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Posts posted by oyrathor

  1. Not going to deny that it , it looks fun. Like a good joke, however, maybe it shouldn't outstay its welcome in lowbie. I am one of those people in lowbie and only started PVP a month or two ago. For two years or so I've only ever done PVE content and after having each of the classes at 60, I wanted tro try something new and now have 6 characters in the lowbie bracket.


    The lowbie bracket for me is about learning a new way to play after only having done PVE: where to stand when guarding an objective, learning not to break a stealth stun as it will only get me stunned again... Why do I want to learn? So I can continue to mid and maybe 60. What the OP is doing here doesn't really teach me anything other than to either stop queueing or hop faction, queue there and wind up in a same-faction match against this team and stop queueing again.


    So in short, it's fun but maybe also keep it fun and think of the new guys wanting to learn. New people can come to PVP and should be encouraged to do so.

  2. After not having been to Rishi for a few weeks, I went back there this weekend. I ended up with the same disturbing experience of the bridge from the spaceport to Raider's Cove being there physically but not visually. It only appeared after I had well and truly crossed it. Running repair hasn't fixed this.
  3. Wait what?

    I can't own more than 4 of her.

    When I tired to add her to my inventory of items it said no.

    Not No, you can't place her in this stronghold but no, you can't have more than 4.


    This just seems to be a miscommunication. What was said was not you can own moe than 4 of her, but rather you can place her 4 times in each of your 4 strongholds. Not that I've tested it but it just seemed that you two were talking about different things.

  4. The issue here is something that could be twofold. If this was indeed working as intended, it was rather bad form to just drop this pack, wait for a storm to brew up and then mention it.


    Then again, if this is merely used as an excuse, something went quite awfully wrong with the release of this pack. Telling us that would possibly be even worse marketing.


    However, the answer given here hasn't made me happy either way. How can you defend an item like Ceremonial Mystic lower dropping infinitely more than the upper or supplementary? I've seen this on the GTN of 3 separate servers...

  5. Gouging would imply they are forcing people to buy from it which isn't the case. They are Luxury items not necessity items.


    But by saying they are luxury items yourself, you are arguing with your own logic. Isn't the latest model of car from a manufacturer also usually more expensive than the previous one was? Markets change, inflation happens... I think these unlock prices are steep yes, but there comes a point where you've collected more armor sets than characters at a certain point. There's plenty of cool stuff already to mix and match and there's always the GTN. If you think it's too much, don't argue, just don't unlock them.

  6. Single items of armour? What are you talking about?


    Oh and that scrap stuff is awesome! At least for us crafters. Besides, it takes the place of reputation tokens, so it's not like it's "more" fluff than usual.


    Hasn't the scrap replaced the crafting materials in the packs rather than the rep tokens? I always hated getting nanosilk or hypercloth there...

  7. The weirdest I've seen in this regard was a few weeks back on Coruscant. A level 19 was spamming for help while in the Jusitcar sector running aroung with a M1-4X. This meant people must have lifted him through his class quest and now he was way underlevelled for Tatooine. The irony was that mobs in the Justicar sector would still give him XP.... not that he was killing any, mind you; only running and spamming.
  8. The key to keeping Qyzen pleased is in his system of beliefs. He won't like it if you help just everyone because he believes people who aren't completely helpless have to fend for themselves. Sometimes he will prefer it if you kill an enemy because they were honorably slain in combat and allowing them to live would mean that they are disgraced forever. Greed is never an option with him. Mainly it's a matter of getting a feel for his code of honour and then you'll be fine.


    Another option is of course spamming him with gifts. Weapon is his favourite but don't make the mistake of trying trophy on him like I did when I started... He was always grunting on about trophies so when I got him one all I got was a strange reply and +0. Again, it's tied to his code of honour, a trophy doesn't count if he didn't catch it himself.

  9. Like I said, I could be wrong. I just seem to remember getting Pierce on my Juggernaut and thinking Saving Face was a good way to get a moddable offhand for him and even with everything removed it seemed to stick to Force rather than Tech. Mind you, it's getting late at night here so I might be misremembering and I said I could be wrong earlier.


    In short, someone else might be able to clarify that but it's something that seems to have stuck with me.

  10. I could be wrong but doesn't that have Tech as its base stat even with the mods out rather than Force?


    Edit: Sorry, wasn't paying attention as that doesn't matter since you were both shadows.

  11. I wanted to buy one of the infected customizations which Bind to Legacy and send it to one of my alts. However, I found out that as a Marauderr (Warrior) I can't purchase a customization for Andronikos, one of the Inquisitor companions.


    Either the canister should then be Bind to Legacy or the customizations should be purchasable by any class since they are BtL anyway.

  12. Event rep from the Bounty Hunter event can be used at two vendors in the Cartel bazaar: the BBA Acquisition Officer and the Freelance Gear Merchant. Reputation from the cartel packs can't be used at these two vendors but needs to be used at the specific vendors on the other side of the Cartel bazaar.
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