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Everything posted by DaveVoogd

  1. Heya! As the title says, i cant decide between PT and Mara, i both like them but want to main one. I like playing pvp maybe even hop onto ranked once im good enough and would like to do some operations. I'm a DPS player mostly. Thanks in advance!
  2. I would say that sniper and sorc are pretty awesome right now, althought there was a nerf planned for sorc. but they put that on stop for now...
  3. As the title say. Im interested in tanking but i dont know which would be better. And which is the better dps for leveling purposes
  4. DaveVoogd

    DPS jugs

    if ya'll complianing about how bad the game is, tf u doing here then?
  5. Hi! First of all welcome back to the game! In my opinion most newer story missions like kotet, kotfe are more to force-users based. If i could recommend you one class it would be a Sorcerer. Great DPS and great heals. Sorc is ranged dps so in endgame pve content youll having an easier time as a ranged DPS. Enjoy your time!
  6. LOL! im at the same problem too PT or jugg if dps is bad i could go to mara. hope someone comes with some info
  7. or try sorc on imp side and shadow on rep side, or the different way
  8. i would say assassin is more fun IMO, its melee range and that keeps you moving. while sorc just stands mostly still because of casting times. i've heard from some people that assassin is better in ranked warzones if your interested in that. in my own experience i do alot of dmg in pvp and feel like a god. i cant talk for pve yet...
  9. Hello there, as the title says Assassin or Juggernaut. Which is the better tank? which is the better dps? and which one is capable to do good in pve and pvp.
  10. Merc for me. why you say? Awesome dual wield blaster. and i like to be a bounty hunter. i also love the animations
  11. Heya! I've just completed every imp main storyline, but now i want to choose a main.... but the problem is cant choose i tend to like lightsaber users more. im a DPS guy and i like to pvp alot but also want to do pve content with my guildies. do you guys have any recommendations?{maybe some ups and downs of the classes} Thank you in advance
  12. So i'm mainly a dps kind of player. I was thinking about maining an operative because i like the playstyle, stealthy, meleecombat etc. but..... Is it viable for endgame pve? or should i choose an other class for that kind of activities?
  13. link is not usable anymore. can you sned a new one?
  14. So i've been wondering... can you already complete the legacy missions to get rewards in phase 2 or how does it work?
  15. Wow thank you for this big reply, everything is very clear right now, i think that operative will be my playstyle, melee combat bursting and pve if needed healing. One thing, is an operative a solid choice as dps for PvE content like nightmare OPS?
  16. So i want to play one of these classes. Im interested in both PvE and PvP. what are the pro's and con's of these classes?
  17. as the title says, I'm looking for a fun melee class viable for PvP and PvE. I've been leaning towards assassin and operative. Are those viable or not Thank you in advance
  18. I have a Acer Nitro 5 with i7 and nvidia gtx 1060 and swtor plays so smooth
  19. Heya another returning player here. I've started playing this game again and im so confused on what class i should pick now. cuz what is the meta now and with what class will i be succesfull in both PvP and PvE. I came from the era where Sorcs where the king in everything. is that still the same is some other class "the king" and how are the classes balanced on this moment? Thank you in advance
  20. I'm playing a fury Mara and i feel just underpowered, multiple enemies take long to kill cuz i dont have alot of aoe. Yesterday i had a flashpoint, the tank was walking around and i need to follow to maintain my dps and that sux. so maybe a ranged class is more up my alley
  21. empire for life XD... so Merc pretty good class, is a Marauder viable too tho?
  22. Heya, My name is Dave, I'm back on this game after a couple of years... So im already playing 2 weeks leveled marauder up to 70 and now left me wondering what should i play now, Im a DPS kind of guy. Like to do guild stuff and PVE with a grain of PVP. What classes are more viable for the endgame dps and what not.
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