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Posts posted by RACATW

  1. So this really annoyed me to see as well, so I’ve gone out of my way to farm a certain perma 75 guy on a token 70 until he started quitting matches whenever he saw me. Don’t know if he ever grasped the reason why he was the only person I’ve ever gone out of my way to explicitly farm, but it was fun to instil a bit of terror in him.


    The most interesting part is that he had a level 80 on another account. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Monterone said:

    I'm an objective player, who was pretty good back when we did 8v8 ranked. I still play to win, but after 14 years can play any part of this game with my eyes closed.

    PvP after this long is like driving a car after 20 years, you forget you're even driving, everything is automatic; you're just kinda sight seeing while your arms and legs drive.

    After 14 years of pvp, winning and objectives are like that. You can do everything deathmatchers do, but can also be aware of everything around you and anticipate what the enemy will do. You can communicate all that to your team, and have your map open and see what's going on elsewhere. And it's all automatic, it's just a part of being a good player. Experience.

    Deathmatchers can't do all that. Some can, but they don't care. Many others couldn't win a game if their life depended on it. So they focus on one small part of the game and then call that the best pvp there is. The pinnacle of pvp experience! Because that is their limit. And what their limit is means that's all there is to pvp. But they're just shallow and inexperienced.

    A good player can be good at more than just one thing.


    Lionwing - SF

    I have to disagree with you about “some”. All is more accurate because I’ve played with deathmatchers who I convinced to play objectives with me before. Every single one of them knows how the game works (when farming bots who run to objectives it becomes obvious what those objectives are)

    Maybe you are talking about the very worst deathmatchers who are brand new and simply trying to get a kill achievement? In that case you might be right, but I’ve honestly never met one of those.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 22 hours ago, Wulfurkin said:

    Funny how this would freeze the q entirely since nobody sensible is going to play pvp if it’s all an e-sport. Ive said it before, people log to play a videogame and they arent going to care if they dont meet a competitive standard of play.

    The pvp queue used to be very active and full of good players who could do objectives and deathmatch. Like AocaVII was saying earlier in this thread, people used to learn how to pvp. 

    Tbh, the bar in pvp is so low that I’ve quit playing since it feels like I’m fighting bots or have bots on my team. (No exaggeration whatsoever)

  4. As an objective only player, how confident are you about your ability to battle the ranked 8v8 and 4v4 players of the past? Do you feel like the way you play objectives now days could compete with them?

    What about if the 4v4 ranked players started playing more objectives now that 8v8 was ranked? Do you think you could still beat them?

    How confident are you that what you’re doing while “playing objectives” now days actually contributes to winning a war zone if both sides are actively trying to win? Could it be you’re just trying to avoid being farmed?


    If you're uncertain about the answer to any of these questions, I suggest looking up some class guides and skilling up. There’s a reason even PvE has dps checks and why tanking requires a complete understanding of the boss / opponents mechanics in PvE.

    PvP is the same way. You should learn your class. 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, DarthNillard said:

    How is it fine? There's a reason arenas are 4 vs 4 and warzones are 8 vs 8; some of these maps require multiple people doing multiple things (holding nodes, getting orbs, running the huttball, etc).  In some cases one team will have most of the team deathmatching and the other team will have less.  In these situations, roaming groups of 4+ people are just running around killing people trying to do objectives. The point is, at least there was a case to be made when there was only 1 overarching queue and you had no way to guarantee it was an arena.  Now you can, so go fight there.

    It’s because most people don’t know how to play objectives properly anymore. The old way was to fight at mid and send one stealth to cap the off node if we were losing the attritional battle at mid. 

    Now days it’s run everywhere like a headless chicken and never fight anywhere, just run, hide, cower at your off node and refuse to PvP. For old pvpers, that’s not fun. We want to fight, not run.

  6. On 4/17/2024 at 8:18 PM, MercMara said:

    Id rather have less pops than trash players that need to be carried. 

    You need bad players to queue otherwise they'll never learn the game and replace people who quit playing for a period of time.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, picklesrskankin said:

           First, let me clarify that i'm not a complainer. I've been playing this game since 2013 and i've rolled with the punches this whole time. I've seen good and bad PvP over the years. Now it seems like every class has so many escapes, dcd's and ways to get out of a fight that globaling people just isnt a thing anymore. If you have a high DPS character, they should have some weaknesses. You're trading survivability for damage, but now we have every class who can cloak, bubble, stealth out, that it's just impossible to global. Another thing i've been experiencing is either the lack of players in Queue, or the fact that i'm solo and get stuck every match going against a 6m premade on voice. I like playing with friends, but maybe the amount of people who play pvp is so low now that if you're solo, you're going to be stuck getting rolled on. I know, skill issue, get better, but when i have 6mil avg damage and avg dmg taken is over 4mil a match, i stand no chance against them. especially since killing a player now takes waiting for them to blow all their dcd's. I play operative mainly, so im just waiting for all the people to not actauly read, but have a rebuttal or argument about that.

         I would be wrong to hate on people playing with their friends, but also trying to sit down and play a night of pvp against them every match isnt really fun. I know by the past, pvp hasn't been a big goal or deal for the Devs, but it is getting pretty unplayable now. I'd like to see the Devs answer or at least try to help me understand why our matchmaking is so bad now. I'm in groups with players at 328 gear and the other team is rolling 7 people with full gear on voice. Probably a skill issue and i need to get better :(. All the classes with high dmg are now tank level hard to kill and tanks can now survive a couple minutes with 6 people beating on them. Remember, this isnt a coordinated group of players, its a bunch of solo's playing a 2 healer, 2 tank and rest mercs/juggs. 

       I'm going to stick around as always, but i'd really love to see some work done for the pvp players. I dont want to think that queue only has like 20 people in it and thats why im getting the same teams over and over, but i'm really starting to believe thats where we're at.


        I look forward to the angry replies that will tell me why im wrong. We have many experts on most things in this world that play SWTOR. Just look at Fleet chat. 

    100%. It's very strange people with low gear (320s etc) seem to deliberately get matched vs these premades specifically. Sometimes there'll be two groups against each other, but the smaller group always gets the 320 geared players, while the voice premade with 6-7 and a meta comp with mitigation PT tank, two healers, ap pt, snipers etc gets the better solo q players.


    Matchmaking is beyond broken right now. And then, when you make an equal sized group with skilled players to get placed against the other group, you don't actually get placed vs them. Instead you get placed against random solo queuers in low gear. I wonder if it's because low gear players are trying their very best to win warzones, so it artificially inflates their current matchmaking ELO making the game think they're skilled enough to be placed against that kind of premade. (meanwhile "winning" a warzone doesn't really indicate whether the match is going to be balanced in terms of K/D ratios)

    • Like 3
  8. He's probably talking about when he has a skill advantage vs the players, on a map with tons of pillars.

    It's quite tricky fighting good ranged 1v1 in the open. In fact, I think the best ranged class to kill jugg may be a truly good merc.

  9. Swtor needs to track damage, healing, protection and kills percentiles of players. That's the most likely predictor of whether the match will be balanced or unbalanced.

    Plus you should be restricted from stacking people in the 90%+ percentile within the same group.


    For swtor devs:

    Imagine two PvE groups are doing timed runs. One group has a bunch of nooby pug randoms. The other group has NiM hardcore raiders who have done the operation thousands of times. Who's going to be faster at it?

    That's why elite players shouldn't be in groups bigger than 4. Even 4 players of the best in the game kind of breaks things.

    Why not balance it more? Two tanks are already prevented from queueing together in arena. Those same two tanks could be complete noob players who are trash at PvP. If they got matched vs a veteran 4 man group, I guarentee those veterans would crush them completely.

    So why aren't the best players in the game prevented from stacking their team? You already know they're the best if you track their playstats in their accounts and look for anomalies.


    I see swtor willfully allowing veteran players to ruin PvP midbies by stacking perma 75s in a group and stack meta comps with the best players in the game while not allowing two noob tanks to queue together and limiting the number of healers.


    Why wouldn't you build on the restrictions to account for something far more unbalanced? Matchmaking certainly fails in accounting for this imbalance already, so you may as well just add those new restrictions.



  10. 13 hours ago, nzologic said:

    Sorry I thought you were trolling when you mentioned 1v1's being difficult with double camo. I agree that mara's could use some help in 7.0 but if you were struggling in 6.0 there are other factors at play.

    In a wz? Who is going to wait 3 minutes for you to heal up after you camo out?


    Also camo does nothing to truly help you win vs a good player. I fought a duel with the supposed best 1v1 Mara on my server in 6.0 and he couldn't kill me. I didn't feel like hunting him down in his tatooine stronghold though. So it just ended in a stalemate.

  11. 14 hours ago, nzologic said:

    Right, I see the problem. Carry on 🙃

    If this is as cringe a comment as I think it is, I play Mara maybe once every 3 months now.

    There's other classes that are a legitimate threat when not playing in a premade. A solo Mara is pretty weak.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    I think you missed the point. We weren’t talking about the regs queue, we were talking about a possible 8v8 ranked queue.

    My point was that a ranked 8v8 queue only works if it is set up as a solo queue. There really isn’t enough players for a group queue too. And to be frank, I’m not even sure there are enough people to have 8v8 ranked either. BW/BS made sure of that when they drove the majority of ranked players from the game. 

    And while I would love an 8v8 solo ranked format, realistically they aren’t going to do it & there aren’t enough players to add another PvP queue. 

    What they could do to add some form of competitive play back into the game is adjust the current 8v8 & 4v4 system. Give everyone seperate ELO’s for queuing solo & premade for both arena & WZ’s. Reduce the premade size limits back to 4 man for WZ’s & make it 2 man for Arena. Then adjust the algorithm to force premades v premades.

    One suggestion I read was if solo players are put in a pre-made game & they lose, then it should not affect their ranking. If a pre-made wins against solo players, it doesn’t increase ranking. It only increases if they play other premades. But if the premade loses to solo players they do lose ranking. 

    To get around most casual people being shy about their public rankings, only the top 100 players (regardless of which Alt character they use) would have their ranking on the website. Anyone else wanting their rank public would have to opt in for that to happen. You would always be able to see your own rank & ELO per character, but others wouldn’t be able to see it unless you choose to share it. 

    This way you get a version of ranked without calling it ranked or needing a seperate queue. They can work out rewards to correspond with PvP seasons or run this between seasons as an extra thing to keep people pvping between seasons. 

    Generally I think it's perfectly possible for matchmaker to place truly skilled players against each other (solo or not), it just refuses to do so.

    Sometimes I *know* there's another premade in q if I make a counter premade. And yet we never get matched vs them. So why is that? Matchmaker being incompetent? The people who get matched onto the team are usually complete randoms who add no value to the match against a premade.

    In fact, I have no firm idea why the matchmaker even takes the amount of time it does to matchmake. I do notice lately if I play tank, sometimes it will insta pop for me spawning a new match against another decent tank. (But the other tank is queueing with a healer + premade while I'm solo). So it does attempt some role based Matchmaking still.


    Just seems like it's so mediocre of an attempt to matchmake compared to what used to happen once in a while years ago. Maybe we can write it off as solo players being less skilled but I feel like it's a catch 22.


    The real problem is that matchmaker might be attempting to place the highest rated ELO in a premade group against the highest rated ELO of a solo player (this happened even back in 2018 according to patch notes back then iirc). That would be very dumb, because you need the ELO's on each team to all be roughly equal. Not just in median skill, but within a bracket for each player.

    You can notice if a premade group faces off against another one (7vs7), then you queue solo and one noob queues solo, your team will win because you were the massively differentiating factor.

  13. 9 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    Stating my 5 Cents here. 

    Premades and horrible Matchmaking are both the issue. Premades because the MM to essentially give out and throw newbies and or solo Q's against a 4-6 Man Premade, which in turn leads to the issues players face today. Basically whenever a Premade Q's, the MM struggles to match accordingly, and in turns throws whatever at the wall and that's the team balancing. 

    Another thing that occurs is that Premades abuse the MM system, by opting or leaving matches as soon as they come across another premade. I've seen it happen so many times where as soon as everyone spawns in, the premade bails. They don't want an even fight to fight another premade, They want to farm solo Q's for EZ kills and and to feed their egos. This is not even bringing up the fact that almost every premade nowadays is just number farming, they sabotage their own teams wins just so they can continue farming the other team.

    Regarding MM, my general theory is that there is just not enough skilled players to balance both teams out. For example, One team will have a mixed of new players and veterans while the other will be all new, or it will turn out that one team is all veterans and the other is all new. It can be easy to say its a premade on the other team, but in actuality its just because there is not enough skilled players actually playing to balance evenly. I know people memed on the Ranked Community leaving, but in reality the PVP community lost a vast majority of its skilled playerbase. 

    This actually has some truth and merit to it, I've been on teams against premades where is was some highly skilled rando solo players (usually ex ranked players) and we were able to fend off a sweaty premade. This is very rare though, as stated in previous point. 

    Regarding how many Premades are active, at least on Star Forge there are 3-4 that come to mind that are infamous for just farming players and being toxic beyond belief. 

    Regarding a solution, its literally an Occam's razor deal, just limit premades back down to 4 for Warzones, and two for Arenas. The game mode even advertises for Warzones and i quote "up to four friends". The dev's clearly know that their 8 man premade idea doesn't work in practice, they just don't care about the PVP Community (or any community that doesn't buy their Cartel Market content). 

    I also want to add an addendum that imo, I think Time to kill should go up. It is currently far to easy to push a team back into their spawn, I've been on the sending end and receiving end of it. By increasing TTK you do the following; 

    1. Premades have a much harder time farming players, increased TTK means that players will survive longer and have a better chance at fighting back. 

    2. New players have more breathing room to fight, and are not nuked the moment they come out of spawn. 

    3. It becomes much harder to push players back into their spawn and will actually punish players for trying to spawn camp as they cannot meet the DPS checks to keep the other team locked in. 

    TLDR; Limit Premade size and increase TTK are my solutions to fixing Premade farms. 



    It's funny you mention this. Just last night I was innocently playing, then my team gets the top 7 players in queue (in fact all of us could have gotten gold or top 3 during a competitive ranked season back in the day, in fact some did) vs absolute noobs on the other team.

    We only had one new player on our team. So we crushed the opposition completely. I really dont know what's going on with it.

  14. 3 hours ago, nzologic said:

    Well if we're being fair there was also a talent (if I'm remembering correctly) that reduced incoming force/tech damage by something like 75% for the duration, which is kinda hard to justify looking back on it.

    That being said, I don't think bringing back the OG obfuscate would be a terrible thing but maras aren't exactly the only class in a less than stellar spot since 7.0.

    There was also a skill that reduced damage by 99% which Marauder had. Did any of that make Mara op? Nah. I never felt op while playing it, in fact, it was always difficult to 1v1 anybody on it even with the camo.


  15. 20 minutes ago, Dyne- said:

    I agree with the majority of your post, but we can agree to disagree with respect to Obfuscate. I've routinely advocated for Marauder pre and post-pruning. I offered a considerable amount of feedback on the changes (and why they were terrible) and the devs went through with it anyway. Marauder is my second most played class in the game, and while I fundamentally disagree with their design decisions and vision for the class (if we can call it that), I will not shed a single tear for Obfuscate being removed from the game. Every other accuracy debuff should have gone with it. I'm all for actives and defensives that can be used at the appropriate time to give the user a competitive advantage (i.e. Mad Dash no-selling an incoming ability, rewarding a player with superior timing), but abilities that make an opponent flat out miss or remain stationary for a set amount of time are too low effort for my liking. Moreover, modifying Obfuscate would have introduced complexity and Bioware was terrified of that. I no longer see the point in engaging in solution-oriented discussions when the company isn't interested in feedback from the pvp community.

    If Bioware had even the slightest inclination of creating a balanced ecosystem in pvp then they wouldn't have gone through with ability pruning in the first place. At the very least they would have modified the duration of all remaining CC as well as resolve. That hasn't happened yet, nor has any appreciable balancing changes outside of the most minute modifications. In the face of their intrepid, overwhelming, and steadfast dedication to class balance, you'll have to forgive a bit of skepticism on my part that they would actually change the duration of Obfuscate (or any other form of CC for that matter).

    Now if there's nothing else, I'm off to get bubble stunned on repeat 😂.

    Tbf, the counterplay was pretty straight forward. You simply hit them with yellow damage, dot them up, or let other people hit them with white damage instead of you.

    • Haha 1
  16. 22 hours ago, VegaMist said:

    That's not "objective players" - that's "don't know how to play" players. "Objective players" are the ones who recognize what's going on and play accordingly to fulfill the objective. For example, when your team has a left nod, the enemy has the right nod, and mid is contested with little hope for either team to cap it, an "objective player" (especially if they can stealth) may go to the enemy nod to either steal it or draw enough enemy players from mid which would allow their team to cap it. Objective player may also be the one guarding an objective (solo) and calling out for help as needed. Objective player may be running back and forth between the nods to counter attacking enemies. Objective players fight on doors or nods effectively preventing enemy from opening a door or capturing a nod. Objective player takes the ball and either tries to score with it or passes it to someone who scores, or runs into the end zone in order to grab said ball, or assists the ball carrier by healing, guarding, or beating enemies off of them.

    Objective player DOES NOT run to capture a nod when multiple other players are running for the same nod with no enemy in sight. Neither do they camp in the end zone when there are other players in there already. They also don't try to open a door non-stop while enemy players not just clearly see them but are constantly beating on them.

    In other words, objective players understand the objectives in each specific case and do their best to help their team and eventually win the game.

    When I tell them that, they yell at me saying they're playing objectives. So they think (unfortunately) that they know how to play.

  17. 2 hours ago, Dyne- said:

    Welp I'll go ahead and get this out of the way. 

    Ability pruning was a horrendous idea and that person owes the playerbase an apology.
    Tanks want to do more damage than DPS players while having the most uptime.
    Ranged DPS players want to do more damage (and burst) than melee DPS who can't stealth out (and from 30 meters way no less).
    Stealth classes want to keep their burst while negotiating for better sustained DPS.
    AOE specs want more single target damage while retaining their AOE abilities.
    Operatives, mercs, and sniper players miss the glory days of being invincible.
    Everyone hates AP PTs.
    Everyone hates engineering snipers.
    Some Marauder players think that a 90% accuracy debuff that lasts 6 seconds would be anything other than an "I win" button with 7.0 TTK.
    Round and round we go.

    To the OP:
    Just about every class has a spec that can put down some serious DPS. Some are more front-loaded than others based on the role they're supposed to fill. Players have an issue accepting this and they want their favorite specs to have all of the advantages without any disadvantages. This isn't realistic. Beyond that, focus on what you can control. Fully gear your character and min-max your stats w/ 300 augs. Afterwards, maximize your skill. Skill is going to be the largest determining factor in the outcome of your fights in this game.

    And if you find that you can't outskill certain players just min-max an AP PT and get a tank/healer friend to carry you. Become one of them 😂.

    IMO obfuscate was ironically one of the higher skill ceiling abilities in the game, since it was a 90% single target white damage accuracy debuff. You could augment it for some extra burst from a vicious throw + yellow damage defensive utility, but knowing when to use it added a lot of fun "flow" to mara.

    Taking that away makes it into a bot-like clown fiesta that bores me with its 3-4 damage abilities and lack of thought. Plus you gotta remember, for lore reasons marauder should have some force abilities -- obfuscate was one of its only ones (it has maybe 2 at most on each spec now that obfuscate is gone).

    • Like 1
  18. On 3/12/2024 at 7:44 PM, AocaVII said:


    The best path is for people to go on YouTube search for ivano swtor and look at his PVP for beginners because the players suck. It's not something that they will fix.

    Btw I'm not Ivano but he has good videos for beginners PvP.

    And again referring to the original post that I put up they will not fix PVP. It has to be fixed by the players. 

    I was playing with some of the weirdest "objective" players the other day. To start 4 went our side node (who knows why, because none of the enemy players went there), and 2 went to the enemy side node (???).


    So I went mid with one other guy and fought all 8 of the opposing players at mid. Ok great.


    Then we lost the game. (because our team had "objective" players)


    We only had 2 pvp players.

  19. 4 hours ago, NuSeC said:

    LOL! Main a merc and complain about sorcs! Mercs can have godlike DCDs and survivability. Hard to join a WZ w/o 3 or 4 mercs/mandos.

    Also, your name gives this away. MercMara I have saw good Maras top damage like many other classes and have saw mandos/mercs do it as well.

    Mara can do adequetely meh / ok-ish damage when not focused. Nothing special or super consistent though.


    The biggest and most massive nerf that occurred in 7.0 was the mara obfuscate removal. It'd be like removing snipers stun and leap immunities by removing cover.

  20. 6 hours ago, Ajalkaar said:

    premades don't do that to get put against "lower skilled teams" xD they're just doing it to make the match longer. Also that's not how the elo system and matchmaking works

    I disagree. I myself have purposely started to lose on some of my characters since coming back, to lessen the times I'm put solo against a full ops group.

  21. 5 hours ago, Ajalkaar said:

    You don't have any clue of what you are talking about don't you. Before I start I'm playing PvP solo most of the time so don't use the premade argument against me.

    Ok let's start, ,first of all even if there is an elo system I hardly doubt it's only based on just winrate in WZ otherwise I wouldn't get trash teams and  matches against premades every time there's one in Q. 

    Don't you know how the matchmaking algorithm works? There's a list of priorities, and every time a priority can't be met, it gets overridden by the next priority. But this king of algo can only works well if the player base in q is sufficient wich isn't the case in SWTOR. The lack of ppl in Q result in a lot of overridden priorities wich is called "backfill" that's why the matchmaking seems rigged.

    Also even if I agree with the fact that premades should be 4 players max, premades have never been an issue until now, except for a few TOP ranked teams that came with a healer and tank. Now its start to bother ppl because balancing is trash and the large majority of players are really bad because a lot of new players tried pvp because of the pvp season and a lot of experienced player quit the game and can't carry them against premades anymore (even bad ones).


    And last thing premades doesn't only care about winning arenas otherwise they would only be in arena Q.

    Also about player not playing objectives and farming kills I'll ask you a question: why shouldn't I be forced to play objectives ?
    I'm playing this game for a long time now and I've done the objectives hundreds of times and I can affirm that they are very boring to me. I'm playing PvP because I love to confront and fight other players. Objectives don't encourage getting in fights the way players are doing it and most of the time you'l just do a marathon all over the map just to cap points. Objectives are boring in their design but also because most players are very bad at it and can't even defend a point 3v1 so why you I waste my time doing something that bored me to see my team losing anyway. 
    When I'm Qing PvP I expect to fight other players for 15min straight and not afk to a pylone just to get a win. Also there's not rewards for winning anyway.

    And don't use the "go in arena" argument this is the same problem on a lot of classes arena aren't fun because half of your team get globalled every round.
    You want to play objectives good for you I'll kill the enemy team for you wich actually makes your job easier. Sometimes ppl seems to forget what PvP stands for.

    Yes there's an elo system.

    Years ago 8v8 unranked and ranked was entertaining but dps monkeys from solo ranked who get angst over a tank being able to guard swap are all you see now days. "Nerf healers they too stronk", "nerf tanks I'm bad, I can't manage to dps".

    Why? Because player skill in general is that much worse. Objectives can be fun to base the pvp around, but conversely if someone's so bad at playing the game the only thing they can do is objectives it is not fun.

    But it's also not fun to kill someone who thinks they're good because they play in a carebear ops group or full premade huddling together with other people in fear of being exposed. I already know they're a bad player.

    Playing objectives as you said spreads people out in a marathon. It makes them vulnerable, you can kill your prey more easily when they're caught out away from the herd. Although ops groups these days are extra careful to protect their stragglers unfortunately since 8v8 is unranked and they don't care about the objective.

    I understand people like to huddle together for protection, but I genuinely want to see more 1v1 or 1v2 action again. Those situations can be really entertaining, plus the group fights at mid.  When people genuinely are encouraged to play objectives you see much more of that, plus real fights at mid.

    Some form of ranked would be nice in 8v8, since it'd force people to play better and create stragglers.

  22. 10 hours ago, kjarnage said:

    It is my understanding that match making is not based on wins.  Farming teams do not want scoring to end the session early.  Farming for medals. Farming for high damage healing protection scores and kills. If they were avoiding wins all the time they would just be put against the next players that queue in.

    You're supposed to have a 50% win rate so matchmaker tries its absolute best to get you around there. The main thing it uses are wins. You also always get more medals for winning. 


    If you're trying not to win all the time it puts you against very bad players who can't win. Effectively it sinks your ELO.


    Warzones have always had an internal elo, it's used to help people have higher win rates (get them to 50%).

  23. SWTOR's matchmaker is ****, it's **** because it's based off wins internally for warzone ELO. 

    So now you put a premade that doesn't give a **** about wins in a warzone together with a **** matchmaker based on wins, what do you get? **** matchmaking. Why don't ex solo arena players care about wins in warzones? Because they only cared about wins in arenas. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

  24. On 2/25/2024 at 11:56 PM, Beyrahl said:

    Veteran's will still bully new players, without proper mm that'll always happen, proper mm can't even work due to population but it's still a step forward from than current state. 

    Their simplistic MM based on wins giving elo works for arena, but not warzones.

    You'd need to make warzones ranked and arenas unranked to see people start to improve in play again.

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