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Posts posted by ltownatrain

  1. I'm more interested in how the cross-faction stuff is going to work, if there will be any at all. Is it just cross-faction group finder/PvP or will it be completely merged? Like having merged chat, merged guilds, merged fleets? And what happens to all of the older planets and the different Republic/Imperial outposts? Can we still go back and visit them after KotFE or are we restricted to the new content?


    I can imagine how the old quests could be reworked, like only having to kill 3 instead of 30 mobs, or being able to turn in quests via holo-call instead of traveling back to the starter planets. What interests me is what happens to the planetary story. Will it be completely gone or is it just optional now, similar like during 12XP?


    I somehow doubt that they are going to just up and make it so we cannot revisit old planets. First off they are adding planets so my guess is that is where the story will take place not on the old ones and if we do revisit Alderaan for example it will be as an instance not the entire planet. The reason being that they can't simply lock subscribers and people who buy the expansion out of activities with other players such as world bosses or heroics that count towards conquests and such. My guess is that the current planets will be left alone as will fleet, they will introduce new planets and simply ask us to suspend disbelief with the old stuff much in the same way they did with forged alliances because i mean if I go to Tython the temple is clearly still standing even though the FP says otherwise.

  2. Strongholds, Guilds, and Guild flagships will remain untouched. It would be neat if we have to fight the new empire to reclaim them, but that's not likely to happen.


    This, I mean it's great to dream but lets be honest most of the new story will likely happen on new planets only in the outer rim systems and if any parts of the story do happen on current planets then they will likely happen in instances. This isn't going to be WOW where they completely re-haul everything. We will likely still be able to go to the current fleet and the older planets and daily areas without any changes occurring there. I mean it's not like they actually blew up the sith and jedi academys when they moved to the forged alliances story so it's unlikely they would do that here as well. Flagships and strongholds will be fine as some people spent real money on them as such they won't be tampered with until this game completely shuts down.

  3. Bioware is unlikely to kill off any companions that have cartel market customizations because people paid real money for them and they would be rendered useless if the companion was killed off.


    To determine which companions might be killed off, simply check which ones do not have cartel market customizations in the collections UI.


    My search showed that Felix Iresso, Broonmark, Skadge, and Gault are the only companions without cartel market customizations, so those four are possible casualties.


    damn you beat me to it while i was typing lol.

  4. I highly doubt any companion dies. They are not going to mass effect this for two reasons. First this is not a sequel just an expansion. Second, many companions have customizations that come from the cartel market packs and BW cannot simply kill off a companions that have any tie whatsoever to the cartel market. For example I have the customizations for Bowdaar and Blizz from the packs that I used cartel coins to unlock for characters on other servers so if they were to say kill them off without me getting a say I would be upset and reasonably so because then it would not longer be useable in a game that still exists.


    If anything we will have the option to replace them with others either way people need to temper their expectations here as BW has a tendency to over exaggerate with their games. Plus BW hasn't told us how it's going to work yet so until I hear it from the horses mouth I'm not going to believe it.

  5. As the title states I am looking for a new guild who regularly runs operations. I haven't played regularly in about a month due to ESO but I like swtor and would like a reason to actually log on (I cannot fathom rolling new toons and going to hoth for the umpteenth time). My current guild is still active but they no longer run planned operations as it is all spur of the moment now which, with work and wanting to play other games I need to find a guild or at least an operations team that runs at scheduled times.


    I am looking for a few things:


    1. Runs regularly scheduled operations (as stated above)

    2. Runs HM Ops (I have only completed Classic Ops and TC on HM & NiM but would like to finally be in a group that is capable of running them so I can learn them myself)

    3. Pub Side


    I have 3 55 toons ready to go: Dylandragoon (Gunslinger full 78's. main toon) Dodge-dragoon (Commando, Heals, full 72's, Secondary toon) Dreyfùs (Guardian, Tank, mostly 72's, when in a pinch toon)


    If I pop up online go ahead and pst me in game otherwise leave a message here and I will look you up since like I said I have not been on much and likely won't be until I find a new group to run with on a consistent basis. Also probably should note that I live in central standard time so I prefer to ops groups that start no later than 7 PST Sun-Thurs (don't care on Friday and Saturday)

  6. The option to base your house on a variety of different planets.


    Obviously, not every planet would be suitable- neither Republic Taris nor Imperial Balmorra would really work given that neither world exists in its "current" state for long after the player's visited it, and it'd rather take away from the barren grandeur of Hoth if you took a wrong turn in the trackless wastelands of ice and snow and found yourself in the Happy Jedi Winter Ski Resort.


    However, Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, obviously, but also Tython/Korriban for force-using classes only (I could say and Ord/Hutta for the tech classes, but I can't see any logical RP reason anyone would want to live there), *definitely* the option of an apartment with small courtyard/garden on Alderaan in House Organa /House Thul, a villa in a valley on Voss would be lovely too. Seeing as we're

    their special messianic off-world mystic

    they might at least offer us a grace and favour residence.


    Housing on Alderaan would be awesome! A Jedi friend of mine told me that he had a vision that the housing market there would blow up in roughly 3600 years...Now I can finally invest heavily in long term real estate there!


    On a less joking/trolling note as long as player housing has a reason to exist AKA not just another starship with no customization options it should be a welcome addition. I really like the idea of having pets roam around or having a speeder garage because I am pretty sure my main toon had something like 40 pets last time I looked and I think 20 speeders.

  7. So my main is a gunslinger and in all reality the only way I see this affecting me negatively is in PVE in operations with lots of adds. In PVP however, everyone bemoaning the sky is falling seem to forget it used to use a boatload of energy and was not an efficient use of energy.


    Now however, with the reduced activation and the 30 second cool down (which is really only 18 since the effect lasts 12 seconds) I can pretty much annoy the **** out of the other team and ensure that they can never EVER cap a node when i combine fly by with sweeping gunfire. So personally I think it's actually more annoying and useful in pvp now than before.


    I'm just waiting for pvp'ers to realize this and ***** and moan until they eliminate the ability all together.

  8. While I agree that archeology nodes are sparse, if you depend on gathering materials from nodes you are doing it wrong regardless of what gathering skill you are engaged in (Arch, Scav, BA, and even slicing). It is far more efficient to send companions on missions.


    Even a new player leveling a single character has to do missions so the character does not lag behind when nodes show up during the course of leveling...that is unless they are willing to spend time farming in underlevel areas in order to "catch up."


    My point is that the lack of nodes should not be as big a problem as you make it out to be.


    I have to agree here. Typically, what I do when I am out node hunting is send my best companions out on missions as well. The nice thing about this method is I can build stacks of mats very quickly and since I am usually doing dailies or killing mobs I am also making enough credits to cover the cost of the missions. I have scavenging on other toons and it is not as prevalent as one might think even on Makeb. The nodes are still fairly sparse and as far as getting the mats from mobs only certain adds in mobs even can be used as a node (even then they only yield like 1 or 2 of the mat) which isn't really that efficient at all unless you are running the missions while farming the nodes as well.

  9. If it is possible do you own the disks? That would help greatly otherwise depending on your ISP and a few other items it could be a long time or a short time. I know on one of my computers it took 4 hours at home. On another it took 12 so it all depends.


    I'm with him on this. It was taking my fast internet connection forever to download the game so I just decided that even though the game was free to just buy the disks and use them to install the base (unpatched) version. This took like 30 minutes and then it only took me like an hour to download the most up to date launcher and patches.

  10. I'll tell you what happened...EVERYONE goes on and on about how great biochem is as a skill and how it is the best (and only) skill worth having and the most profitable. So IMO what happened was that a lot of people started making biochem toons and a lot of new players started taking it thus flooding the market which drove the price way down. These people are probably also able to sell cheaper than you because they have likely gotten really lucky with crits and have the extra mats as a result.


    I say this because I have armstech on my main and he makes a killing now because everyone dogs about how armstech is terrible and as a result I am one of the only people selling things from that skill on the GTN so my prices can be higher because I don't have competition.

  11. I would say cybertech, make low to mid level armoring's/mods RE them up to the blue quality (prototype) and sell them. I would avoid the artifact (purple) qualities since it will take longer to break even with getting the purple mats and the extra blue mats needed to RE the blues to get the purple.


    ^This. Generally, I find that all crew skills are profitable if you sell the blue prototype items for low and mid levels. I make a killing selling level 9-30 armstech weapons at these levels because they have better stats. I occasionally will sell the purples like Delta mentioned, however, I only do so if I just happen to have the mats laying around collecting dust and I make sure to list them a little higher than the blues to cover the additional cost of the purple.


    I also have a cyber that does exactly what Delta does and I agree the low levels there are also the best bet. I would add that if you choose to sell purples (if you have the extra mats) only do the purples on Armorings not mods. The reason I say this is that armor rating is directly tied to armorings not mods or enhancements so a purple armoring is far better than a purple mod for that reason and smart players know this. Finally, if you go cybertech keep in mind that ear piece's sell real well at low levels because they are hard to come by in FP and mission rewards until after about level 30 or 35ish. People will buy less of them than armorings and mods but they generally will pay more as well for them due to the rarity of them as rewards early on.

  12. I agree with Magecutter. If they are buying your product and then reposting at half price, buy it from them and repost it at normal pricing.


    I know one person on these forums who would call that greedy, but I do not really care what he thinks :p


    I agree. Let's be honest if the are stupid enough to buy yours and sell it at half then let's be honest this is market manipulation that works in your favor. Because A) you already made credits from them buying it from you and B) you can now rebuy it cheaper and make more money on the exact same item.


    Personally, if they are stupid enough to keep doing this then they are stupid enough to part with their credits many times over.


    This also used to happen to me when I first started playing the thing is though I would just take the credits happily and list my units cheaper than them. Why? Because I always know on mats what the cheapest I can see it for is and still clear a profit (I have star-ships full of mats :)) so I will just go lower until the idiot purposely driving the market down can't make a profit and then when they get out I un-list my items and put them back at a point that myself and the rest of the regular sellers can make a good profit again.

  13. So while a lot of people are advocating for Cybertech and even Biochem I would like to put out there that if you are patient you can actually make quite a nice profit with Armstech. On my first toon ever I selected armstech because it sounded cool (Hey I was new), and while it seemed at times that it was not as useful as cybertech or biochem I made credits hand over fist (I had 1 mil before lvl 30 no joke) for a few reasons:


    1. Very Very few people even have armstech so there was little competition for me when selling things on the GTN

    2. Armstech uses scavenging. I actually only ran scavenging missions when I needed flux to make something otherwise I just gathered the mats from the planetary nodes as those mats are everywhere on most planets and from most droids in FP's.

    3. You can make weapons with more tertiary stats such as power, crit, surge, defense etc. than you can get from mods and enhancements (you sacrifice a little in endurance and mainstat but not too much) and those weapons can be made at low levels ( I had weapons w/ absorb as low as level 15ish)


    What I did to make money was I would make the blue weapons (ignore purple they sell for less than they cost to make) as they could be made cheaply since the only missions I would have to run were investigation ones. Those weapons as a result would cost me somewhere between 100-500 credits to make due to the investigation missions. However, with patience I was always able to sell every weapon I made on the GTN for a decent markup. A vibroblade that cost me 100 credits to craft would usually sell for anywhere from 1500k-2000k which is a huge profit when you get down to it.


    The key if you want to make credits with armstech (even armormech for that matter) is patience. When you list things on the GTN make sure you do two things. First, check the GTN LOL. Second, think "if I was <insert level> what would I be willing to spend on this weapon" and list it for that or cheaper (making sure it is still more than it cost you). I have found that typically melee weapons sell the best on the GTN, especially vibroknives. As far as ranged weapons are concerned the best selling for me are always the tank stat ones because like I said you can make ones with shield, absorb and defense long before people can get enhancements with those stats. Keep in mind that crafted weapons still have removable crystals so that works in your favor as well.


    Finally, to wrap up (hopefully this all makes sense) I mentioned to not waste your time on purple weapons and I stand by that until you start crafting the upper level ones. At lower levels the cost to make those weapons are not worth it as most won't fork over 5k plus for a weapon that will be out leveled in an hour or so, however, after around level 35ish they become more viable if you have the extra mats just laying around but only if you have them laying around as people won't over level the weapon as fast. So I have been pretty long winded but I hope this makes sense and helps you out.

  14. If you are looking for a slightly more laid back, casual and social guild then The Jedi Order is always looking for new members. We currently have just over 300 members listed on our roster, have largest xp and rep boost possible for members (10%), we also have a guildbank and Ventrilo for all members to use anytime.


    We also typically run operations at around 6pm PST including the Classic Operations (Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace and Explosive Conflict). If you have specific questions let me know. If you are interested in joining then send a tell in-game to either Dylandragoon or Garywright and we can help you out.

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