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10 Good
  1. I also find him quite annoying. My SI is male, so I'm not sure if he can even romance Andronikos, but the amount of times he alone wanted to talk to me was pretty annoying. I wanted to find out what happens with my other companions (like Khem and his Zash problem or Ashara, I like those debates about Jedi and Sith with her) but no, he was the one who wanted to talk with me the most. I have to be honest, I skipped most of his dialogue. Him being a bloodthristy pirate isn't really that interesting to me and I bet it shouldn't be interesting to a Sith Lord in the story itself.
  2. Well, I don't think it matters to ordinary Imperials whether the Sith they're dealing with is a genuine lord or just an apprentice. Inquisitor being only an apprentice doesn't stop the ordinary Imperials from addressing him as "my lord" as soon as he makes it to Dromund Kaas. Him being an apprentice is important only when dealing with his fellow Sith. It also doesn't make him any less deadly to people trying to extort (thank you for pointing that out) something from him
  3. To be fair that Moff essentially blackmailed a freaking Sith Lord (he threatened to keep the serum) to do him a selfish favor. His son wasn't in any immediate danger, he could've sent some of his lackeys to free him but he didn't. Making demands right in the face of a Sith is asking for trouble to say the least. Usually I'm also not going out of my way to choose the dark side options just to be evil for the sake of being evil but that guy genuinely made me do that - just to teach him some respect. His son being an ungrateful bastard didn't help matters at all. If I'm playing as a Sith Lord, I expect nothing but respect and obedience from ordinary Imperials.
  4. Exactly. I didn't buy his whole "apology". He didn't have to condemn the Hunter in front of the entire galaxy and blame him for the things he didn't do. For me the old snake was afraid to die, so he tried to do everything is his power to survive, which consisted of his forced apology, him distancing himself from the actions of Seros (something he could've done at ANY point but didn't!) and ultimately even trying to make me go after Tormen who was nothing but respectful and professional to my character and never tried to betray him. It's funny how Seros was more like a sith than a jedi with all those kidnappings and assassinations, he was just a hypocrite (after all I'm sure in his mind the sith kill for fun but he killed for "justice"!) . Just like the chancellor. Even if my Hunter was light side, I'd still choose to kill those two. They simply deserved it.
  5. I almost shed some tears of joy when my Hunter finally killed Jun Seros... but not before telling him how he failed completely and how the chancellor of the Republic would soon follow. My BH was dark side but he always cared about his companions and comrades, so this jedi and the chancellor were always going to pay dearly for kidnapping and killing people close to him. I feel like the chancellor probably even tried to make him betray Tormen. He got shot before he could make his offer. Revenge was sweet.
  6. I feel like I should make my position more clear, so: I started playing SWTOR for the first time back in 2015. Indeed, back then the story phase bosses were at times challenging and it was definitely possible to die if you weren't paying attention to what was happening during the fight. However most of those bosses were challenging but fair (there was but one exception I remember to this day - that colicoid boss on Balmorra in the Inquisitor storyline, that thing was definitely not fair and it was frustrating rather than challenging), so even if I died, I felt like it was not the boss who was OP but it was me who made a mistake and lost because of that. In the end I was able to beat all the bosses (except that colicoid) during my 3 playthroughs (Inquisitor, Warrior, Agent) at worst in my 2nd try. Those fights were challenging but also fun and exciting. I didn't mind that at all. Paying attention during the fight and making sure to avoid mistakes is definitely fun in my book. At the same time I don't really mind if the story bosses/mobs are easy and fast to kill. If I'm able to one shot them, fine by me. This way I'm not getting into long fights and I can just continue with my story (which is the main thing I care about in this game). However I DO mind if bosses aren't challenging but they're also slow to die due to some artificial and fake "difficulty". I won't die no matter what (I don't remember falling below 70% HP even once), I'm going to win no matter what but it's going to take just more time than I'd like. I can take challenging and fun, I can take easy and fast but easy and slow is the worst possible option. I can get through the fights just by mashing my buttons blindly and that's definitely something I do not find fun. But since apparently the path they've taken, then at least allow me to one shot those freaking story mobs when I'm at a higher level. It's not a challenge anyway, it doesn't make a difference whether I kill them with one hit or a few more - it just makes the fights more boring and tedious. Since the class stories are my main focus, I don't really care about level shifting in general on planets and I get there were reasons to introduce it. However I do care about them in my story phases. I feel like they're present there just to make fights longer and more tedious for no particular reason other than to spend (or rather waste) more time on them. Don't get me wrong, I freaking love this game and it has still A LOT of value for me since I'm only playing my 4th class story right now. However that one thing is a change for the worse in my book. That's all I'm trying to say
  7. I'm not finding them frustrating to kill in general, I'm only finding them more frustrating than they need to be when my level is higher. It's not about difficulty, it's about making the fights artificially longer on story phased. If they're not a challenge anyway then why bother shifting our level just to make mobs live thst one bit longer? All I'm saying is how there should be an option to turn lvl shifting off strictly on story phases. I don't mind it being there on planets in general but placing it on story phases is just unnecessary in my opinion.
  8. I get why it's a thing in general and I don't mind it too much to be honest. My only issue is as to WHY it's a thing in my personal solo story phases? I finished Aurora as a bounty hunter yesterday and my level was shifted... It's not about difficulty mind you, the stage was still easy BUT why am I punished for being overleveled on story mode? It doesn't make it difficult, it only makes the mobs more annoying and frustrating to kill. And spending more time killing mobs is not really something I look forward to when it comes to my story phases. We really should have an option of turning level shifting off in our story phases. It literally doesn't involve other players.
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