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Posts posted by Edwardhickey

  1. **Credit seller 2 has entered the game**


    Seriously, how would anyone be able to make a comment like this without actively participating in botting/credit selling? The broken english doesn't help either rofl.


    For some quick math if you gained a measly 2 million credits from slicing missions a day. Based on spammers that would be $1 x 30 days = $30. Basically doubling any money put in to game time cards.


    I'd be willing to bet that credit seller 2 if afraid credit seller 1 might get his credit farming method nerfed with this thread LOL.


    GOGOGO OP! Put this chinese guy out of business!


    I'm not a native English speaker. Sorry for my English. However, who told you slicing missions a day could gained 2 million credit? Have you ever test it? If not, please test and post your result. My charactor has just earned 600K per day. There is no profite for doing this. I just want to say, slicing mission is not the reason that cause the inflation of game economy.

  2. The game is being exploited by multi boxing programs. These programs are used to run 15 to 20 accounts per computer. They then use a third party program to automate one of the accounts and then the multi boxing program sends the same mouse movements and keystrokes to all the other accounts running on the computer.


    This method was used to create tons of credits from treasure hunting lockbox missions which are now fixed but the exploiters just moved their hundreds of accounts on to the next best thing which are slicing lockbox missions and vendoring the items. The slicing lockbox missions give them about 40% of the profit that they got from exploiting treasure hunting lockboxes.



    Just one words. The profite of Slicing crew mission could't pay for the time card fee. If I have multi boxing programes, I will never choose slicing mission to make credit.

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