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Everything posted by Drexler

  1. When quest objectives are interactive objects to be destroyed using main hand weapon, the game unsheathes the weapon to perform the destruction animation but does not flags the weapon as unstheathed. After the quest objective interactive object is destroyed, using the keyboard/mouse shorcut assigned to sheath/unsheath performs a second time the same unsheathing animation.
  2. Hi, PLEASE, dot not prune "Extrication / Rescue" ability: Is is really usefull when guilds are organizing datacron activities and when someone fall on the ground. We are able to hook fallen people and bring them back near us. Thx.
  3. First, please excuse in advance my non idiomatic non native speaker English language. Above all else, the skills pruning is a matter of honesty. The point is, Bioware lost some of the developers on the SWTOR team who were either reassigned to other projects or left the studio. And we all know that from the point of view of human resources management, management consists above all in combining the peculiarities of each individual by placing each in his comfort zone so that without people even realizing it, they all go in the same direction. Bioware has lived, like other studios which are in turmoil, a particularly difficult year. EA's strategic choices displease both players and developers, whose each passing day they are forced to move away a little more from their profession in favor of a creation exclusively focused on marketing and profitability at all price. Pruning the combat abilities of player characters is above all a way of leaving whole blocks of code abandoned that no one can maintain because the people who coded them are no longer there and because the we know in advance that in the future we will have fewer developers available to maintain the code. SWTOR will survive in the cartel market, and on new content, never looking back, leaving bugs that have been present from the start of the game forever. The day Disney decides that the SW license must be transferred to another game, SWTOR will be abandoned altogether and the servers shut down, without the slightest consideration for the players who will have invested in it for some of them more than 10 years of their free time. @Bioware: we beg you: don't insult our intelligence by using elements of corporate language to hide behind the scenes. Honesty is a mark of respect for the players, who are also your customers. Make it clear to us that you can't or don't want to allocate so many resources to maintaining SWTOR anymore, instead of telling us that it's for easier access to the game. The game is very easy to play. There are tons of game guides, in all languages, and guilds that are happy to explain the mechanics of the game to their new members. Please don't treat us like we are naive and totally ignorant of the reality of the video game world. We know it well, we live in it. On the other side of the screen, sure, but just as much inside as you are.
  4. Hi, Corrupted flesh (take 15% less periodic damage) should not be an exclusive option. Sorcerers are wearing light armor and they should be able to ALSO solo content (obviously not as easy as a tank can do it). Don't nerf them, please. Best regards.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=940145
  6. This Geforce Nvidia Promotion is a bad joke (i think about another word begining with "b" and finishing by "t"). My country was not in the "list". LOL. This is DIGITAL content, there is no country exclusion criteria in this. Why a lottery? Why do not offer the pack to every subscriber? What does it costs to EA/BW ? NOTHING. Does my GTX 1080 is not expensive enough because i purchased it in a "not in the list" country? Why players having less money than me do not deserve this symbolic reward too? This like all the rest of the game: a bad joke: Recently, the Nico Okarr trenchcoat sell price which was 5000 credits was set to 0. Just in case we became millionaires by creating a new character... But EVERY DAY gold sellers are flooding ingame mailboxes, even selling objects on the GTN! The Zakel skytroopers invasion pods textures are missing (luminous white with mirrored red text) in chapter 1 since a year! Easy to fix bugs reported millions of time are not fixed. Just because they are not in EA/BW agenda. And this won't be fixed: EA/BW could not care less. We do no longer trust you, all. if people at EA/BW cannot be smart, they should at least be DECENT and generate a "rule the galaxy" code for everyone playing the game. @Eric Musco: would you mind at least deign to answer to this?
  7. We are now far from the topic. The topic is that autoplay for classes DESIGNED for offering alternative combat style is completely against the stealth class concept itself. That's my point.
  8. @SteveTheCynic: They only fix two categories of bugs: - Those which break the game enough to make players cancel subscriptions (typically end content), - Those which are obstacles to their new content agenda. Not fixing bugs/problems that exist since monthes or even game release is a total lack of respect for people that give real money on a subscription, on cartel market or both.
  9. Not necessarily, when there is level difference beetween your character and the NPC, on when you are fighting packs of silver enenemies (as the bug affecting their balancing is not yet fixed, two silver can be more dangerous than one gold). Playing a stealth class is having the possibility to avoid selected fightings. When you carefully make your path trough the ennemies and you are unstealthed by a stupid movie autostart and have your location changed by the game this is not normal. Movie autostart can be optional: there is always a clickable object, character to restart dialogs using echap (especially to change your dialog choices).
  10. To help players to orientate themselve on map. This would help on planets like Balmorra, Hoth or Belsavis where topography is complex.
  11. Create a monthly poll for subscribers and premium players so they will vote for the next most annoying bug to be fixed by QA. And QA should investigate the bug, evaluate the time needed to fix it and REPORT BY ITSELF, REGULARLY to community through community managers on the progress. Context: - The QA should RESPECT subscribers and players that PAY with REAL MONEY for game content by not IGNORING the oldest well known bugs in the game (like multiple game music overlapping forever, agent/smuggler having arms opened at login when there weapon is visually holstered), - The QA should not restrict its "game breaking" bug classification to the only "game mechanics" meaning: breaking the immersion, the experience, what makes SWTOR different from other games, unique.
  12. The dialog/movie autostart makes stealth classes exiting from stealth and moves the player. Actually, the only possibility to avoid this is to not play stealth when approaching a quest area to kill all the ennemies around the quest objective !!! @QA: why allow stealthing if you break it? Another option would be to display the radius of quest objective detection on ground, like the one displayed around NPCs for dialogs in group quests. I created a scoundrel for testing the DVL event. And i died several time just because of the autostart.
  13. Je suis d'accord avec ce coup de gueule. La 4.0.2 a trop réduit l'efficacité des compagnons. Je pense qu'une réduction de la moitié de ce qui a été fait aurait suffi. Je suis 65 (avec du stuff 208+), je descends en level-sync sur Belsavis. Soit. C'est la nouvelle règle de la 4.0 Mais en plus, je crève devant un pack composé de 2 gold, 1 Silver et 2 faibles. Et je précise que je suis sorcier folie, ce qui veut dire que j'ai les moyens de mieux me heal qu'une autre classe et mettre en attente un ennemi dans un vortex. Et mon compagnon est en heal (niveau d'influence 10). Forcer les gens à jouer en groupe, c'est bien gentil, mais encore faut-il trouver des groupes pour jouer. Les pickups, c'est la lotterie et quand on tombe sur des boulets, bonjour l'angoisse. Quand je me connecte à un jeu pour lequel je paye un abonnement c'est n'est pas pour avoir la sensation d'avoir un 2ème boulot car j'ai déjà un boulot... ! Je ne sais pas sur quoi les tests ont été faits pour décider de l'ajustement de l'efficacité des compagnons, mais certainement pas sur des trucs réalistes comme les héroïques de Belsavis (ce qui n'augure rien de bon pour le contenu de plus haut niveau que cela). Et soit dit en passant quand est-ce que le rééquilibrage des silver va être effectué ? Affronter 2 silver est plus difficile que d'affronter 2 golds. Et ça fait déjà un moment que ça dure. Et sur cette question, silence radio ! Sortir du contenu neuf c'est bien, mais il fautdrait déjà commencer par corriger ce qui doit l'être depuis des lustres. Joueur depuis le début du jeu et abonné depuis toujours, consommateur de 2 hypercaisses par mois, je n'apprécie pas trop que des bugs que j'ai connus avec le début du jeu soient toujours là des années après. Bioware ne corrige que ce qui les arrange parce que ça va trop se voir avec le nouveau contenu. Il ne faut pas confondre client et vache à lait. Et étonnemment, je ne suis pas le seul à me faire ces observations... Et merci aux community manager d'avoir le professionnalisme de ne pas déplacer les messages qui dérangent dans des coins paumés du forum afin qu'ils se voient moins, comme cela a déjà été le cas par le passé.
  14. Aging of SWTOR mechanically implies item proliferation. The game features designed for managing few items at the gold release are now dilapidated. Here are the features we need: Collections management interface: "Fold All" and "Unfold all" item categories buttons, "What i have" and "What i lack" filter radio buttons, "Search" textbox and button. Galactic Trade Network : A search engine supporting the same text max length than the longuest item name in the game (Please take in care that non english languages are less compact than english and requires more characters to say the same things!), A search engine allowing exact text search, boolean operators (and, or, not) (because when you search for "black+red dye", it's not the same thing than when you search for "red+black dye"! - e.g) A search engine allowing to search for ALL items (try to search for Txx droid customization: you can't!) Crafting materials: QA is adding more and more materials in the game but ignores the storage problems it implies: storing crafting material is a hell!!! (the jawa junk, e.g) Transform crafting materials in currencies directly usable by the crafting interface. Add a crafting material vendor that will allow to exchange the crafting materials currencies against the real objects (to allow exchange beetween characters or GTN selling). Better, if by design possible, make the crafting currencies a legacy level currency instead of a character level currency.
  15. Quelque chose me dérange dans l'event casino : Il dépend uniquement de la chance et de la quantité de crédits dont on dispose. Autant, un event comme les Gree est accessible à chacun pour peu qu'il se donne la peine d'y participer, autant là... De plus, les tables de loot sont vraiment faussées : certains ont déjà plusieurs rancors après n'avoir rien dépensé et d'autres ont claqué plusieurs millions de crédits pour ne rien avoir au final. Pourtant, Bioware est champion dans le maniement de la carotte, d'habitude. Pour moi, cet event est un loupé. Et je lis beaucoup plus de réactions négatives de part et d'autre sur le chat, alors que d'habitude, ça s'équilibre entr les cyniques et les angéliques.
  16. Il manque un filtre "afficher les objets que je possède" dans la fenêtre des collections.
  17. Put a floating carbonite block and a floatting sith sarcophagus as pets on sale on the cartel market.
  18. Hi, There are some fixes needed: - Add more "suspect person" : there are a few of them at a lot of player, This generates frustration and selfishness as only the fastest player can activate the "suspect person". - Lock aggro of the "suspect person" and his/her bodyguard on the player that activated it: actually, level 55 players go to hutta and make pop level 55 npcs that are targeting any player around, Please note that the final bounty target is "aggro locked" on the owner of the mission. - Restrain players on planets of their character level to avoid popping of npcs that oneshot players of the current planet levels range. Regards
  19. Bonsoir à tous, Juste un petit mot pour faire connaître la guilde dont je suis simple membre (Serveur MotF). Elle s'appelle "Evolution" et son principe de fonctionnement est simple : aucune promesse excepté 10% de bonus d'XP et de réputations, aucun pré-requis de recrutement du coup. Je trouve le concept (merci à Maniia, créateur de la guilde) intéressant : habituellement, les guildes promettent monts et merveilles. Tout marche bien. Et là, un patch ou une IRL chargés fichent en l'air le joli plan de la guilde et on se retrouve à être 3 pelés et 4 tondus sur un channel et à ramer comme des damnés pour faire des sorties, etc. On espère que les autres vont revenir.... Et on végète... Pas de forum, pas de serveur vocal, pas de contraintes. Étonnamment, on découvre la même solidarité que dans d'autres guildes (statistiquement, on retrouve tous types de joueurs, comme partout ailleurs), mais comme on en attendait rien à la base excepté un bonus d'XP, c'est tout bénef. Voilà. Si vous voulez nous rejoindre, ouvrez l'onglet "Qui" de la fenêtre de sociabilité et tapez "Evolution". Tous les membres ont les les droits pour inviter de nouveaux membres au sein de la guilde (/ginvite MACHIN). @ très bientôt, peut-être.
  20. Si les classes sont vraiment "miroir" et si ça ne perturbe pas l'équilibrage du jeu, pourquoi pas.
  21. Personnellement, je trouve le huttball très sympa à jouer, et je m'ennuie profondément dans les autres zones PVP. Je suis certain que d'autres joueurs pensent l'inverse de moi. Pourquoi ne pas rendre la zone PVP dans laquelle on veut jouer sélectionnable ?
  22. J'y avais songé également. Mais cela irait à l'encontre d'un des intérêts de l'éditeur : la multiplication des personnages. Chaque fois que tu en créées un, tu retardes l'échéance du "j'ai tout fait, je n'ai plus rien à faire, je lâche le jeu". Je ne dis pas que ça s'applique à toi, mais je pense que ça fait partie du raisonnement de l'éditeur.
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