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Posts posted by Lyonelus

  1. Hello, friends. Finding mid-to-heavy RP imperial guild. No matter how large, how many members etc., but not too much "Dark Side" (well, at least not jerk-type of Dark Side /first kill, then ask/).


    Anyone know?

    Thank you.:)

  2. I would be very happy and maybe even paid for it, but doubt it. I think some kind of campaign/story under Rakton command would be great and maybe some type of story in which imperial troops clash with sith traditionalists and also fight against Jace Malcom.

    However, oldest posts asking for this class are from 2011/2012, so probably will not happen. Creators should now fully focus on Onslaught, where I hope, will be at least some kind of un-canonical Sith Empire victory ending.

  3. With a companion and decent gear for your level all heroic missions should be pretty easy really.


    Have you maybe changed out some of your gear or are using a companion which has less influence and so is less effective?


    Jaesa, 17 level. About armor, have modification from rating 230-270.

  4. No, there's no setting I now that can lower the level of a heroic. However, I do recommend the following:


    1. Your gear: Make sure that it is at or near your current level. If Make sure your armoring, mods, and enhancements fit your current set up. Example, if you're a tank, all should benefit a tank build. Same thing for dps. I recommend a minimum of blue level gear. This includes ear, implants, and relics.


    2. Companion: Make sure that your companion is leveled sufficiently. If you're level 40, your companion should be at or near half of what your level is. If you're level 45, 25 to 30 should be your comp's level.


    3. Finally, make sure you've chosen you talent specialty and abilities. You'd be surprised how many do not do this either by choice, forget, or don't even know this. Choose your toon's talent: tank, DPS, or heals as required by the class. Then go through and choose the abilities (press K) that best help your toon's talent.


    If you've not done any of this, do so and it will make doing heroics far more pleasurable and rewarding, with less frustration. Keeping up with these as you level, specially if you're not over leveled, will make playing "easier" in the end.


    Thank you very much for tips. I am 75 (now on Belsavis capped on 45) and I have Jaesa as companion (she is 17). Which of that levels count - 75 or 45?

  5. Hello. Is there any way how to decrease difficulty? I do not know what happend, but now, heroic missions are nearly unplayable solo. Everytime, it take me about hour to complete heroic mission, include many deaths and it is frustrating. Doing now Lights Out on Belsavis and I was seventh times killed and play it 40 minutes, but I hope I will be able to complete it.

    Please, help. Is there any option or setting to decrease difficulty?

  6. Hello, everyone :) Want ask. If I play as LS SI and I will be granted Darth Imperius "title" (I know, its only very few time used...) and then I join Dark Side, what will happen? Will I lost Darth Imperius in storyline and NPC would call me Darth Occulus/Darth Nox, or is it permanent after chapter 3?


    Thx :)

  7. Sorry, but I must also write here. Have same problem. I am playing on different connections. One at home, one at other place. First one is okay, but second one is falling in various periods after starting play SWTOR. During anyother game, application etc., it is not happening.
  8. Messages blank, extreme long loading, some bizzare thing with full queue and worsing position in queue, cant aboard ship and dozen other problems.

    What should I do?

    Thx for help.

  9. Is Jaesa Willsaam on Balmorra? When you play Sith Warrior storyline and going through Balmorra, you can see cage in interrogation room/prison, in which sit female NPC level 1, hp 90/90 and it look like some kind of disguised Jaesa. I have screenshot, but dont know how to attach it here. Am I wrong, or is it Jaesa?
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