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    Lesen, Malen
  1. I don't want to say anything against homosexuality - to be honest I think it's good that BW did that - but Vaylin?! I mean, ***?! She's a psychopathic beast, even worse than my sith marauder, and it even seems that Arcann is scared of her. Be honest guys, would you want that? Well, she's attraktive, but imagine a romance with her. Would she kill you if you're late for a date, or would she just break all your bones, so that you will never be able again? Remember what Senya has told you 'bout her aggression (the Story when Vaylin was a little girl...) In addition, is anyone thinking, that flirting her'd be realistic? She's your enemy, she Bad risked to cause a giantic Explosion to catch you on her own planet... I mean, *** again. And, you think that would even fit into the lore of SWTOR? No, it wouldn't ... The only amusing point 'bout this are the dialogues I imagine you migjt have ist Valkorion, Senya or maybe Koth, then. That'd be really hilarious. But, no a Vaylin-Romance would be totally killing the story.
  2. Ich fand auch immer, dass der Maro so die Schlimmste Klasse ist:) Ich bin damit dauernd gestorben und als es dann noch nen Nerf gab ... naja war ich mal vorsichtig ausgedrückt sauer Aber trotzdem im Endgame geht der Maro doch voll in Ordnung (mein Vergleich zB zum Söldner aber okay...) Also glaub ich mal dass es ganz okay war den zu nerfen ^^ Is natürlich nur ne persönliche Meinung...
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