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Posts posted by LaraMoonlock

  1. 9 hours ago, CamperT said:

    @LaraMoonlockAll this is sold on GTN and drops from packs

    Sets that were not there or were very rare were added during the sale

    Neither of those sets has been on the GTN in months, and that's just when I started looking. Perhaps they were there during the Christmas sale, but I wasn't looking for them then. I'm just saying that not every set was available during the last sale. It wasn't a lot of them, but there were some.

  2. There were some armors that weren't included in the sale that also haven't been in the Cartel Market for some time, I'm only going off of what I didn't have collected here, but Exquisite Dancer, and Relaxed Uniform were among them, along with probably a dozen others that I didn't have collected already.

    It would be nice to get those old modded armors, along with things like AC-PT Walker mount. Also maybe lookinto a way to make the modded armors actually reclaimable, like every other collection armor while they're at it.

  3. The same is also true for outfits, pets, weapons, color crystals, and just about every other category in collections. They all have some items that are obtained only on a per character basis that aren't available to be unlocked via the Collections mechanic, and so aren't included in it.

    • Like 1
  4. As mentioned above, not only did a lot of players kill her, but even if they didn't, she doesn't have a track record that gives me a lot of confidence in her longevity. It seemed that every mission she had stormed off ahead and got cornered, knocked out or captured. She was on a fast track to an early grave.

  5. It's the same for Pubs and Imps. If you start an advanced character (one that starts at Ossus or whatever) your only choices for romances are those that are introduced after that point. Tau and Arn for Pubs, Anri and Rivix for Imps.


    Edit: Oh, and I suppose the options for "returning" story companions where the option didn't exist in the main story, but those seem to be limited to force users.

  6. 6 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

    Are we suppose to do 7 weeklies every week for the full 20 weeks of Galactic Season just to keep up to the weekly goal of 68.5 Blueprint Fragments a week?

    That won't even do it. 7 dailies will give 7 fragments per week and the best that you can get from weeklies would be 50 if you did 5 of the 12 pointers, which is the most that I've seen, and 2 of the others. Still 11-12 per week short, so you'll need to grind those out. 

  7. On 3/14/2024 at 10:41 AM, juliushorst said:

    The annoying part stayed - now you just collect vendor trash without reputation track.


    On 3/14/2024 at 3:22 PM, Darkestmonty said:

    exactly, same work, less reward

    More work, even. With the reputations, you needed to collect slightly over 81 of the special doodads per week to get enough to fill the rep before the season ended. With the new system, you need to collect 75 of the new doodads per week. Sounds better until you realize that they cut the doodad rewards for objectives basically in half. 1 for the daily, down from 2, 5 for the 8 pointers, down from 10, and 8 for the 12 pointers, down from 15. Nearly double the effort for less rewards.

  8. It seems likely that they'll go for the Ossus and beyond love interests next. These first 4 were the ones with the most bang for the buck, considering that they have no restrictions at all, being available to any character, regardless of faction, origin story, or biological sex. Only makes sense that they would then go for the next-least restrictive, Anri, Tau, Rivix, and Arn, since they are available to everyone within their respective factions.

    To be clear, I haven't romanced any of those 4, but it just seems like that would be the next logical step. Those of us who romanced origin story companions will probably have to wait.

  9. That's strange. I have a Galaxy S22, so roughly 2 years old, though I got it about a year ago, and it was able to download the SWTOR SK app with no problem.


    Thanks to this topic, though, I have switched to Google Authenticator, so should have no problems whenever I switch to a new phone. I had the last one for almost 6 years, since I don't generally upgrade until something goes wrong with a phone, so that will probably be around 2028 or so.

  10. On 8/25/2023 at 7:07 AM, bahramnima said:

    as far as i know if you join republic or imp the flag on odessen will change if your flag is still alliance flag it is possible you choose independent, other than the flag i do not think there is way to tell, also if you are imp origin and  joined imp again, that republic admiral aygo or something will leave and new woman imp admiral will replace him. that is all i know there might be some other way maybe ppl will answer you.

    Aygo "leaves" any character that started as Imperial, no matter what choices that character made after the traitor arc. Though he has this funny way of leaving where he's still around, "getting Pardax up to speed" right up to the present. <Spoilers on the reasoning below>



    No matter if you choose to remain independent, you are still viewed by all as an ally of your original faction. Even if you choose to be a saboteur for the opposite faction, the only ones who know that are Lana, your contact in the opposite faction, and possibly Theron, if you chose to tell him.


  11. That happens to everyone, it seems. Around when you start Ossus, any class companion that wasn't recruited as part of the Knights expansion chapters goes back to Unavailable and unusable, then returns to usable during Onslaught, but leaves a duplicate in Unavailable. There's also some wonkiness for those reclaimed via the console on Odessen, at least for the classes that didn't have them from their class stories. Does your Akaavi in the Alliance section have an entry about your relationship status? Every returned story companion that any of my characters had an active relationship with going into Fallen Empire does.

    • Like 1
  12. First of all FPs do drop gear you can upgrade.


    11k Fragments is good, why would you want a higher cap? There is no reason to, you can max an implant from 326 to 334 with just 10k, being at the cap is always wrong AND there is always something to spend them on.


    The 999 caps do not matter, what would you possibly spend 2k PvP mats on? Certainly not gear, you would've already bought it then? A cap increase only increases the time you take to be capped at a different number so high you couldn't apend them effectively even if you wanted to. The solution to not being capped is to INCREASE the upgrade prices, but I bet thats not what you want, They could also add... mhm let's see something like a tech fragment to conquest medal trade? Oh wait, they did.


    With the 999 cap, I think he's referring to Daily Resource Matrices. The only problem that I have with it is the odd number. Just increasing it by 1 to 1000 even would be a leap forward in usefulness. He's only mentioning the WZ and OP currencies because they get your hopes up only to let you down. I don't much care myself, except for the fact that blue quality trash drops seem to only give WZ-1 drops when deconstructed, and they have no business giving that, out of all of the possible currencies. Literally any of the other ones would make more sense, given that you don't get trash gear from any kind of PvP that I'm aware of.

  13. Also, they claimed in the live stream that currency was not going to be rewarded, and the odds of getting it would be replaced with getting a prize... Nope. I got more Kingpin tokens than anything else from my Emperor's coins.


    They claimed that they reduced the chances of currency being rewarded from the Emperor machines, not that it wouldn't be rewarded at all. I couldn't honestly tell you if that is true, since I have probably only rolled about 200 times or so on those machines in the past.

  14. SM is a cakewalk where it's almost impossible to die. Vet mode is quite challenging and there are mechanics that must be followed. If you die, you'll have to break out of prison before you can resume your progress.


    I'd imagine that just about the only way to die in a Story Star Fortress would be to set your companion to passive and go AFK in the middle of a group. Be warned that sometimes getting tossed in jail will bug you out in a couple of possible ways. Making it so that, even if you disable the collar, you won't be able to use abilities. or by dumping you in a completely different map for the same Star Fortress halfway through, making it so that you can't collect any more of the temp abilities.


    This guide is from 2015 but is still the most comprehensive walkthrough. Basically you do the initial story mission on any of the relevant planets, go back to Odessen and figure out the next steps with Theron, do the missions on each planet to destroy the ground base, THEN do the veteran mode, and if you pass then you get the companion and the achievement.


    One new wrinkle is that SFs have apparently gotten more difficult since 7.0 because of changes to comp healing. idk if that's true, I finished all of them in 6.0.


    A few tips:


    - obviously, use a lvl 50 comp set to heal.

    - level each of your specialists on odessen to 10--each one gives you a buff you can redeem at the machine at the beginning of the vet FP. You can also find a gadget of theirs near a champ which can give you a deployable turret which is very helpful. There is a cheevo to doing it without the buffs but avoid until you've gotten proficient at doing SFs

    - Stealthers are useful in the first section of the SF to skip mobs, but useless in the last area (the sun room). Gunslingers can be useful in the last area because entrench can block the knockback mechanic while you're trying to activate the console.

    - Read the section in the guide carefully on how to disable the console /shielded areas/droids, because it is not very intuitive and you'll die a lot using trial and error.

    - Again, read the guide carefully for the boss fight, specifically when you need to interrupt the boss channels and avoiding the edges of the area, because the boss can knock you off it and insta-death.


    I did all of them solo, and I'm not a great player. The guide is very helpful. That said, it might be easier to do with someone else: I see people on fleet asking for help all the time. The problem is that once you've done the cheevos, there's not much reason to do them again; the time investment is so heavy that for players who know the mechanics, it's just not worth it, even for conquest.


    They are definitely more difficult in 7.0+, but not insurmountably so. I did Alderaan just before 7.0 on 8 characters, but all of the rest, which are mostly more difficult, during 7.0.2. It took some time to figure out how to approach the fights, but with Combat Styles and Loadouts, I managed to get there eventually. For all but Nar Shaddaa and Voss, I would reccommend going as DPS with a healer companion (Z0-0M if you have her, or a dual pistol user like Vette if you don't) and as a Tank for NS and Voss with the same companion as the others. It will be slow, but the Exarchs in those have self-heal channels, so the fights are going to last longer, even if you interrupt as often as you can, which means way more chances for a string of big hits, stuns, knockbacks into death patches, and just overall death.


    Use everything that you have in the Exarch fight, but probably avoid even picking up Hylo's grenade ability, and maybe try to burn off any excess Dendrite abilitiy charges. You do this to make room on the temporary ability tray, which only has 12 slots, so getting the grenade, or having any Dendrite charages left ofter finishing the final console, will block you from being able to use Legacy Force Choke from Heroic Moment, and having both will mean that you also lose access to whichever the next one back is, I think Sticky Grenade. Not a huge loss on the Sticky Grenade, but the choke is pretty nice to have. Use Unity, use all of the other temp abilities as often as they come up, and be sure to use the Photelectric Dampening Field, and refresh it when it gets down to 1 charge left.


    The only exception that I would make to using a Tank for the self-healers would be a truly ranged DPS class. One that isn't throwing away most of its heaviest attacks by not closing in to melee. Something like a Mercenary, Commando, Sniper or Gunslinger. I managed both on a Mercenary, but only because she had no access to a Tank spec, and I just wasn't cutting it healing a DPS companion.


    Even with guides and advice, it will take time and patience to figure the Exarch fights out, but they're doable. I even managed the achievement for soloing one (Belsavis was my choice) without using the Alliance buffs or temp powers in 7.0.2, so it can be done.

  15. I’m still working on some of the resurrected armor. I’m of the firm opinion that they have a lower drop chance. The RNG gods like sacrifices but determining what sacrifice they want is the problem.


    That's an interesting thought. Of all of the sets, 4 of the last 5 that I hadn't filled were Ressurected, and I still need 1 piece each from the Warrior, Knight and Inquisitor ones. It sure does seem like Ressurected pieces drop a bit less for so many of them to be among the last sets to complete.


    Edit: By the way, the last piece of Ressurected Warrior's set that I need is the head, so it doesn't seem to be specific pieces universally, just the sets themselves seem to come up a bit less often than the others.

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