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Posts posted by Ragetti

  1. I thought I would be the same with my second time playing through. But even though there are a lot of the same quests, the different classes have different reactions and motivations and there's a whole other layer when you start doing DS and LS as well. Going into the game again I really thought I would be agreeing with you but I'm very happy to say I'm enjoying all the cut

    Scenes second time through

  2. I think this behaviour is an acceptable part of the game and if that's the way people want to play it reflect back on them and their play style. when a player does this to me I form the opinion that he will just play as selfishly in a group situation and use the world chat function to warn it other players. hopefully it will be harder for them to group. If nothing else it really ticks them off that you call their behavior out in front of everyone and have gotten into huge arguments with them before. Loot ganking is part of them game, but so is naming and shaming
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