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Everything posted by veslon

  1. That gets back to my original point about Xalek he is entirely optional for the alliance and there is a lightside way to recruit him so why not one for the Khem replacement who as far as we are shown only wants to kill Sith and only attacked the out lander because the out lander just kind of sneaks up on him. I heard there was a bug with him appearing in the mission so maybe a conversation prompt was bugged too?
  2. And yet the bald bomb throwing anarchist and sith are in the alliance as well and we do not lose light side points for recruiting them. Everyone brings out the hatred for the paragons well for me it's either be a white knight or a renegade for life the in between is for indecisive Nerf Herders.
  3. Kind of ruins it for light siders doesn't it since if you think about it the alliance is full of sith, con artists, spies, smugglers, no lawyers yet though.
  4. /depressed sigh/ I think those gold hawkers make up most of the population on the fleet now.
  5. The alliance alert is pretty straight forward you kill things take their artifacts and solve a puzzle and possibly get a new companion if you are playing dark side. If you play light side like me you do not get a companion you are forced to reject him for no good reason. Even Xalek can get recruited if you are light side and you meet him while he is making the snow red with the blood of miners. I didn't even finish the mission just because I was hoping it was a bug that there is no light side way or at least neutral way to recruit that Usar and all he wants to do is eat sith and use their bones as toothpicks. So does anyone here want this mission changed?
  6. Orphan crippler title and that is why we can't have nice things.
  7. Well complaints for other things but it would be one less complaint from the customers if dyes are not destroyed on removal.
  8. Cartel market dyes I paid money greeny leafy spendy money for a dye I want to be able to take it out and put it on a different armor like a mod.
  9. It is easier if you are a subscriber just use your monthly stipend buy whatever pack is selling well wait two days for it to unbind than sell on gtn boom less than a day from that you have around 240k in creds, would be more but the gtn needs a cut of the action.
  10. Considering how much the black black dye cost I think we should be able to take out dyes without them being destroyed.
  11. Maybe have some of the schematics unlock through treasure hunting or through quests that require you to go through ruins of some sort.
  12. What are you guys even going on about I am saying I get miffed that if I try to take out a dye item from armor that it gets destroyed not about slots or combination of dye.
  13. well considering you slap them in like mods I wouldn't call them consumables.
  14. It just seems with how the mod system is set that removing dyes shouldn't destroy them.
  15. Like with the raise to 450 having to pay a fair 10k I thought what if there was a new addition to it called antique armormech that requires say 450 or 400 to learn. Some armors that could be crafted Neo crusader armor Baragwin Shadow Armor Genoharadan mesh armor Republic mod armor Daviks war suit(maybe cartel this one) I just pulled these from kotor but I would pay to be able to craft them, not sure what the last one is called but it looks awesome. http://http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic3.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20051118155411%2Fstarwars%2Fimages%2Fa%2Fa4%2FIridonian.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.swtor.com%2Fcommunity%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D679732&h=714&w=451&tbnid=hrxOalPGQn3YbM%3A&zoom=1&docid=w0ZJmGY8dEaZpM&ei=EXKPU_3lHoWayASsooGQCQ&tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&ved=0CFAQMygfMB8&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=591&page=2&start=18&ndsp=18
  16. Fine cartel exclusives than silver and gold quality.
  17. A full removal of dyes being destroyed when simply being removed. Think about this how much did they charge for black/black, what was it twenty real monies If you agree put bingo bango in your response.
  18. Thanks for the info guys and gals, On a side note maybe I should post a bug report on the refer a friend package thing because I can't display my title even after I used it oh well in a few hours it will be a non issue for me but still things like that and floor glitch enemies bug me.
  19. So I just went to preferred today because apparently my green dot card fee and swtor fee kick in about an hour apart from each other and green dot came first making my amount less than 15. So luckily I still had that preferred package from the refer a friend thing so I use that so my crew skills were all useable and for some reason my title thing didn't unlock even though I used the item that does that from the preferred package, Anyways I will sub again later today but I just wanted to know if I can't get early access now. and I just noticed I miss spelled strong holds in the title uh curse my eye sight.
  20. Mandalore the preservers armor looked better in kotor 2 than it did in this game. My suggestion no more tubing or ribbing of armor that wasn't that way in previous games or stories.
  21. How bout no. Everyone wants everything handed to them dang wipper snappers.
  22. Would love it if they made a Revan light-saber as well.
  23. In the words of Nancy Reagan "just say no".
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