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Everything posted by Mirarei

  1. Thank you for your insight, @WayOfTheWarriorx. I do hope you are right. While I do not usually write on the forums, I often read the opinions of others. English is not my main language, but I try to wrap up my feelings as well, because I feel like it is time I let my voice heard. I get it that a significant portion of the player base is frustrated and angry, feeling ignored and let down. When we all started, we got less and less by the years. Nothing is ever perfect, remember that. But also remember that all of the players who are still here and supporting this game is here for a reason: the game holds a special place in our hearts. The storytelling, the immersive gameplay, and also the bonds we have formed within the community. It kept us invested for years. Personally, SWTOR is a refuge for me, a source of inspiration. I hope and I believe in the future of the game, and I am committed to seeing it flourish for another ten years - at least. It was not for nothing that they announced the 64-bit or cloud, and I do not believe those who says this game is dead. It will be, when the servers are dead. You can call me naive or whatever you want, really, but I will continue to support SWTOR. It would be nice to see respectful communication towards the team to share our desires and concerns, and in our frustration, channel that energy into constructive suggestions. I know you all did, and some of the concerns are heard, some are not. How could we know if these suggestions will not appear later in the future? Seeing nothing does not mean there is nothing. While I am also a bit sad about it, I try to remain positive; if I will be disappointed, that is my problem. Thank you for hearing me out.
  2. Congratulations to the winners! These are beautiful views indeed. 😊
  3. Hello there! I just noticed I was also selected, so sorry for the late response. Launcher is working fine.
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