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Posts posted by AlaricSevGirl

  1. Maybe it's my age but I really don't play many new games anymore. I find them generally devoid of a soul because of things like this. My hope is set on these new studios from people that have left Blizzard and BioWare for example.


    Have you played Outer Wilds. I think you'd find that it's a new game with lots of soul

  2. I really don't see how people get off making such sweeping generalizations, and worse, based on grand assumptions. Seriously? Older players, and by that you mean not age but people who've been playing a long time, don't do story, is your contention.


    5 accounts. 190+ toons. I play the story.


    I do not farm group content.


    24 characters, been around since January 2012, play the story, do not farm group content.

  3. This is interesting. I always thought Lucasfilm Games was dead w/the acquisition. I read a couple of things from this release. 1. EA couldn't seal the deal to continue to have sole rights to Star Wars games (or didn't want to continue to be the sole dev) &/or 2. Disney finally realized hey there's money in this gaming industry, maybe we should expand.


    I just remembered, "Oh yeah, Indiana Jones is owned by Disney too". It's one of those things that's always out there but i just didn't realize because my 'universe' revolves around Star Wars. That's IP that is ripe for development too.


    Well, hopefully this is good news for SWTOR. I'm cautiously hopeful (especially with all the cryptic messaging going on..."We have something big to tell you but can't yet...") Plus it appears that they're adding headcount/investing (looking at you Jackie :D ), so hopefully Lucasfilm realize they got something here


    Bethesda is working on Indiana Jones and now that they are acquired by Microsoft, there will be money put into the game and it might end up being really good.

  4. You are correct that when people reference the 2023 date that what they are really talking about is the Disney-EA exclusivity deal. The exclusivity deal between EA and Disney was struck in 2013 and gave EA a 10 year license to exclusively produce Star Wars games. The recent announcement that EA has lost their exclusivity deal does not necessarily mean that any studio can immediately release a Star Wars game. More than likely the exclusivity deal is still in place, and will remain in place until 2023, but Disney has informed EA that they will not be renewing that deal, which is why Ubisoft is able to work on a Star Wars title that will likely not be released until after the 2023 expiration date for the exclusivity deal.


    The deal that was struck between LucasFilm (or LucasArts) with BW to produce ST:TOR is a separate entity and not a part of that Disney-EA exclusivity deal as it existed prior to Disney acquiring the franchise. Whether it existed prior to EA acquiring BW is unknown as that occurred in 2007 and the game was announced in 2008. It has been said that the development time was approximately five years so more than likely the licensing deal for the game was struck prior to EA's involvement with BW (it was said in 2008 that the writers had been working on the game for more than 2 years at that point). The expiration of the exclusivity deal between Disney and EA will not necessarily affect the license for SW:TOR, but we do not know the length of the SW:TOR license, either.


    Regardless, when it comes time to review and possibly renew the licensing agreement for SW:TOR it will be done under the auspices of Disney regardless of whether LucasFilm/Arts originally struck the deal.


    The important point is that the 2023 expiration is not the date for SW:TOR's license but the date for EA's exclusive deal with Disney. SW:TOR's licensing terms are a different entity and the length of that license is unknown (unless someone can provide an official link). The only way that 2023 means anything for SW:TOR's license is if the game has a 12 year license that started counting down when the game was launched in 2011, or if the game has a 17 year license that started counting down during development (if development did take five years and started in 2006). Being that BW already had a licensing deal with LucasFilm/Arts when they made KotOR1 it is even possible that SW:TOR's license falls under that agreement.



    We do not know the terms of SW:TOR's license and it is not part of the 10-year (2013-2023) exclusivity deal between Disney and EA as SW:TOR's license predates that exclusivity deal. Termination of the exclusivity deal between Disney and EA does not mean that SW:TOR's license is expiring anytime soon.


    It also doesn't mean that EA can never make another Star Wars game. It just means that there will be competition for Star Wars games and honestly, EA needs a kick in the ***. SWTOR can be a really great game if they put all the money they make on the game back into the game instead of spending it on other games.

  5. I hate that you have to go to fleet to pick up dailies. 1) should be able to do all dailies, they never should have changed them and 2) should be able to get them on your ship (weekly) then meet up with the NPCs of each area on the planets and pick up the quests there. This entire KISS stuff is driving me crazy. What fun is that.


    In case people don't know what KISS is (Keep it simple stupid)

  6. Well a big guild is just that: a big guild full of people doing different things. Ops have been made unpopular by BW because they are no longer required to get BiS gear. FPs and TC basically are it now.


    Not sure why the GF bugged out that badly on you though. I've never seen that happen.


    But try to unsub and see what happens then. You won't be able to carry more than 1 million credits per character and you won't be able to equip purple/gold gear. You might want to invest in account wide artifact authorization.


    Of course your amount of characters will be reduced. So that could be an issue. You'll go from 3 to 2 crew skills so that may be an issue if you do crafting. Then there are the many restrictions on things you can show with your characters. You won't get loot after 5FPs in a week I think. You won't be able to queue as much in PvP if that's your thing. You'll lose one of your quick bars etc.


    So just make sure you're really aware of what a sub gets you. You might not like the preferred status as much as you think. Subbing doesn't just get you access to ops is what I'm saying.


    I get your complaints, though you might just be in the wrong guild for ops. It's sort of a niche thing nowadays because people gear elsewhere now.


    You can purchase most of this stuff. I have 18 character slots open, I have artifact equip unlocked, etc etc. I subscribe when the new content comes out and then go preferred when I'm taking a break.

  7. And 5400 CC to buy a certain lightsaber skin. It's all outrageous but BW needs to make our money and we're still here...so I guess it's working ...


    Bioware needs to make money off us so it can go to EA's newest project.

  8. Guys also had more then 1 romance option in some of the class stories - we only got one in each of them. They also,got force user romances. We didn't get that until Arcann. We still don't have an actual Jedi to romance yet. And it sounds like - Arn - a mostly robot dude will be it - we never get good choices.


    I don't count one or two lines a real romance. You get what 3 lines from Arcann and Scourge then you never see them again.

  9. Why is that weird? There are no female Cathar and Sith Pureblood or male Zabrak, Rattataki and Togruta romance options either.


    Females can only romance humans except for Aric Jorgan. That's pretty sexist. Males have twi'lek, Zabrak, human, Rattataki, Togruta. Am I leaving anyone one out. Oh and Scourge was an afterthought so he doesn't count.


    Not to mention that some class males have more than one romance option while females are stuck with only one human/Cathar. (I don't consider one line a romance). LGB community is even worse than that.

  10. I played it once on Pub side, only Spirit of Vengeance left. Finished it on Imp side, just have to do the Satele and Spirit. That's it for me. All the rest of my characters will be skipping it and taking whatever ending the default story gives you. I can't imagine doing it on all my characters.
  11. But that's the point, he's trying to keep you alive for himself, so what he says is a mixture of lies, half truths, and when it suits him, and doesn't show his hand, he tells you the truth. He's a master manipulator , he uses everything to get what he wants, even the truth. If it serves his end goal, he'll use it.


    The problem is that my girls all know that Valks lying, a manipulator and they didn't fall for it. You do get to pick dialogue choices that allow you to tell Valk that. The real problem is that in combat, I took Arcann down to almost nothing so the fight would have been lost but oh no, couldn't have that so a cut scene pops in where Arcann does a massive attack and you are "not" stronger than he is....yada yada. Every single protagonist in the game is the strongest in their field but yet, Arcann, Valk, Vaylin and even Senya can throw you around like a rag doll. Terrible writing.

  12. In the story too. If I figured out from the start my romanced Theron was going undercover to help the alliance not destroy it, I'm pretty sure my characters could figure it out too.


    My Kao was sleeping with Theron so she knew. My head canon for the awful writing is that she was faking it for the sake of the other people in her command, so it wouldn't break his cover if someone talked.

  13. So go do something instead of complaining or begging for shortcuts.


    Yeah no. I have read through the entire thread and don't see anyone complaining about anything. I do see a nice discussion on the CM/GTM. I have been a SWTOR player since 2011 and honestly, the GTM prices are ridiculous. I'd never pay them and don't. Hell I'd rather buy stuff off the CM than give greedy players credits. The unfortunate thing about that is that the CM money goes to fund other EA games and does not get filtered back into SWTOR.

  14. The game is super easy, too easy. Soloing heroics, super easy. If you're playing for the story then you will really enjoy it. If you want a game that challenges you, this is not the one. Flash Points, a little more challenging but still very doable as a solo player.


    Crafting gear, I don't even pick up crafting materials any more. By end game, you will earn your gear especially if you are playing for the story.

  15. Chances are those boots aren't bought by a FTP person, but instead by a trader, who then adds a zero or two. As for the prices on the gtn. There are two perspectives

    1. Buyer...they are crazy expensive

    2. Seller, wish I could get more for this plat items.


    It's like real life, you want to buy the things you want, for as little as you can, but when you go to sell something, you want as much as possible for it. Yes, some of the prices have gone crazy, but no one is forced to buy anything,


    You can tell who is buying stuff. If someone buys something and only one piece, they aren't resellers and if a subscriber pays that much for a pair of boots, well they are really rich or they need their heads examined or both.

  16. Happu Holidays


    For me, Christmas sucked. Power went out from a massive storm at 2am Christmas morning and just came back on a few minutes ago (Dec 26th 2:30pm). Spoiled Christmas dinner food and thus it was Chinese food while sitting in a cold room with the space heater on. Hope everyone else's Christmas went better than mine. I told my son that I felt like Scrooge sitting in his cold room with the tiny bit of coal in the fire eating his gruel.

  17. It's obvious that the OP is getting nowhere with support which doesn't surprise me. OP, the problem is that you have the burden of proof that you didn't do it. I don't know if it happens any more, but BW used to read the logs etc after a report is made and didn't ban unless they can prove you did something against the TOS. So the person who banned you probably thinks they have sufficient enough proof that you did what you were reported for and if you don't have the proof otherwise, you will lose.
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