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Posts posted by ytrenor

  1. Guess nobody else see's this, or don't care.

    I believe it's been like that forever for these specific items.

    See here on torcommunity


    Just like Fabricator Crystal needs mats a biochem, or armorthech would not normally use.

    It is even less of an "issue" now that mats can go in legacy inventory. If anything what you described was (maybe to some extent), one of the reason the mats inventory was implemented.

  2. Hi all,


    Thanks for the reports concerning the lip-sync bug in the conversation cutscenes of "Meeting Jekiah Ordo" Mission in French and German.


    Our team is currently investigating this bug. I'll update you when I have more information.

    I see it fixed as of 6.2 (*with launcher set to Windows XP SP3 compatibility)

    Was it actually fixed with the update and you forgot to add it to the patch notes ?


    * Launcher is set set to Windows XP SP3 compatibility, otherwise I got the 0% download progress "after game update" completed, and was forced to play starting planets only)

  3. I'm playing for 3 years, and all that time, pets had their name plate and health bar, and die over time if my companion is tank or dps, but stays alive when companion is healer. This is why I say it is normal.

    Now, is this an old standing bug, I don't know. I just see this "feature" for as long as I play swtor.

  4. When I show name plates on friendly NPCs, I also see name plates and health bars on my pets.

    Is this new? I don't remember seeing my pet's names flying around beside me.

    Also, why aren't my pets at 100% health after combat?

    If you mean the mini-pets, like RE-1 or any of the Astromech droid and the likes, or the starships, etc., yes it is normal.

    As for health, if your companion is set as healer, the pet will not lose health.

  5. Releasing this list 4 minutes after the servers were brought up just means that you knew about these before the update. Some of them are minor yes but the Knights of the Eternal Throne ones are game breaking and don't allow players to progress. How do you let something like that purposely into a patch?

    I was about to reply the same. This release should have been postpone.

  6. Hi all,


    Thanks for the reports concerning the lip-sync bug in the conversation cutscenes of "Meeting Jekiah Ordo" Mission in French and German.


    Our team is currently investigating this bug. I'll update you when I have more information.

    I don't see a fix for this in the patch notes for 6.2. Are you still traking this?

    Its really annoying, and I don't want to complete this mission until it is fixed. Please.

  7. "In the past", with fully unloked influence perks in Legacy, turning in locked Supply Crates to Alliance Specialists would grant 30% bonus on influence (I believe this is the conversation influence perks). So a crate granting 500 influence would actually give 650 influence.

    Now, I don't see this bonus, i receive 500 influence per crate only.

    Is this a new "feature" to lower the quality of life, or is this a bug ?

  8. On Star Forge, when I was doing the Star Fortress missions over a year ago, I could read the Devotional Texts by hovering the mouse over the datapad. Now there is no tooltip. I'm re-doing everything on another server, so this is not because I've read them already.


    I know many tooltips have been broken recently (I'm thinking about the entrance of some quest area), so maybe it is related to a broader tooltips issue.

  9. For some reason, you recently moved a lot of quests (on many planets) that used to be in the Bonus Series area of those planets (but not part of the Bonus Series) to other places where players would more easily find them if they chose not to do the Bonus Series of the said planet.


    On Taris (Republic), there is a quest name Pirate Justice, and tne quest givers were moved to Olaris.

    After completing the quest, I have to travel to their previous location (Brejik) in order to return the quest in the mission box.


    Please, make it easy for us, let us return the mission to the mission box literally behind the quest givers in Olaris

    Or move the quest givers back to Brejik.

  10. Since 6.1.4, whenever I quick travel to some place while mounted...

    - moving in or out of a stronghold

    - from the Activity window -> Solo tab

    Then, when I unmount, my companion does not show up with me.


    The same happen if I logoff while using "Random mount". When I log on again, I'll still be mounted, and when I unmount, the companion will not show up. In this regard, it appears this statement from the patch note is false.

    • Players who used the “Random Mount” button before logging out are no longer on a mount when logging back. In addition, the button will no longer remain in an active state upon logging back in, which could cause a “You are already mounted” error message in some cases.


    If I want to summon the companion from the companions window, I actually have the option to dismiss him/her. So I have to dismiss, and then summon again.

  11. It literally takes 1 min extra (maximum). And this is the bug forum, not the QQ section. If you want to complain, use the the gen section, not the bug section

    That's...the point. It was not there before, it is now there. Something has changed, so a BUG was introduced.

    This post was not addressed to you, but to the devs, and I was not interested to chit-chat about it.

    It's not on me, nor on you, to call for the priority of a bug.

    Now they can acknowledge it and decide to do something, or they can shove it under the rug.



  12. exactly, it's very badly done. especially as it's random, and we've no idea when it will pop, or worse, people that didn't know to leave, might have missed a meal, and if it didn't pop again, the achievement is gone for a year.

    Who said it is random? How do we know this is random? This is speculation.

    Here is another speculation: What if whatever is missing was meant to be not implemented this year... nor next year. What if it is a multi-year achievement? Let's be cynical for a moment :p

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