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Posts posted by Asuka

  1. I was introduced to SWTOR a couple of years ago, and played it for a couple of months. Other games came out, and I left. With The Force Awakens out, I became nostalgic and resubscribed, and am really enjoying it. Sure, it's become a bit easier, but the story-telling is terrific and there's so much to do for someone with limited experience.


    The biggest downer is this forum - however. So much negativity. I understand that the veterans amongst you are disappointed (isn't that always the case, after a while?) but to continue to post about it does nothing but put off fresh blood. And fresh blood is presumably needed to add to the game's revenue base, which will help fuel its longevity. Don't get me wrong - constructive feedback is always a good thing, but there's a big difference between constructive feedback or criticism and outright negativity and - dare I say it - whining.


    Of course, a whining post about whining will draw criticism in and of itself. But going on, and on, and on about how EA/Bioware doesn't care, puts no thought into development, makes each iteration "worse" is hardly going to help anyone. In fact, I think it has the exact opposite effect.


    I, for one, enjoy it. And judging by the "gazillions" of people I see online whenever I play, there must be plenty like me - which is good news! So let's get positive - or at the very least - constructive!


    The forum is but a tiny fraction of the player base and same goes for any mmorpg. Some simply don't post because they don't want to deal with being called a fanboy or whatever because they are enjoying themselves and just looking to get some questions answered.

  2. I hope the local law enforcement agency had been notified. If I understand the facts correctly, then a criminal act has occurred. A felonious crime has been committed, and the perpetrators need to be arrested, tried, and sentenced for said criminal act.


    Making death threats is and they should be arrested which I hope they are and sentenced to the maximum sentence allowed which is something like $5000 fine and 5 years in prison. People need to learn they can't go making death threats all willy nilly.

  3. Hey folks,


    I wanted to let you know that we just implemented a fix to begin addressing some of the lag issues you have been experiencing on Yavin. Although this fix won't address everything immediately, you should start to see an improvement in performance. If things still seem the same to you as the did before please let us know. Alternately, if you haven't seen a performance change, please try leaving Yavin and returning to the area. In some circumstances (along with our fix) that can help.


    Thanks everyone. We will continue to monitor the issue and give you updates as we have them.




    Apparently said fix fixed nothing because Korriban and Tython FPs are unplayable on Shadowlands.

  4. CE vendor has been mediocre at best considering how long it's been and how many updates it's feasibly could have gotten over 24 months. As mentioned the statue and journal were cool and all but as much as the CE vendor was hyped up there should be far more there.
  5. Hey everyone,


    I just brought this back to the development team to get some clarification. One thing I can say is you will see something added into the CE vendor in Game Update 1.7.2, so look for it.


    I cannot go into any details but I can say that we are exploring different ideas on how to give more consistent and regular updates to the CE vendor going forward. Again I cannot go into any details and these plans are not finalized, but we have definitely not forgotten about the vendor!




    It's just sad it took over a year to get a response to this after the last one and just as sad that it's been 15 months and the vendor still sucks and EAWare's failed to deliver on the promised "regular" updates to said vendor. Just sayin..

  6. Actually VA work is cheap. Just ask the guy that voiced Grand Theft Auto IV. Most professional voice over actors make (relatively) normal wages. Supposedly it was the engine, not the VA work, that ate up SWTOR's budget based on Ohlen's most recent talk at GDC.


    Thing is we don't know what's considered "low" when you're talking $100million+ . Pretty sure Jennifer Hale, David Hayter, Nolan North aren't making "normal" wages.

  7. With less than 5,000 people playing at the end of SWG's lifespan, there's no incentive to bring it back and besides I'd much rather see someone else take over SWG and revert it back to what it was pre-cu. SWG is dead and gone though.
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