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Posts posted by BenHalcyon

  1. Im getting sick of trying to level my toons from 70-80 on Imp side. Everytime I get to the Jedi library on Ossus I constantly die to the massive mobs thrown at my toons. Easy for stealthers but for the rest of us that HAVE to engage in combat all we do is die die die. Please fix the difficulty. I hate waiting 5 minutes for a medical probe because your game is broke. 7.0 as a whole has made me want to leave the community again.


    If you seriously wan this game to increase in numbers and maintain the customers you have, you got to stop nerfing their favorite classes. PVP is what we rely on while we wait for the next major story updates and some of us live and breath it. When you nerf classes like Sages, vanguard, mercs and what have you, you don't improve PVP you make it less enjoyable and you increase other classes that you continue to improve and ignore their over powered skills as it is.


    For Vanguard/Powertech/Merc/Commando our Hydraulic Override was what allowed us to survive the ridiculous number of movement impairment skills spread out amoung classes like Agent and Smuggler as well as all the Force user classes.


    I doubt you'll listen to our cries for help as that's what I've learned over the last three years of this game....at least make the new skill move us 30m and be used when stunned, slowed or anchored....Please don't make this game any harder to renew subscriptions...

  3. Dear Dev's


    Why do you feel that you can nerf us?!?!?!? Mercs and Powertechs have far been the dominating classes in PVP...what about operatives who can continually go in and out of stealth while keeping you immobile and deal massive DPS at the same time? Or the Sage who can hold off four attackers just by healing themselves.

    I'm not saying we need to nerf everyone but quite messing with classes that already have a low PVP attendance. I will continue to play my merc dps as I'm loyal to my class but seriously consider not taking away our one defense against the multitude of classes that have a large amount of stuns and mobility skills..


    You guys are idiots



    I can say that because I doubt the Dev's will even read this.


  4. Personally Id love to be able to buy something that allowed me to gain access to one more weapon type that logically fits within my class ie Mercs could buy this and gain the ability to arm a rifle or scatter gun...obviously Jedi and sith would only be allowed to use lightsabers. Just a thought.
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