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Posts posted by Lemon_King

  1. Yeah I already tried that, but on reboot the t: drive doesn't show up. I have to manually do it. I don't have UAC enabled and I am the administrator. I set up that task with elevated privileges but for some reason it just won't run. When I look at task scheduler events it shows the fail, but doesn't say what caused the fail.


    EDIT: Actually the T: drive does show up, but I think it balks at the format stage. When I go to look at the T: drive in explorer it says unformated and prompts me to format it.


    EDIT2: But then I just right-click the batch file and run as admin and everything works fine. The T: drive is then formatted and I can see it in explorer with the appropriate directories.

    Have you tried setting a minor delay on the task after boot?

  2. EDIT: Sorry didn't mean to sound like an ungrateful douche, appreciate lemon and mrkite for figuring all this out and putting my idle memory to good use. I'd just like to make it a one-click icon option instead of right-click, run as admin, option. (still worth it regardless). I'm guessing batch files default to greyed out run as admin?


    EDIT: I'm on vista 64.

    Use this guide to set up a task so it runs the batch on Boot.


  3. ok then , i had some problem setting the 24 go , nvm i will stay with lemon 's tweak.


    but just to know , do you guys have a :


    1/ Diskcachearena 1go file who is modified at start ( for example 6h12 ) and after 30 min playing no modif on it ( it still notice : 6h12 last modified).


    2/ On the T:\swtor\swtor\ there is 2 files of 0 ko stream and static + a link (junction) for setting .


    3/ On the intall location : C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\swtor , the diskcachearena link (junction)



    all is correct ? :)


    offtopic : is it possible to make some junction for asset , like art / gfx / etc ? , i tried one , game lauch but without some textures^^ .

    1: The junction file shouldn't show with an updated modify time.

    2: the Stream and Static files will only show size if refreshed while they are holding data

    3: Looks right.


    Update: I see a huge difference on my Asus G73 laptop with 8GBS of memory and on my Desktop with 16gbs of memory I saw a difference as well.


    Note: I also have my ini file graphics all tweaked out for better graphics. The last patch increased my frame rate and performance on the Imperial fleet. And now this has really helped with loading. I was wondering if it had anything to do with load balancing from the server but now this makes more sense.


    At the root of this- is it the engine and how it is coded with windows? Seems like a nice tweak.



    Is there anyway to write a .bat file that would do the same thing for Windows 7 64bit?

    I built my batch file in 7 64bit.

    e: Whoops, didn't know which batch file you were talking about. :o

  4. That is extremely interesting that BW is caching stuff back into slower disk space instead of using faster system space.


    I will give this a try once I get home. I do not have any problems running this game but would be nice to get as much as possible out of what hardware I have.


    Its more or less an extended version of the LRC from Hero Engine, setup to work with BWA's Archive Format.


  5. i was never stuttering or lagging anyway but thought it would increase the load time between planets but it doesnt :(


    anyone tell me how to reverse it, is it just a case of removing the ramdrive app?


    Delete the Junction in Local, and delete the DiskCacheArena junction in ..\Star Wars-The Old Republic\SWTOR\

    If you renamed the original SWTOR folder in Local, rename it to SWTOR.

  6. I'm not sure, but perhaps he assumes that your paging file is 0 (as it should be when you have that much RAM), that your Windows settings are set to "Best Appearance," Windows Aero is ON, and that you will alt-tab during the game to your browser -- which will always be running. Perhaps you even have some iTunes playing.


    Some people multitask more than others. ;)




    Could you elaborate a little bit more on what DCA/S/B setup is? And why do we need so much for OS and applications?

    DCA/S/B = DiskCacheArena / Stream / Buffer files

    As for OS & Application, thats because you can never really predict what the user may be running beyond the game.


    Worked on this a bit last night and don't think I have working quite right. The "T" drive size didn't increase over the time I played. I'm sure it's an issue on my end.


    My question is how do we go back to factory settings? Removal of links, etc? I apologize if I missed the answer to this along the way.

    Delete the Junctions and rename SWTOR_Backup to SWTOR in Local.
  7. VCAA is an outdated term from older video cards. Pretty much it means CSAA.


    CSAA is just MSAA with extra coverage samples. The value of coverage samples depends on the makeup of the individual pixel, so the resulting increase in quality ranges from some to none at all. Extra coverage samples really provide very little overhead to modern day video cards which reinforces my belief you are using older hardeware.


    Due to convoluted naming standards 64CSAA would simply be 1xSSAA with 32coverage samples, then doubled via SLI on modern video cards


    You really wouldn't notice anything other then an overall blur.


    Older cards I think could go higher via single core but this was removed due to it doing nothing of any benifit.



    Here is a chart of some common AA modes




    It is my belief that all you have done is select high amounts of coverage samples with some SSAA.


    I suggest you keep SSAA to a minimum in a game like this where we currently have very poor AA compatibility bit profiles. You will get nothing but a large amount of blur and negative lod does not fix this.


    Stick to AA such as 8Q. This is 8xMSAA. This will yield best visual benefit while still being playable.





    Anything over true 4x MSAA receives dimining returns.


    Also I believe 32x pure MSAA is the max samping rate a single GPU can attain.


    You can double this via SLI however.





    Until we can play this game with higher SSAA without the blur using it will just make everything you view very blury and not at all sharp.

    You do know my excuse was to post a nice picture of Voss right?


    And if you're curious this is the full name of the AA Setting:



    Have one from the Fleet: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43796780/SWTOR/64xVCAA/SuperVCAA_64x_8v8_1.png

  8. I know what that tool is and its ranges are terribly broken. ;)

    The AA setting I'm using is forced at Hardware level; I was messing with them and decided to check out the 128x and 64x levels.

  9. I was thinking that if I had more RAM, I would move this "Assets" folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic\Assets) to the RAMdisk and create a junction.


    I think it's about 16 gb though -- and I'm not sure how much it would help.

    Its crossed my mind, I just don't have the hardware on hand to test my assets folder in a RamDrive.


    Feasibly, you would need 32gigs.

    6gigs for basic OS / Applications, QoL Stuff.

    20gig RamDrive for Assets (This is accounting for future content as its only 16.7gigs enUS)

    2gig RamDrive for DCA/S/B setup.

    4gigs left over for general game use. (Avg 1.5 gigs - 2 gigs)

  10. Its called choice. PC users can tweak their machines to get more power out of them (read: remove/reduce bottlenecks, which is what the OP is doing). I know you meant we shouldn't NEED to, but this is just for clarity :)


    BTW OP, you can read the install location from the registry. Those of us who install outside of the default location cannot use %appdata% etc. Then again those of us who installed outside of the default location know how to amend your script I think.


    This would be soooo simple under Linux...



    I have the game sitting in: S:\Applications\Star Wars-The Old Republic

    Which is way outside of the default install location.


    But the way BWA has the client setup to save said files under %appdata% - %userprofile%\appdata\local\ .



    No, after you do this the game will not run unless you have the ramdisk loaded as the junctions the script in the OP will always point the game to the ramdisk. To fix this read below.


    Just make sure to save the orginal SWTOR folder in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local. No need to delete it just rename it. I renamed mine swtor-original.


    When not wanting to use a RAMdisk just delete the SWTOR junction that the given script in the OP creates for you in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local, then rename your backup folder that you created back to it's original name.


    The action of saving the original swtor folder should be emphasized instead of deleting it so people can go back and easily undo the changes if using this method dosent work for them.

    Altered the step to rename the old folder to make things easier.
  11. Slightly different problem, but I got it worked out. It won't start unless the working folder is its own directory.


    OK, the following SHOULD work for people using IMDISK. It:

    Excellent, added to the OP as an alternate solution.


    Don't you have to delete the junction(s) and move the DiskCacheArena file back to it's original location every time you shut down?


    That's what I'm having to do in order to reapply everything at next boot up because the RAMdisk is not permanent.


    Nope, if the file is missing the engine will just recreate it.

    Adds a very minor amount of time during first boot when run with the RamDisk active.


    It won't let me redo the steps when the junctions already exist.
    You shouldn't have to remake the junction for DiskCacheArena, after a reboot it will still point to the T: drive, just like the %userprofile% junctions.

    The only thing you need to do is recreate the junctions within the T: drive.

  12. As it stands right now, slicing is crap when compared to other gathering professions. The only way to actually profit is by running around looking for lockboxes to open, because running slicing missions always result in negative earnings.


    So, now I got to ditch 400 in slicing and start over with underworld trading?

    Yeah thanx a lot BW...



    Actually the whole crew skill system is pointless since you get better stuff from running a couple of FP's. At any given FP around your level, the rewarded (orange) items have BLUE mods that are above your level, which is not something you can add to your orange items yourself, let alone them being the green versions before you RE a dozen or two.. USELESS!

    Quick Tip: Depending on your server's economy its not about the Lockbox but the Augment.

    +28 Willpower Augments on my server sell for 100k - 120k apc.


    If you have another gathering profession like Scavenging you can make decent money from the missions you get by selling the mats, keep your own slicing missions for an increased chance at getting an augment.

    Sell the other Missions, and schematics (or just give them to friends / guildies if you have them).


    Haul from my Missions, started last night:




    Sales Generated from Scavenging Missions via Slicing:




  13. So my batch file is mostly working. ATM I'm having trouble getting the launcher to launch in the right place on Windows 7. On XP what I have should work fine as is. Hopefully tomorrow night I'll get it dialed in and post it for some testing.

    Use this guide and point it to your batch file:



    I read though all the pages and noone answered the question as to what exactly this does. So can someone tell me what does this do?
    You're basically taking 3 files that are used more than they should be from your HDD to a faster medium such as your system ram.

    Boosting performance and on some systems, client stability.

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