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Posts posted by swamptuna

  1. I don't understand your trophy system. All it does is encourage people to fight in mid instead of the objective. I get more trophy points, which leads to mvp, if I just fight in mid. If I guard a node the entire game I get crap. If I fight on the roads like a noob, I get mass trophy points. How is it fair for someone with 2000 objective points, receive more trophy points than a person with 11000 objective points? This doesn't make sense and only encourages bad playing behavior. Please get rid of trophy points and base it on objective points. I do not see how it is fair to penalize someone for actually winning the match for you.
  2. So if I understand correctly you want to increase or even double the already bloated schematic listings: BOE version takes a long time to craft but is sellable; BOP version takes less time to craft but is only usable by the character who crafts it?


    And how many CS tickets would be created when someone "accidentally" crafts the BoP version and wanted the BoE?


    Sorry too complicated; too many points for potential problems


    If it takes 45 mins to send your comp. Then 45 mins to craft. Whats the difference if all that time was allotted to your comps mission. Its still the same amount of time, but you can actually use your item when you want or need it. If I feel like changing all my mods and things in and out to see whats more beneficial. Or upgrading my companions gear, this wait time is unnecessary . Also to think everyone would be accidentally making the wrong things, I have more faith in players being more responsible than that.

  3. Time to craft is a factor in an item's value. Shorten that time, decrease its value. You may not care about that but a lot of players do.

    I do understand that. That's why I suggested items with a short craft time would be BOP only. I shouldn't have to wait so long for things I want to use. That I craft myself, how would that ruin the value of anything. The real reason anything keeps its value is supply and demand. If we had shorter times I'm confident the market would adjust accordingly. I'm just stating what I found to be a drawback to a new player......yes I'm a sub:D

  4. Cybertech has reusable grenades, effectively giving anybody with CT an extra CC ability.

    I am 450 BC and I do not have "reusable grenades", grenades yes, reusable , no. If I'm missing something please inform me. reusable grenades would be awesome

  5. Why do you make it take so long to craft items? This is terrible when you're leveling. By the time I'm done making things I've already leveled past what I need. Then if someone is looking for a crafter or if I'm looking for a crafter I'll have to wait till the next day to get my stuff. I would rather you double the time it takes to send your companion on missions than to create. 45 mins to make something, that's just terrible. What if I need 7? Sure I can get it off the gtn, but since I mainly pvp, doing dailies does not appeal to me. Sure they are easy and pay good, but when your on limited time, I don't want to spend all my time farming credits. Please explain to me how this would ruin the game with less crafting time?
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