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Everything posted by DarthNillard

  1. On a character that has completed literally everything, including the new stuff that came out today in 7.5 on Hutta in full (and yes, that includes the post-Ruhnuk holl-call started story with the Collector from the last content update). Logged out for 2 hours, logged back in and still nothing. Even tried going to Ruhnuk, and nada. Why tho??????? SOLVED:
  2. Agreed. Galactic Seasons are a pointless timesuck, at least give us cool glam stuff like more strongholds and companions every season for those of us who like to play Barbie Dream-Up & Dress-Up!!!!
  3. They should have done this a million years ago, we've had 50 legacy levels from launch. They've added tons of purchasable perks (like Speeder Piloting IV & V) but no way to earn them. Shame on you Bioware, I'm glad you are gone (in practicality though not in Spirit).
  4. Livestream on Valentine's Day. Just because they are single Nerds doesn't mean we all are lol. I kid I kid
  5. I agree. That doesn't have anything to do with the discussion you quoted me on. VA isn't necessarily crazy expensive and Biosword has never admitted that it has limited their ability to create new content. Person I was debating just has it in their head that this is the case....
  6. Actually they can and DID have it both ways by not allowing transfers out the gate. At launch through present, it's a new server test case for what I suggested: gauging the viability of finding new players or getting returning players from the APAC region. Whenever they do allow transfers, then it will effectively become a regional server as all existing APAC players on other servers can transfer to Shae if they are so inclined.
  7. Yes its an APAC server, but I don't think they want to get all the existing players to just move over here. If that was the actual goal, transfers would have been up from Day 1. Ain't nobody trying to redo EVERYTHING from scratch if they don't have to....
  8. There is absolutely no way this is the point of the server my friend. 0% chance. Otherwise it would have been opened from the jump with free transfers. I can't prove anything, but I feel strongly that Broadsword was using this as a case study to check the viability of bringing people from other Non-US regions back to the game or to it for the firs time. If you are an APAC player still actively playing the game despite losing your region specific servers a long time ago, they already "have you" and most likely aren't going to lose you.
  9. If the server opened with anybody able to transfer anything from Day 1, it would have immediately went bad. The economy would have been ridiculous just like every other server out the gate, big guilds with billions of credits to buy and fully kit out guild ships would have happened immediately so the guild structure would have been wonky, etc. There's a lot of bad that would have come from this when half the point for making this new server was to hopefully attract non-playing people from the APAC region to join or return. New APAC players or returning players who wanted to actually start over would have had a terrible experience in what you are suggesting. Meanwhile, for active players in the APAC region like yourself who have been playing on another server, you were more than able to continue playing on your current server in the meantime. They did say transfers would happen at some point from the beginning. Assuming they happen soon, you will only have to have waited 3-4 or so months to move your stuff. If you chose to re-roll in the meantime and are angry about it, that was your choice friend.
  10. NGL, this is a bad take. They have plenty of reasons for doing what they did how they did. It's just a matter of how they decide to allow transfers in the near future that will determine the fate of Vizla.
  11. No new updates on the Server transfers? How long are they on winter break for, sheesh.
  12. Again, none of us actually know so there's no reason wasting our time speculating. But one thing SWTOR is paying a ton of money for that games like WoW and ESO don't have to pay for is the Star Wars IP Licensing. Those fees never stop while a licensed game is still live, and really add up over time. But also, who cares? What is the end game to this narrative you are trying to push? Nobody at any time on the Bioware/Broadsword side has said or acknowledged that the content or quality of the game has ever fallen off due to cost constraints tied to Voice Acting. Or that they can't pump out content because they can't afford to pay for voice acting. They've definitely referenced that their resources (money, people/team size, or a combination of the two) isn't what it once way, but this game is also over a decade old and hasn't been a Bioware priority since Anthem development kicked into overdrive and resources were pulled from this game for that, or one could argue, it hasn't been an EA priority since the botched launch and early swap to a F2P model with microtransactions. But again, none of this can be proven so I digress.
  13. How does what I quoted you saying about you never moded or did cinematics but you have coded have to do with VA? You are deflecting and going in 100 directions, none of which serves any purpose. I have actually hired voice actors and done minimal voice acting myself (3 times, and this is no flex - it was irrelevant background conversation work when real voice actors couldn't make their call date/time). There are a TON of different ways you can pay for VA. Bioware isn't posting their line item reports of where they've allocated their money for the last 12 years, so unless Keith wants to weigh in this is all guessing anyway. If you would have been here from beta, one of the selling points of this game was how it was fully voice acted (at launch anyway). One of the biggest missteps IMO they ever took was abandoning that when they did the KOTOR like scruff with KOTET/KOTFE and the hybrid mess they've been doing ever since. In 50 years when/if this game is ever brought, the story is what it will be favorable known for and the VA is a large part of that. Just saying....
  14. Let me stop you right there friend. Everything you say after that part is what you assume to be true, but you are absolutely wrong. There is a lot more to games then just infinite lines of code lol...
  15. Man....this post is the best summary of the last few years of the game I"ve seen. NGL, seeing misstep after misstep listed out like this bummed me out 😢
  16. This is another part of the Capitalism scam. Unless you work in a direct profit section of a company (like Sales), in almost every company there is no real way to just do an amazing job year over year and be properly compensated for it. Most companies have a cap on how much of a raise employees can get (usually 3-7%) no matter how great they are from yearly performance/merit cycles. And there are usually even caps on in-line promotions (from a level 2 to a level 3 for instance), where they also typically fold in the merit increase you would have gotten anyway into the promotion raise to in effect limit the raise. You literally have to job hop from company to company in the US to see your income go up quickly, and the extra BS rub is that for the better part of the last 20 years employers tried to kibash that by using the faux stigma that anybody who switches jobs in under 2 years is unreliable (note: fortunately this is so common with the current younger generation, this stigma is dying off). At a prior software company I worked for (non-gaming), I reported indirectly to the CEO. He trusted me with a lot of very important things. I got the highest review score ("Game Changer") every year and would always get side perks like being part of the top contributors lunches and such. One day off the cuff I told him that I was going to start looking for another job and he encouraged it. I was so confused, but I'm also ballsy, so I straight up asked. If I'm one of the top contributors in this company, and someone you as the CEO trusts and relies on, why on earth would you say this? And he was very honest in his response: that's just how it works in America. I cannot give you the raise you deserve to make the money you deserve because then I'd have to do that for everyone in the company who makes less than they should, and our payroll will go off the chains. But if you go take a job somewhere else, get a nice raise to leave, hit me up in 6-8 months and I'll bring you back for a higher position and even more money. I'm like how is that in any way logical or reasonable when you already have me here and know what I'm capable of? What if I leave and never come back? And he said that's just a risk they have to take. TLDR: Capitalism is a scam double down.... P.S. - I did take his advice and leave for the same job at another company for more money, and then I did come back to that software company a year later for a higher position and even more money, only to then leave that place AGAIN for another company 8 months after that for even more money. My income nearly tripled in 5 years simply by changing companies multiple times, whereas if I had stayed at the original company - a job I loved btw with bosses (including the CEO I mentioned) who were all fantastic - I would probably have had the same job title 3 yrs later and be making maybe 10k more then I was when I had that convo. I am just very confused on why another studio would buy the rights to this game without a plan to do anything other than do nothing or slowly maintain it until it finally ends. If that was the plan, why wouldn't Bioware have kept it and just kept cashing the checks until the end? How much money can this game be making where Broadsword would spend whatever they spent to buy it, and for them to earn more money owning it until it ends without doing something to get new cash (like an expansion or changes that bring paying subscribers back)?
  17. Capitalism is an absolute scam. The people who actually "do" the work in almost every industry are expendable, and will be fired and have their lives ruined in a snap so that already filthy rich stakeholders (who don't actually do anything mind you) can get an extra 3 cents return on investment. It's disgusting tbh....
  18. That's fair, but the hope is that CC's will be spent. Every cent counts lol....
  19. Must say, this has been the best thread on this forum I've read in several years. A lot of quality information and discussion going on. If only the SWTOR story post 6.0 was this engaging....
  20. 3 out of my 8 planned main characters lololololololol. That's not how having a "main" works friend 🤣
  21. We've had Malgus - - in a cage under the Fleet for like 2 years real earth time (probably longer), and had to go poke him for mostly useless information like 3 or 4 times. Absolute and complete nonsense....
  22. It's clearly there so people can see it and use Cartel Coins (aka real money) to buy these things. There's a few places the little perk buttons have popped up in or since 7.4. Broadsword trying to get every nickel and dime they can, not that I blame them 🤷‍♂️
  23. It does seem to happen to me sometimes with changing loadouts, but not much. It's happened when i'm crafting, doing absolutely nothing waiting for a queue to pop, decorating my Stronghold..... all random.
  24. This also worked, right next to the GS vendors in Supplies. Thanks so much!!!!
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