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10 Good


  1. I don't really understand what you think you are gaining by withholding your ideas.
  2. I'd actually like alternative bars based on my saber charge...
  3. BoP: Bind on Pickup, meaning you can't trade them.
  4. It's fine, but I think that's a better combination for a Tech user, tbh (because Scav and Investigation get you mats for your weapons and armor). You should do great selling mats and schematics in the GTN though.
  5. The digital deluxe edition never promised access to the exclusive shop. It was also nowhere near $160. The offerings have not changed for the three game editions: http://buy.swtor.com/us/
  6. Does Harnessed Darkness proc from twinned Shocks generated by Chain Shock? I'm thinking that instead of Raze, you go Harnessed Darkness, something like this: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_inquisitor/assassin/#::ef4efef4e3f5ef2e8de5fef19: Death Field seems like a better option than Wither anyway, due to short cooldown and Wither's limited range.
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