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  1. I would tell you what, but the profanity filter is blocking me from submitting the explanation.
  2. Dude, imagine the top view of an arena map, it is rectangular. If I am in the bottom left quadrant with the sentinel and I holocate to the top right quadrant and within 0,5-1 second of the holocate the jedi sentinel is on me then either it bugged and he/she ported with me or....you tell me...
  3. LOL, just now in arena, I holocate across the entire map and a jedi sentinel that was chasing appears immediately next to me...I am sure it is some spell that jedi sentinel has....
  4. The knockback spell that both Gunslinger/Sniper have basically only somehow works when you are standing on a level ground, the moment you are on a slope or uneven surface it knocks the target basically 1-2 meters away...useless design. For example. I just noticed in a warzone, the pushback spell that a sorcerer has seems to work whether I am above the sorcer, below him, we are on a level surface...interesting a similar spell can work for one specialization, but not for another.
  5. The design of scaling battlegrounds, everyone scales up to 80 (health-wise) but you put level 50(80) vs. 75(80) ability-wise...great choice! /clap
  6. Basically BIOWARE wants players to play PVP with PVE abilities and talents...message received.
  7. As a gunslinger/marksman I cast Surrender with Reset Engagement talent that purges movement impairing effect. So I cast it when I get rooted and 1 second later I get another movement impairing effect haha...I use it it removes one movement impairing effect, I get a +75% speed increase and 1 second later I get another movement impairing effect and I just sit there with +75% speed increase not moving...wow, makes sense.
  8. The fact that when you use the Escape (PVP trinket ability) and the resolve bar does not fully fill up to make you immune to CC is wrong. It would make sense that using a PVP trinket would remove CC and make you immune (fill up the resolve bar), but as it is, it is not good. Because, if you use trinket to get out of a full CC and right away you get another couple of full duration CCs, then it is useless. If as said above the purpose of a PVP trinket is to get out of a CC to finish someone off and not to survive, then it is a not a viable solution.
  9. The Life Warden relic does not reset after arena match, nor does it reset when you enter a new arena...the only healing I can get as a sniper and it has a 10 minute cooldown...effing hell.
  10. The arena frames are ridiculous. I can't keybind individual enemy frames so I have to TAB target. Seriously?
  11. 4 melees attack me in entrench, I am dead before I can double tap the keybind for distraction and throw it out....what a PVP experience.
  12. Warzone adrenals (-15% damage taken) with life warden healing and still tunneled to death, what a PVP experience....
  13. Haha, stunlocked to death and can't use trinket because then I will get immediately another full duration CC. I mean either the CC design in SWTOR is very poor or the survivability of sniper is just isht.
  14. With the marksmanship sniper talents it really feels that certain tiers contain passives that should be part of the default skill toolkit, but instead I am forced to choose between utility, defensive, mobility or some other benefit.
  15. Absolute horseisht with the different talents. Time to cancel subscription and wait IF anything changes in the coming years. I think the mere fact that they are running 32-bit game in the 21st century speaks volumes.
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