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  1. Not sure if this was suggested in the past dozen years, but it would be nice to know which character is in which guild on the select screen when you first log in to the game. I have several characters making it a challenge tracking each one. If you could put the guild name and it's avatar next to the character, that'd be really helpful. thank you for your consideration.
  2. any followup on this? i have the same problem.
  3. hey, i did a 6v5 earlier & was able to achieve 8 medals. i captured 2 turrets, lost 2 turret and defended 2. i scrapped over the middle turret for a short bit - overall i think 8 was reasonable accomplishment for the effort. as mentioned by another user, obtaining kills while capturing is a neat idea, i wouldn't lump it with attacking/defending unless the turret was obtained. BUT, i would give some medal for kills or damage or healing in a "general" category for overall effort. is there only attack & defending medals? used a level 80 combat sentinel w/ 336 item rating focused on critical. as for "pre-made" vs mixed solo, it really does drive people from PVP - not to discourage friends from playing together, but there needs to be a way to keep the gaming sweatshop armies from bulldozing through casual players. i routinely play with my wife, grouped, with cute/matching names but we are casual & not a threat to solo players. how do we get to play together without facing the top 8 ranked pvp teams?
  4. no issues logging into 64bit pts at this time. during warzone, seemed slightly sluggish in activity and fighting
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