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Posts posted by gSkullPanda

  1. I'm a Sawbones Scoundrel, fully geared and augmented. I have done all operations, except Dxun, on SM and I have done a handful on HM/Vet. I have no NiM experience but I am very eager to get some. In a dream world, I'd like to do 3 operations a week, but I am very content with just having 1 a week lol.


    As for other info, I've played on and off since Hutt Cartel expansion. I've been playing, currently, for the last five months and I plan to continue in the foreseeable future. I've raided in WoW in the past and even did Mythic progression during Legion. I also play League of Legends at a fairly high level.


    Please recruit me! o7

  2. I really enjoy playing tanks and healers. Like, having bad players in PUGs is part of the fun; it challenges me to do something different, it forces me to min/max my cooldowns and actually think about how I have to approach each group of mobs.


    But my issue currently is story stuff. I love taking my time and doing every side quest and watching the cutscenes. I love being able to build a story with my character and get attached to them. So because of this, I feel like I am forced to make a DPS class just so it's easier to clear stuff solo. Right now, I'm level 42 on Tatooine Republic side and I am still having a hard time doing the Heroic +2s by myself as a healer. I haven't tried playing tank solo but I imagine it's easier since the tank's DPS classes seem better? I'm a Jedi Sage right now and I'm really worried about the content later in the game taking me forever to complete just because of how low my DPS feels even if I change specs to Balance or Tele(referring to the solo Rishi/Korriban flashpoints you do at the start of Revan).


    I love tanking and healing, I'll do it any day with anyone. But when it comes to story stuff and solo things, I just want to play a DPS only class because it feels easier and less of a struggle. Does that make sense?

  3. Just hit lv70 and finished the story. What should I be doing now to start progressing further? I've been told to farm vet uprisings to get command levels since that's how you get gear now.
  4. Well, do you know for a fact that he was subbed? One can be a Pref just by buying and using Cartel Coins (I think). But ...


    Most likely a bug. Since you are subbed, try calling the customer service #.


    I know for certain he use to be a subscriber. He has the Imperial and Republic pilot suits in his in-game mail, as well as a party jawa and the fireworks.

  5. I'm attempting to refer a friend using my referral link but it's telling him he is not eligible. He has not played the game since launch so it is way passed 90 days; and he has a preferred status account, so he HAS been a previous subscriber. Anyone know a resolution?
  6. If you've been around since launch then I doubt you're fooling anyone here in saying you're leaving. But, if my some miracle you truly are leaving then I would suggest trying out Final Fantasy 14.
  7. Tanking: Juggernaut/guardian. With 3 interrupts, 4 damage reducers, and some crazy cool looking skills, jugg/guard tanking is the way to go, I've rolled a jugg/guardian 3 times (a 55, 37, and 28) not to bad, their dps isn't bad either.


    DPS: hard to day, it's a tie between concealment/scrapper scoundrel/op and combat/carnage Mara/sent. Sentinels are to die for, with some if the coolest animations, easy to know rotations, and decent dps out put its great, scrapper is a bit more intensive stealth burst class, also nice melee dps with some ranged.


    Healing: Sawbones scoundrel, unless you are using the worst rotation in history, or you just plain suck, you will never run out of energy. It is so good just to spam underworld med then emergency kolto. So satisfying with a high crit you can go far in this tree.


    Thanks, man. I'm loving my scoundrel so far. Can't wait to try tanking after I get done with this toon. :)

  8. I'm completely new to the game. I just finished installing it and I'm about to boot it up and play. I just wanted to know, for future reference, what are the best classes for;


    PvE Tanking

    PvE Healing

    PvP Damage


    Thank you in advanced, and sorry if this is in the wrong section.

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