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Posts posted by floraandfaunna

  1. 1. I generally enjoy Galactic Seasons, especially the way it makes it easy to PUG group content I'd otherwise be to shy to put together a group for. 

    2. I love PH4-LNX for establishing that not all the GEMINI droids died anticlimactically and just generally looking very cool. I'm more neutral on Fen Zeil, though I enjoy the way that the rewards on the track were all tightly themed around the Shadow Syndicate. Altuur ended up feeling like a generic Kubaz whose rewards had more to do with him being an anteater than having a personality.

    3. The Czerka weapons were undermined by the new Nightlife and Feast of Prosperity weapons that were also released this year and have a similar color scheme with way cooler designs. The armor sets did a great job of filling a niche for high res, casual sets. It felt weird that the decorations were themed after Iokath instead of G.A.M.E., but I liked having an alternate appearance for my stronghold mailboxes.

    4. I generally like the objectives. I liked how right after PvP Seasons launched, there were PvP objectives for two weeks in a row. I do think warzone queues are longer on weeks where there's no warzone objective, so selfishly I would like one of those every week.

    5. Last season I had computer troubles that kept me from being able to start until two months in, and I really appreciated still being able to complete the track. The achievements do a good job of providing a stretch goal without having rewards so amazing you feel bad for not being able to get there.

    6. When it's running, Galactic Seasons is the thing my play sessions revolve around. Sometimes this leaves me without time or energy to pursue my own goals, but more often it means that I'm playing SWTOR when I would otherwise be playing another game.

    7. I'm a little concerned the reputation tab is going to get cluttered up with reputation tracks that new players can't progress, and I'm not sure why we need a reputation track for every season. 

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