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Posts posted by Dalethfc

  1. Over the last couple of months it's getting Boring.

    Log In,, starts loading up towards Character Screen Then Boom CTD,, 1st time a couple of months ago 6 attempts.. went back a few hours later and it must have got fixed.

    couple of weeks later, same again,, Then we had the over a day of failure.. now Yet again..

    I cant figure out what these idiots do to the login system.. They must be bored or stupid

  2. On 7/29/2024 at 1:13 PM, VilianSW said:

    It might help to know which server the issue pertains to, to learn whether it's a global or local problem. Recently Darth Malgus seemed to be in the low, but the most often it's Star Forge.

    Oh it was Malgus

    • Sad 1
  3. On 7/29/2024 at 6:31 AM, TheScorpionQueen said:

    I ask because some else will. If you run Windows 11 it can help install/reinstall directx Jun2010.

    And I am pretty sure if you want someone to help you they will ask for system information. You can copy the information you find about Windows and copy the information here.

    It seems to be many smart guys on the forums, so I am sure they will have a suggestion to you.

    No win10-64,,,,, I finally got a small update as I tried logging in around mid day

  4. 16 hours ago, Alericus said:

    ya sorry didnt follow up but yup to all above...hope this helped?

    Yeah,,, The Devs are Vile,, making you do 3 long and boring Flash Points,, 2 I done long ago But they make you redo them ? I hated them then and, For a SH ? Nah. I have all the others and this one is Open. Wasting about 6 to 8 Hours on Very Boring and grating missions is painful. I really dont get Why they would do this.

    • Like 1
  5. On 6/15/2024 at 4:34 PM, Alericus said:

    Apologies if you have alrady done the following but please read this

    I had similar issues but didnt have the mission you have to get from Vagol Oss. I could figure this out until....
    Go to Collections(Ctrl +C) > selection Galactic Seasons, selection Season 6: Building a Foundation.
    Check each one to see if highlight(youve unlocked and completed)
    If missing any you should be able to download, only one still waiting for me is Key to West Wing Exterior and suite. and thats in progression and coming for me. everyone is different for the paths.

    Again I am just giving suggestions if youve done this good luck but maybe others have similar issues and didnt know you could check this yourself.

    You Mean This ? They released it round the Wrong way ?


    • Like 1
  6. When did In Game support get so stupid ?

    What part of "The Ones who are Meant to be there are not. The Only One That is is the one who is the active one" dont they get ?

  7. Since Update

    It should be

    Lana, Koth, HK-55

    Darth, Pirate and Nick 

    Thats what it was in the Swamps when I logged out when in The Gravestone before Doing Lana's mission.

    This is how it always is.

    Along comes the Update,, then,,, BOOM,, All Gone except the one who is with you.. Well Done.

  8. It's like when your Comp is begging for a heal vs Shea in Rishi mission,, they never did that until a a year or so ago when they Changed them AGAIN. They cant stop f&cking with them, nerf nerf all the time

  9. Starting From The Hunt saves you doing the Stary,, you also get The Romance Choices,, you can also enjoy some fun bits instead of being

    Shoved in to The Jedi Bit.

    The Thing that does piss me off with Skipping FE is that on Either Side you have the Default Light Pub Dark Sith.. When I play through I

    always keep Koth and Arcann alive. I choose to sometimes have Vett alive to, even though keeping Torien helps in Shie's story.

    I remember the Token being 65 with 208 gear,, I used to then Buy a Boost to 70,, then when the 80 came out I got that.

    At the moment it's a piss off Either Start from Scratch of Start at Ossuss.. I have know Idea in the Logic of these people stopping it's sale as I

    often saw people who had bought them sorting bits out.

  10. More in Mission and the like instead of keep Shoving endless supply of Companions..

    Lana, Nadia and Kira dont do anything.. Well Lana Does at the Ruins but that's it. Kira ? It's as if you don't want to, you just think up a

    New person to piss us off. I have ignored the last couple of these New Companions as a they are a waste of time.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    Did you mean "Elara Dorne" when you said "Eleri"?  If so, yes, both sides can get her in War on Iokath, provided you back the Republic in War on Iokath.

    But only Troopers can set up a romance with her at that point, and only male ones that romanced her in the origin story.  (There's some flirting for female Troopers in an Alert, but it doesn't seem to go very far (yet).)

    For Jedi Knights: Kira on F/F, Scourge on M/M and F/M.

    For Jedi Consulars: Nadia Grell on F/F.

    No Elera is Pub, I meant that Imp Major Anri,, I spelt it wrong so I should change it lol.. I Know all that with Dorne.,, Also Thats why I said Bar Main Story Characters coming back.. I really is a bit thin espc if you start an Advanced Character

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