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Posts posted by MasterLume

  1. Hello all!! The new upcoming guild <Sithbusters> is looking for new recruits now! We focus on teamwork and encourage members to help each other out. The guild is a Republic only guild so no Imperial classes are allowed. Our main objective is to participate in all Guild involved activites such as Guild Conquests, Operations and more! Since the guild is up and coming, now is the best time to join to experience its growth with others and be apart of an everlasting legacy! Join us today, and let us rid the galaxy of evil!



    - Character must be a Republic class

    - Character must be at least level 10

    - Player is respectful and helpful

    - Player has Discord (can create a free account in five minutes; it's like Skype)

    - Player is fairly active (at least an hour a week)


    Application Form: SIGN UP TODAY!

    If you meet the requirements and would like to join, fill out this application and a correspondent will get back to you shortly.

    Application: https://goo.gl/forms/Z4VB8PbfVLXIVmI02


    Let's bust some Sith!

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