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Posts posted by IamMarcel

  1. The gear grind now is unsatisfactory, we all can't spend all day and night playing to happen on something we can use. I agree with a previous comment of keeping gear drops in the Ops. I also am sick of undergeared, non mechanic players able to Q thru GF for the harder FP's. It chasing the endgames out of there. So much GF content is not completed now due to too many inexperienced player able to Q. Its frustrated the endgamers to the point they don't want to run them.

    My subs up next month.. will not be resubbing, I'll likely join the rest of my guild who have moved to FF14.

  2. Says I'm 67th in Que?? I've never seen this before, and the system is showing server traffic at Standard.. not heavy.. so I'm assuming there is some sort of bug at work here?
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