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Posts posted by bulkale

  1. Hello new guys, and welcome to TOR!


    I have played several Sith characters and am starting some Republic ones now as well.


    To answer your question, your name doesn't "change" as it did for the examples you cited. You just get a title of "Darth" in front of your name.


    The lore actually still works this way, even though it doesn't seem like it. I'll explain. Darth Sideous was a Sith and ALWAYS was a Sith. However, he could not have become a Senator from Naboo nor the Chancellor with a name like Darth Sideous. He was always Sideous, he just used Palpatine for subterfuge purposes.


    Anakin on the other hand began his life in the Force as a Jedi. His Sith name was given to him WHEN, and only when, he became Sith.


    As a Sith in TOR, you start life as a Sith, you live life as a Sith, and you end everyone elses life as a Sith (see what i did there? lol)


    Hope this is helpful!


    Actualy Darth sideous (palpatine) wasn't always a sith he became a sith at the age of 17 (if I recall correctly) when darth plagueis made him his apprentice. Anyway SI get a sith name at the end of class story based on your alliegence.

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