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Posts posted by Pzhang

  1. My first Trooper was a Vanguard tank - loved it. It was great. I have a Commando, it's alright. But then I thought I'd try a DPS spec Vanguard to have a blaster rifle "at range" instead of in the thick of it of all. Totally disappointed on that, as well as some other things....


    As DPS spec, the majority of my abilities still have a short 10m range. As DPS, I don't need to be in the thick of things (like a tank would) - why are my blasts limited to short range?? And if I HAVE to have short range abilities and be in the middle of things, then we should get Storm MUCH sooner than level 65! It was PAINFUL to level up this character. Now that I can actually leap into range and actually use these short range abilities without having to SLOWLY jog into battle due to movement suppression, my character is actually playable and somewhat enjoyable. But getting to level 65 was murderous.


    But the WORST thing about a DPS Vanguard - the absolute worst, imo - is that Stockstrike does MORE damage than any of my rifle blasts!!! SERIOUSLY?!?! Hitting someone with the butt of my rifle does more damage than shooting them?!?! Come on!! I get that it might best to do that mechanically for tank spec and it also helps them to generate threat - but as DPS spec, Stockstrike should NOT be the highest damaging ability. It MIGHT be ok if the range of the DPS Vanguard was extended so you could use Stockstrike on that one mob that tends to rush you. But still, even then, thematically, it's just plain WRONG.


    If you want ranged, go play a Commando, Sage, or Gunslinger.

  2. I think the common misperception for players that start using stealth classes are that they go in with the expectation of being able to steal the off node. This is certainly fine especially if you know what you are doing. As for me, if I can draw 2-3 people to their of node and give my team enough time to cap the mid node or take the orbs, that's mission accomplished for me.


    Also, it takes a stealther to rat out a stealther if you know how to do it. On my sin, I usually let a non-stealth bait-cap while I stay stealth. When the capper gets sapped, that is when I use my knockback to rat out the other stealth.

  3. You need someone to mod this...so you can delete ******e troll post like his. He thinks he's "kind of a big deal", brags about himself, nerds out regularly, and is a constant "Elitist"...and think GOD he is not on SF.


    This is SF records or post...go take your macros, hacks, and attitude to SS server..*******!


    I wouldn't worry about it too much. The kid likes to blow to the tune of his own horn. I'm pretty sure the minute that he pvps on Star Forge, he'll just get constantly farmed. That's probably why he doesn't like SF. He just can't keep up.

  4. I honestly think the people saying "Star Forged is wur its at huhlul" are the ones that moved there hoping for the easier PVP scene so they could be "better". Otherwise why would anyone have left/not xfered to Harb? You used to get constant pops. they added a few hundred people so constant remains. Yolo is stronger. Granked is a nonissue. It can happen anywhere but doesn't happen all the time.


    SF is the new RP server.

    SS is for PvP.


    Feel free to keep telling yourself that so you can sleep well at night. From what I've seen from the Harb pvp scene, a quarter of the "good" players that queue regs hack. Another half are average or below and the rest of the pie were actually good. Oh by the way, a majority of that cream of the crop originated from other servers.

  5. As far as solo ranked there is only one group that is attempting to sync (or bait imps into queuing and then swapping factions), the true issue is that there are less average/below average players queuing on pub side so when solos are popping on both factions you are more likely to be grouped with below average players on imp side and placed against above average players on pub side; unless bioware implements cross-faction solos the only way to address this is to queue on pub side (or get more below average players to queue on pub side...).


    That's not a match-maker issue, that's a player-issue.


    As for the OP, there are A-Ranked/S-Ranked PvPers on both factions if you know where to look.

  6. What times/days is pub side most active?


    I'm not sure if it's just a Shadowlands thing, but lately I've checked pub fleet on a whim to see if I can run any ops on that side, and the only other "player" on fleet was a spammer, while Imp fleet had a few dozen players.


    I prefer Imp side, but it's just a shame to have several level 70s sitting idle for lack of queues.


    <The Canted Circle> usually raids @ 8pm EST on Pub side on Wednesdays and Fridays, Imp side on Thursdays, and Sundays @ 4pm EST. Feel free to /cjoin Cantedcircle to see if you can catch them LF'ing for roles.

  7. Hi!


    I'm a returning player and have been trying to get a hold of multiple specs. I currently play a sorcerer main and would love to have two specs, one for DPS and the other for healing in group content. Is there an easy way to switch between specs? Specifically what I'm trying to do is have two "separate" hotbars so I don't need to reconfigure my buttons everytime I switch.


    I recommend making a suggestion on the Suggestion Box, under General Discussion. It would be nice to be able to set up multiple profiles on the same character (i.e. Tank Vanguard for PvP and DPS Vanguard for PvE).

  8. Not so much weird as "ahole-like." :D


    So, EH, BH BG, 70 MM GF, AoT. :D

    Ebon Hawk, Bounty Hunter, Bodyguard, Level 70, Master Mode Group Finder, Assault on Tython

    All other 70s. Tank is Jugg. No stealth. Both dps and I run to the first bridge after going around mobs and wait for tank. Tank aggros group way back at beginning. So, we run back around and toward tank who's at half health. Save day, get back to bridge and tank asks why aren't we stealthing it. So one of the dps tries to go behind but aggros... whatever we get through it and the other objectives, power cores or whatever.


    They run to the side on the right and I type: "recommend clearing trash." Hesitantly the tank finally engages and we clear that front group. The tank then types:


    "Just had a migraine and the grenades are killing me," or something like that. I'm guessing they're talking about my green kolto missiles. Tank jumps boss and we start fight. Not easy, but doable. After first add group tank is gone and boss is gone. The other 3 of us are just standing on the deck. :confused: Then boss rappels back in and we realize tank was thrown and boss reset. :(


    Tank types again: " Grenades are really killing me." Ok so let me understand this. You get migraines. Video game visuals make them worse so you log in... choose MM GF FP and then complain to the group that we shouldn't use the skills we know to get the job done? Rich!


    So at this point, instead of just leaving... the tank starts the fight again... and then immediately leaves the group. You sir are the epitome of the title of A-hat!


    There is a product called "grenade" and what they are are hyper caffeinated pills that helps keep people awake for extended periods of time. It could just be those

  9. Not a member of YC here but I've played with and against members of YC in PvP matches before (Janvs most notably). I sincerely hope that this latest announcement will pursuade you enough to change your minds. If not, I wish you all the best of luck and we will miss you guys, if that is the case.


    -Kalyx, Unchained Wrath

  10. Sorta kinda kinda sorta. I find myself using 4-stack rail shots more often if it keeps me below 40 heat. I'll also use rapid shots before blazing bolts if it procs supercharge. Just in general it's a bit more conservative; a bit more cautious. Blazing bolts isn't quite as high of a priority as it used to be, I think - not really worth delaying heatseekers or 4-stack+ railshot for a gcd anymore. Good parses are in the 9200-9400 DPS range and use between 15 and 18 rapid shots. Your 500k opener should be doing about 10.5-11k DPS. I need to parse more and get the rest of my datacrons but 9400 is certainly possible with good crits.


    Just be smart with how you use abilities. Priority systems are harder to optimize than static rotations because you gotta pay attention to your relics. If you have a relic window, use a 4-stack rail shot. Don't wait for the procs to fall off just to get a 5 stack. If your adrenal is about to fall off and you're stuck doing filler, use an insta-cast tracer before going into blazing bolts. Tracer under adrenal will increase your dps more than that first tick of BB, and you're not delaying any heavy hitters.


    Try to pop supercharge right before blazing bolts (you'll build alacrity stacks faster) but don't delay it too long.


    Some sample parses:

    http://parsely.io/parser/view/305729/0 (my 500k opener, similar to Durge's excellent opener)

    http://parsely.io/parser/view/307561/0 (my highest 2.5 mil, out of about 15 attempts so far)

    http://parsely.io/parser/view/306987/1 (the top 2.5 mil parse currently; he doesn't wait for BB to use supercharge)


    Hey Hop! What are your alacrity numbers for your Merc?

  11. wheres that. If I do not have defender active does it matter I have another anti virus tired that didn't work.


    Control panel -> system and security -> Windows firewall -> Add a program through the firewall (something like this).

  12. I've been having a similar issue with my game. Somehow, the latest Windows 10 updates reset the preferences for your firewall. You have to manually re-add launcher.exe and brwc_Swtor.exe into your list of exceptions hope this helps.
  13. GUI: Abilities' Load-outs for Class Specializations

    My guildies and I have noticed that whenever we re-spec a class (Marauder, for example, from Carnage to Annihilation), our abilities' load-out gets reset to the default quick-bar. We would love it if, in the future, we would be able to save an abilitties' load-out to a certain way, for a certain character's specialization. This allows players to be able to re-spec on the fly and load up their pre-configured abilities' load-outs for that specific specialization.


    Dataframe: Legacy Server Transfers

    Sadly, we've also noticed that there are many players who originate from one server that transferred and/or created characters on another server and are now playing on the new server. It would be nice for some of those players to bring their Legacy from their former server to their new one. Already, there exists Character Server Transfers and Legacy Rename. Why not allow us to transfer our Legacy Storage as well?


    Gameplay: Make Unassembled Tokens Legacy Bound

    It is understandable that you want to encourage players to experience the different various forms of end-game content that is available. However, the key issue was that this hindered the Alt-aholics. Instead of making such players re-grind their individual alts to Command level 300, why not just make Unassembled Tokens be Legacy Bound thus making things easier for players to gear up their Alts (especially the Earpieces, Implants, and Relics)?

  14. Unless it is a class that you already know how to play, I do not recommend you using a 65 boost on a character class and spec that you are not familiar with. If anything, you should be taking the time to learn all of the classes available to you too play and see what feels most comfortable for you to play.
  15. 70 by the end or Coruscant? Hehe awesome.


    I did a Sniper and Merc two weeks ago, both 0-70, but it took until Nar Shaddaa to hit 70.


    After a handful of pvps, Solo Taral V and Maestrom prisons, Solo Esseles, and heroics on both Ord and Coruscant everyday. Yup. :D

  16. He actually inspired me to make a new Mara alt yesterday as it's been a while since I did the Warrior story.


    He just dinged 49 on his last mission on Dromund Kass. No planetary missions like the Revanites, just class story, Black Talon, normal missions and one round of heroics only (plus four midbies pops!)


    That's right, Almost L50 in the first two worlds. I was almost L30 at the end of *Korriban*.


    It's difficult to overstate how easy this game is if you take the time to learn at all. This was not through some kind of epic gameplay either, this was just doing the missions with a low-inf Shae (to start) and a 20-inf Vette. No deaths of course, despite purposefully aggroing packs of mobs at a time.


    Anyway, the point of this post is that if OP reads the advice above, this game is currently the easiest MMO experience that exists and the class is one of the strongest in the game. You can do it, OP. Just learn the class and its DCDs, and run with a healing comp.

    Mate, I will call your lvl 50 Mara and raise you a fully lvled 70 Commando.

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