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Posts posted by Giraddaa

  1. Nerfing Karagga's Palace conquest point farming will only make the game experience more miserable for casual players, while having minimal impact on hardcore players and those in the largest guilds.


    1. Essential items and such have became heavily inflated in SWTOR, either forcing players to grind for money or use cartel coins to enjoy the game.


    2. A solution to this misery is items obtained from conquest, which are expensive mats that are high in demand.


    3. For casual players in small guilds, hitting the guild conquest objective is very hard, halving your potential income from conquest mats. This has various negative impacts on small guilds. For example, it makes it much harder to start and grow a guild, as players prefer larger guilds that give out large conquest yields.


    Considering the current situation as stated above, simply nerfing KP conquest farming will only worsen gameplay for casual players. KP conquest farming allows casual players to do a hour or two of grinding in Karaga's Palace, fulfill the conquest objective both for yourself and your small guild, and start actually enjoying the game. If you need to nerf KP conquest farming, then provide an alternative solution. Significantly increase conquest points for daily activities like warzones and flashpoints. If larger guilds are abusing this system, then put a conquest cap on character like a previous member suggested.


    As of this moment, nerfing KP conquest farming will only benefit hardcore players in huge guilds and will make gameplay miserable for casual players in small guilds. KP conquest farming allows casual players to take care of the conquest requirement easily and go on to enjoy rest of the game as intended. If KP conquest farming is to be nerfed, provide an alternative, or else, SWTOR gameplay will just become more miserable.

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