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Posts posted by Miffypiffy

  1. Hahahah. Sorry for my bad composure.

    Until now, I was just mildly annoyed at having to 'reskill' all my toons, and not really have anything going but for the storyline itself.

    This latest news was quite helpful, actually. I have no consideration anymore about cancelling my sub and maybe pop in to revisit in a year or two... ...or three...


    Good tidings, good people. Be well.


    Revisiting old Anarchy Online myself... See You all at ICC HQ.

  2. It seems to vary a lot?

    When I tried to renew my sub a wee month ago,

    due to danish banks are being fidgety, one has to approve your buy with using a silly app for approval.

    Buying through Swtor-website was a big no-go. They have seemingly not implemented this functon properly.

    I had to reinstall the game through Steam, and buy the sub through Steam.

    Thankfully, that worked without a hitch, and my PTSD didn’t bloom up again.

  3. 64-bit (only)

    -If Microsoft stop supporting 32-bit, EA/Bioware will have two options. Comply, or make a funeral for A LOT of programs.

    Can EA be 'forced by Microsoft' to be pushed into 'pure 64-bit'?

    Nope. It is as likely as a chilled gin and tonic in Hel.

    EA don't care. This is only a 'product' that will be shut down one day, with a Thanos-snap.

    Systems have no soul. EA is a huge system. It is what it is.

  4. You aren't "ruining" anything. If you want them back and don't want to play through all of the story and all of the alliance alerts, just use the terminal.


    OP got a point of value. If nobody tell You there is a terminal, one can go around an eternity.

    You (He/She) might find it randomly after a long time.

    Remember, it took bioware due time including that terminal.

    By the Olden Gods, I have played since 2014. I have surely forgotten more things than what I once learned.

    -Not everyone study, and remember patchnotes... Lenience is a good thing. Be nice.

  5. Expect sometime between 5th and 20th of December. As much time as they can give themselves before people at the studio go on vacation for Christmas and New Year.


    My answer is still better. -Being brave and compressing the unknown down to dates between the 5th. and 20th. of december, is a bet I would not invest in. 😅

  6. Yes, regarding that afro... ...I have once seen that in RL.

    -A friend of mine had been ‘in town’ for a couple of days and nights. When he finally woke up on my sofa, there were not enough coffe, water in the shower, or enough conditioner to solve his conundrum. He had to borrow a hat to get through the next following days. :eek::D

  7. Read through what is coming, and I just had to log in and say; GREAT!


    Awesome, we get the ability to outfit our toons with other weaponry than we are usually locked to.

    Finally, my True BH can carry his awesome Nanban-rifle that has been gathering dust for so long!

    Yayy. Happy days are here, again.

  8. A little bit of everything.

    Some helmets show without the lekkus.

    Some helmets show the lekkus.

    Some helmets doesn't show.


    Always use preview before buying an otherwise cool helmet. It is really difficult to find a helmet that fits the Twi'leks. Sadly.

  9. This one as well bothers me. I know that the absurdly high prices of repairing and removing gold gear parts is made to be a credit sink, but new players don't always have much money at first, and more often than not will struggle to get some in the first place. Implementing multiple credits sink into gearing is not what I'd call healthy for every players. And surely there should have been proper thinking ahead in order to avoid such an absurd inflation as we've experienced in the past years... :rolleyes:


    Pish-posh. What is there to spend credits on? Flashy items from the exchange? Meh. These days we are lucky enough to be able to activate alternative looks by clicking on a button, and... ...You might look nekkid, but have a rating of 306. ;)

  10. There is absolutely zero randomness regarding any encounter in overland PvE.


    There are walkers -- NPCs scripted to walk a particular route -- and there are groups of mobs that respawn in exactly the same place every time. There are mobs that appear, based on a script, if you perform a particular action, like walk into an instance where mobs then spawn (based on a script) or when you finish particular dialogue (based on a script).


    -Maybe the game is not for You? -Alternatively, just get your main to 75, then hang infront of the exchange and buy7sell, and use the chat? -It IS an option I do myself use sometimes, when I am bored of grinding.

    -At least, the exchange give good credits, flipping items.

  11. Gods, yes. Now, Its actually a causual game. Get one toon to 75, get renown-boxes, deconstruct crap wit 270+-rating, get tech-fragments from it. Exchange to various modules... What You won't use for the main, It will help your alt(s) to get better, quickly. Normally(...) A toon need to spend weeks to get further from 276-rating. If You have a main, You can almost immediately go from 276 to 304/6'Iish. -Depending on if You spend some credits on pulling modules out, to give them to the alts.


    First toon will take time, but everything your main can't use, can easily trickle down to your alts. -Afterall, getting levelled to 75 is not difficult. AT ALL. (Nightmare-Flashbacks to 2014-2017)

  12. What You are expressing, OP, is not 'bugs'.

    This is in, computer-terms, an 'ancient game'. Clipping capes are not a bug. It is an inconvenience for sure, but it is what it is. When a developer have to make due with the amount of vectors allowed to make a thing circular, compromises must be done. Yes, I hate it when mu dual-sabre inquisitor get a 'movie-time', stabbing themselves, but, hey. its not 8-bit graphics at least. There are soo many things to add to the list, but as long as your game is not effectively broken... pull your shoulders up and say "Meh..."


    Elevators. -Never walk into one before it arrives. That goes for games as reallife.


    Lagspikes, check your own damned system. I am sitting in Denmark playing on a NA server. No problem here. -On a laptop, even.


    If You want to express mental pain, please focus on Ranked PvP toxicity. -THAT is something to put a finger on.

    -The rest is, more or less, estethics.

  13. I must say, My female DS SI, already in a Lana marriage didn't suffer from what's said in all the previous comments, due to their relationship. That said... Yeah, I noticed my brain ceased up. There were so many plotholes I actually stopped thinking(...)

    I still have issues creating comprehensive sentences, trying to write down and explain to myself where the writing went wrong. I love all and any additions to this game, but with sad eyes I must add this was propably as close You can get to a catastrophic failure withouth having one of your extremities ripped off your body. -And we aren't even started on actual technical bugs and glitches Ohhboy. I hope todays patch miraculously fixes A LOT.


    And, uh... ...What IS actually the point of having a public testserver? I really AM curious. There are tons and tons of things in the 6.2 update that would have, should have been picked up and fixed before live launch.

    Seriously. If testserver feedback is ignored, why even have it?

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