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Posts posted by mpierleoni

  1. some of these missions are to hard you get stuck on them need to make them easier or offer tips on how to beat your opponent or make different levels like easy,hard,or harder for people. or let them have the right to abandon the mission and go forward don't like dieing everytime i try to beat the enemy.
  2. there's lots of bugs in game people complain and nobody is listening want is going on with you guys these bugs aren't new they been there for awhile you must not care so why do you not fix them.why do you have a bug report for because it's a waste of time you don't fix them why does it take so long?:eek::eek::eek:
  3. you make some of this missions way to hard for people to play them then you got to go on line to get information on how to beat your opponent and even thats hard to understand.people play the game not to get frustrated but to have fun not everyone is a wiz at this game. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
  4. there are bugs still in the game that haven't been taken care of even after years there still there,i quit the game for that reason a year ago that is pretty sad .just what are you people been doing drinking coffee an shooting the breeze all that time.:mad:on this site there's still a lot of people complaining of this .
  5. sometimes you run into a opponent you can't sometimes defeat you should give suggestions on how to defeat them cause then your stuck in the mission for a long time dieing over an over again and that is frustrating to the max.
  6. its sad that this game could be really good if it didn't have so many bugs in it,and the worst part is they are many years old.you think they would be fix by now it's like they don't care about peoples complaints or they don't take things to serious we pay good money for what.i think they rather drink coffee and shoot the breeze.i quit this game a year ago for that reason but came back and it's still the same old thing now that is sad.:(:(:(:(:(:(:rak_04:
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