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Posts posted by Nathan_Hanefort

  1. Is it true, that initial tanking spec armor buff will be decreased from 60% to 15%? If its true, thats a pretty big hit to jugg skanks. Cant check PTS myself, anyone can confirm is it true? I checked some random 7.0 changes guide from 2021 Autumn...
  2. I notice the only thing you talk about is pvp and pve solo play. What about group play (flashpoints/operations) do you have any idea what it could do to those individuals that participate in those activities?


    Yes - it wount have meaningful impact on group pve side. Yea, you will do less dmg, boss killing will take 5 mins longer, so what? Dont forget that some dmg skill will become stronger, like getting additio al dot or something like that. While forcing you to choose between guarded by the force and force camo will literaly gimp the class in PVP, because its two most important skills for snetinel in 4 vs 4.

  3. It’s not a simple answer because there are many factors that have lead to this situation. But I can say it’s not because you get anything good for losing. I personally prefer to play properly (which means objectives and fighting) but we are a dying breed in swtor.


    1. Theres been an on going decline in objective pvp to death match since Bioware first introduced Arenas.

    2. Ranked players tell everyone that regs don’t matter and then proceed to use objective maps to practice for ranked

    3. Bioware removed the incentive for people to learn to pvp as they lvl’d (meaning more people trying to learn against ranked death match players and learnt bad habits following their example)

    4. Bioware put in a deserter debuff.

    5. Bioware made it so losing doesn’t progress your daily/weekly missions

    6. Rewards for winning aren’t tailored enough to gear properly by playing pvp (majority of pvpers have been forced to play pve content to gear up)

    7. Rewards for winning aren’t exciting or meaningful

    8. Player egos needing to ePeen on the scoreboard at the expense of winning

    9. Desync problems in Huttball

    10. A massive Speed Nerf if you carry the ball in Huttball.

    11. Players can’t choose what maps they want to play and can’t leave maps they hate

    12. Buggy Huttball maps

    13. Bioware removed reg arena from the rotation until the queue numbers drop to a certain lvl.


    All of those things combined have contributed in some way to the continuing decline of objective pvp. It’s now at the point that new players see that hardly anyone tries to play the objectives and think that’s how pvp is supposed to be played in swtor.


    This has had a snowball affect and now the majority of reg pvpers in objective pvp death match. They have zero skills when it comes to strategy or tactical game play. And a couple of good objective players or premade can carve through them like butter.


    Most reg noobs run in death packs to gank single players and fight no where near the objectives. If you have 3 competent objective players on your team, you can usually win by avoiding the gank pack.


    Sadly it’s rare these days to get one objective player on the team that is also good at combat. So even if you’re the best combat/objective player in the game, it’s impossible to carry a whole team who doesn’t help you unless the other team is even worse than yours and ignores all objectives and you all match.


    And let’s not forget the Huttball speed Nerf. I use to be able to carry a whole team in Huttball even if my team didn’t try because I could get the ball and make it to the line. But since the speed Nerf, it’s nearly impossible to get to the line without blowing up unless you are on an operative. That is especially true in Quesh Ball (you can still score in OG HB and to a lesser extent in Vandin if you are left alone).


    All of those things have led to many good players leaving the game. So there are less good players to pass on knowledge on how to play objective pvp properly and be good at it.


    At the end of the day, Bioware have made this happen. They’ve done Jack squat to address the issue in 7-8 years since arena was first introduced. So it’s snowballed to where it is now. And Bioware themselves have continuously contributed to making it worse with their dumb development choices and not listening to player feedback.


    Part of the problem is they don’t care about regs or objective pvp. Ranked is all Bioware care about and they don’t care about the pvp eco system. They have tunnel vision and think ranked is all that matters to pvp and so they’ve let the rest of the pvp eco system crumble through neglect and mismanagement.


    Hutball is garder to grasp for newer players, thats why they focus on whats eaiser to do - kill others around you.


    You are mostly wrong about other modes - lets take pylons (hypergates). You know, that you get points for killing enemy player and also for getting orbs from middle? Taking and holding pylon isnt enough to win. ALSO have in mind, that if both teams have dedicated tanks and healers they will meet somewhere in force, like 5 vs 5 and it will be prolonged fight, because of tank and healer..And a team just cant get away from it - if you will run, enemy will strike you down and get points. Organized retreats are for premades alone..


    Well, you can look at it any way you want, but to win you will have to kill - near objectives, in middle, near spawn point. If you wount kill, enemy will kill you - wardozones are too small for tactical maneuvers, someone will spot you and will come for your head soon. Apart from hutball and some random encounters with pro operatives who can stall node cap for hours or sleep/cap, sheer brutal force wins. You kill your enemies around and focus on obejectives. And if there are 2 healers on either side...

  4. If you think that we have too many abilities to hit, why not remove the least used ones? Like Inspiration (no one uses in PVP or solo), leg slash (no one uses in PVE or solo PVE), valarous call (not mandatory at all, long CD), force clarity or blade storm (both are meh). Why are trying to hit players into the most sensitive spots like major defensives? We die like flies in PVP already.
  5. What choices are being taken away or limited? If you know your class, you do your rotation and pop defensive. If you don’t know your rotation, you’re just button mashing anyways. Learn the new rotation like we’ve had to do with every class change released in the past 9 years and stop trying to make this bigger than it is. This isn’t an existential crisis.


    Sentinels will be forced to choose between 4 mandatory abilities for PVP and master mode solo PVE - guarded by the force, blade blitz, force camo. How is that sane lol? You can survive in ranked pvp without a single one.

  6. to make things "easier" and the role of each loadout more distinct a.k.a. "dumbing down" the complexity of the game then we, the undersigned subscribers will not/very unlikely to be renewing our subscriptions.


    EA/BW Communities management and SWTOR Programme leads please respond with truth and reassurances rather than wasting everyone's time and goodwill on speculation, frustration and anger.




    I stayed with this game for years and supported it no matter what. But if they remove at least one of my abilities im gone for good. That means the devs really do not understand their community.


    Lol, and I hoper they will bring back the blade dance and I will be able to choose between it and freaking barrage....oh well.

  7. Making saber throw (iconic skill) optional? Forcing us to choose between enure, reflect or blitz? I need all those skills, i play PVP, ops and solo master modes. You should add MORE new abilities and THAN offer us to choose. Like bringing back amazing old blade dance animation...


    Just no. Its a SPIT to the face to all veterans who stayed and supported you with money via sub and CM. You will loose last part of your hardcore fans if you dumb down the game (what WoW did in WoD). Dont go that path, I beg you.


    Add more variety, more skills, more animations to choose from. Fix your damn clipping and holster issues, do not touch the things are good.


    P.S. I play daily for a few years, i spend around 50 euros per month for this game, Im in a big and active guild, i enjoy all aspects of the game. And every ability i have is so important to me - I trasure strike the most (if you kill enemy with it, you get 1 of the 3 animated executions from early game).


    Play with passives, I dont care. Take away tacticals, sets, anything you want, just leave our skills alone..

  8. sniper is tough unless you are very good since you dont have healing abilities and often also first to target in rank


    You can say that about many classes in solo ranked - DPS jugg is targeted first, DPS pt is targeted first, TANK pt is targeted first, mara is targeted first, DPS sorc is targeted first. I get the same response about the every class I ask about for solo ranked, with exception of stealth classes and merc.


    So it probably depends on team composition - if you have sniper, pt, jug and sorc you definitely wount target sniper first, not even second probably.

  9. I mean there is not a single clip of solo ranked with powertech skank tank on Youtube. How can this even be?? Krea ranked pt shield tech as one of the best SR classes and like nobody is playing it for a year. Is it really that useless? Or whats the problem?


    I recently decided to try it after years playing with jugg and maras and having a blast..Just dont want to waste time/resources on something that is not wanted for arenas...Or the problem is that they are insta targets like their dps brothers, only that cant kill as quickly and cant guard as good as juggs?

  10. I wouldn't use HP heavy mods as a pure DPS class kind of feels counterproductive but could be fun to mess with on annihilation.

    I would recommend perseverance, cauterized coronary, and genes. The dot one is great against non-sorcs, perseverance is great for sorc games.


    Assuming you are just newer to the game or haven't been around for a while? You probably need help in multiple areas, I do have quite a few guides. You can check them out through my signature.


    Im already subscribed pal ;)

    Been playing skank /vigi guardian for years, somehow used to stuff endurance heavy parts eveeywhere I can..Trying mara now and it feels completely different..And much harder to be effective

  11. Do you guys still use B mods with increased endurance for pvp? As a melee dps. I have over 300 000 hp in wz, my biggest hit as a fury mara is like 42k, while other maras hit for more than 50k . Could it be raleted to issue that I put high endurance in every possible slot? 🤣


    And another question - which tactical to use for regs as a fuey mara? AOE one seems to have small radius, so there is one with dot and one which increase crit by 20% for 2 secs. I know genes good for arenas, but my dps is too low for regs..

  12. Play Annihilation. Rupture and Annihilate both use reverse-grip animations, as does Crippling Slash if you're close enough.


    This doesn't work for Watchman tho, although I think Combat's version of Massacre does it.


    If you watch closely, you will see that Watchman use reverse grip for Merciless strike :) Its only accelerated that much and its hard to notice. Before landing the strike Watchman changes his grip in the air.

  13. Thanks for the proper input :)

    Problem is Im good with skank as I play this class for years, but it feels a bit boring. In regs there is no challenge and if i loose its because of a bad team. During daytime i get plenty of reg 4x4 and in dps match I feel that in actually controlling the match..So logically its a right call to start yolos with this spec, but veng is a lot more fun.......

  14. I have never dueled for real in Swtor, but seeing those URC tournaments made me think it could be fun to participate. But after watching last tournament, i have noticed that there was not a single jug/guard registered, from like 20 people.


    So does it have same troubles like in solo ranked or where do they stand on the dueling ladder? I understand that to cc during ED is not hard for good pvper, but otherwise in regs i feel pretty good on those rare 1 vs 1 moments (except ops ofc).

  15. Which male voice actor - Hayter or Nolan - did better in Kotfe - Onlslaugt? Vanilla chapters were a disaster for both (knight too soft and consular too calm) in compare to imp side. I remember seeing posts that many VO changed a little in expansions.


    P.S. Ofc I mean gray lines, not pure LS or DS.

  16. Skank jugg has only 1 additional defense cooldown which decrease dmg taken by 40%. It has 3 min cd. Pts dont have even that. Tank spec gets their armor increased by 60% and some minor passives like 5% dmg decrease etc etc, thats why they are sturder. You should talk to some more pvp pros who actually play this class.


    If you gimp skanks, you will eliminate class completely from solo ranked pvp, as dps counterparts are first targets always and die as soon as focused.


    Pls do your research again :)


    P.S. for regs any spec works in competent hands.

  17. Yes. Clicking is power.


    I think basketball is unfair too - players should stop shooting 3 pointers if a rival team has low budget and cant afford snipers.


    Tall people should walk on their knees to not abuse short people.


    How dare you get bigger salary than me - I click in my job and I NEVER use ctrl+c to copy. I aways right click. You idiotic keybinders do not work with honor. Wanna see who can click better? I can click 350 times per minute! Hah, yea *****, run away.

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