soooo buggy as to almost be unplayable for the first almost 5 months and, to this day, there are bugs in there Blizzard has still never fixed heh) for close to 4-6 months, you probably would have predicted it's failure as well?





    NOT TO THE OP (although, because I quoted his post, I am sure he will think I am talking about him ...)




    Will SWTOR do well? I hope so, it is a fun game and had a great launch compared to the many others I have played. Honestly, the only ones that know are BW and EA how it is doing and making speculations on if it has 4 subs in 6 months, is FtP in a year or if it has a billion subs is just simply silly. I am sure they (EA/BW) will let everyone know how their subs are going, they have to, they have investors (I know someone will counter with how they will just lie as I have seen other threads, those make me laugh and realize just how little soooo many know about how the business world and how it's laws function) ...



    blah blah blah


    tldr: Oh crap, BW really dropped the ball. People are actually leaving, and worse no matter how liberal the mods are they can't silence them. MY GAME IZ DIEIN' *** DO I DO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I know, I will attack anyone that even says anything negative.

  8. I totally agree stop playing with yourself reroll ON this dudes server or reroll on "THE SWIFTSURE" ok just do one of these 2 servers start rerollingto one of these two servers and you wont regret it trust me and this dude best move you can ever do untill Bioware can come up with server transfer


    Isn't SS about to have an exodus because of the new servers?

  9. BW have announced they will be releasing Australian servers in Australia in early March, and giving the Australian's transfers off the current unofficial Australian servers "The Swiftsure" and "The Harbringer" to those new servers.


    My concern is that as an American playing on The Swiftsure that it will effectively kill my server by removing 70% of it's population.


    I rolled on this server as i work nightshifts it seemed like a logical choice, the unofficial Aussie servers usually are very well populated 24/7 unlike other servers. So it suited me perfectly.


    After the Aussies all transfer off we will be left with a ghost-town server with no option to do anything other than re-roll on a populated server or unsub, and tbh the unsub option is more appealing than having to re-roll again and lose everything i have worked on for the past 2 months (3 level 50's).


    I suggest that EVERYONE on the current 2 Australian servers "the swiftsure" and "the harbringer" be given free transfers so we can all move to servers that suit us rather than punishing us by leaving us on deserted servers.



    So you guys are afraid your server will end up like the majority of the other NA servers?


    Yes, sadly this is a reality for many of us. We have asked repeatedly for merges. Looks like ignoring the players is still in full swing at bioware. Hey it worked with most of the problems they were having with their launcher though. They ignored it till pretty much all of them quit. So in the end, they aren't complaining anymore.


    Like a poster above me I can't help but laugh at the fact that the two servers who always attack people asking for mergers might be in trouble. Oh, this is sweet karma at it's best.

  10. This.


    It's so wildly stupid how people look at this game as a competition. It's like someone is giving you a bowl with every fruit in the world and you only eat a single grape as fast as you can. Learn how to not rush it, enjoy it and everything it has to offer.


    I should be poet some day... :csw_jabbapet:


    What are you smoking, the game has been out 2 months. I don't see how you people can say that isn't enough time for a person to reach max level. Even casual players doing at most an hour a day have done that. How long exactly do you people think it should take to reach level 50? 2 months isn't enough, so maybe let's shoot for 4? No, because guess what would happen. Even at 4 months it would be the exact same thing.


    Fanboys need to face it, once you reach level 50 there is only a very limited amount to do. The bulk of the game is pre 50. Now the problem there is that the bulk of the game is EXACTLY the same on an alt. I know this because I have multiple characters already there. Sure the story lines are great, but that's such a tiny portion of the content. The rest of it is all the same. Now if they had made it so that the story lines were the bulk of the content I could agree that rolling alts becomes really interesting.


    Oh and bw go ahead and give me an infraction for this post because I really just don't give a damn anymore.

  11. What i am saying is that concerned players need to set a date and schedule a 15 minute log out to try and get some response on some mergers or transfers or something.


    Ah, good luck with it. I personally don't think they care. They have the numbers already. I don't think it's just chance that the big release for other markets happens to be in time to boost numbers for the earnings call.

  12. We need to set a time for a 15 min logout


    You are talking about a company that can't patch without creating 20 more bugs, and refuses to even listen to the people that post bugs they do find. Do you honestly expect them to keep a schedule?


    Let me give you an example of their cs real quick




    You expect a company that can't even get a copy paste right to keep to a schedule?

  13. It's amazing how big of a deal some of you are making this out to be.


    Exactly who is making a big deal of it. So far I see some people having a laugh, and the rabid fanboys so damn afraid anything negative will be said you are all attacking. I would like to suggest that the fanboys calm the #$%^ down.


    I mean ffs we can't even hae a laugh without you crazy idiots going on the attack. I wish people acted on here more like they do in real life. No, don't say you do. You don't. If you fanboys attacked in real life like you do on here we would hear about it on the news. "Rabid mmo fan is beaten publicly by a group for acting like a dick, he is in ic but stable. More news no one cares about at 11"

  14. A bunch of us on the Fleet were going "Hey, it's like 11 till and no warning...whassup?", and we kept talking as the time went down...finally got to like 0158 and we had just about decided that they were gonna skip it, when BAM - major shutdown warning spam !!!!


    I thought it was uproariously funny, but I immeiately came to the forums to how many msgs were posted about it, and how many slope-headed troglodytes were crying and moaning about how inconvenienced and screwed over they had just been by Evil Ole Blizz. And I was right. Haven't found a post yet that demands a day or a month of free play time for repayment of said indignities, but with the number of lowlifes that come on here to whine (most of which probably don't even play any more), tis only a matter time...:D


    I don't see why anyone would get mad about it. Except for that one guy being a dick last page, (and I fully plan to troll him so much ammunition from his attacks on spelling to timing) everyone seems to just be getting a good laugh about it.

  15. Hey. Guy.


    The announcement said it was the 28th.


    Tell me, dearie, what is the date?


    Oh, that's right. The 28th.


    You're right there, sonny. They're way off course.


    Boy I'm going to enjoy trolling you the next time their schedule doesn't go exactly as stated. In fact, I'm adding you to friends for just so a fun occasion.

  16. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/417295_928084085319_42813289_37493450_713461323_n.jpg


    Now aside from the crazy countdown of 5,10,15,3,4,2,1 the first part of that all happened in the space of about 1 minute. I had started my story area and though"hey they will give at least a 5 minute warning" After getting through it though I'm almost at the end, bam countdown. I managed to make it through the little boss fight at the end and almost made it to the console.


    Guys, I know it's late but put down the alcohol, I really think you've had enough.


    btw I'm not mad or anything, it's just kind of funny to imagine one of the people there chugging and then stumbling over and randomly mashing the msg buttons.

  17. Shadow hand 7:20 - 95 on fleet. That's actually high, haven't been that many here in awhile. I'm keeping a screenshot diary so to speak for 7pm. I can't help but remember a few weeks ago when that number was over double.


    95 is a good bit too, but when you consider it's in the top 5 for population, if I recall correctly, that's kind of sad. I know pre 5pm you are lucky to find 40 people on, and after 10pm it drops off back to that. I can't imagine how bad it must be on servers lower than this in population.


    Hell even with a server this high in pop there are still only 12 people on voss, less on cor.



    A smart company can admit a mistake and correct a problem before it snowballs. It's not looking like Bioware is an intelligent company (cue LOL, THEY MAKE MILLIONS!). Guess what - lots of companies that have made lots of money have failed down the line. Past success != future successes.


    Like so many other things with the game they aren't going to admit it's a problem. They are going to ignore it.


    They are stuck though, if they merge it's like admitting the game has failed. If they offer transfers it will be even worse because they know people will move to higher pop servers. Leaving them with even more dead servers. If they keep ignoring it they can put out a nice post about a huge increase in numbers soon because of opening in new markets. I imagine they are hoping that the perception will be "ToR is doing great, let's all play". Then those new people might reinvigorate some of the dead servers.

  18. I am sure it will:D


    Aww come on you know you can't wait to make some of them cry. I mean, I want the game to do good. It just scares me how any rational person could say there hasn't been huge drop offs in the population. What they need is a clear cut hard number realtiy check. It's going to be grand.

  19. I was reading today's Q&A when I came across this question.




    Now let me preface this by saying it's good that Bioware is paying attention to this issue and dedicated to solving it.


    But let me make one thing clear. The poor performance of SWTOR on many low and high-end systems is almost entirely due to poor programming and resource allocation by the HERO engine. Bioware, please stop blaming poor performance on players client machines when the engine you chose to host SWTOR clearly isn't up to the job.


    If I can play the single-player campaign @ max. detail above 40 FPS and yet my FPS drop below 20, even at the lowest possible settings in a Warzone (especially Alderaan) then the fault isn't with my hardware, it's with your engine.


    Addressing performance issues isn't about making SWTOR run on "even cheaper computers", it's about fixing that damn mess of a code you guys call your engine and turning into something worthy of the most expensive video game ever made.


    +1, I'm so glad others have noticed this. My favorite is when they tried to blame Nvidia. LOL. Their handling of ToR has caused me to not even preorder me3. I will play it eventually, but the company has changed.

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