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Posts posted by siikriken

  1. Like the other poster stated you can wear DPS gear to tank and DPS. I don't think tank gear really exists, until 40+ anyways.


    I am not sure about the XPing in FPs and how good the xp is. When I was leveling I always noticed FPs were a crapshoot xp wise because FPs suck for XP, unless you do the bonus quests. Then you need to depend on competent DPS or healers to make the run go smoothly, so FPs can be a waste of time. I once tried to complete boarding party with this horrible group and after 1hour 20m I gave up. We died so much the group decided to take a 10m repair break and I called it at that point.


    FP's can be great xp, boarding party is amazing for that (all the bonus quests) . All you need to do is be tank spec and find an "OK" healer and dps is pretty easy to do.


    I ran it like 5 times with one group and got a level in like an hour which is faster than questing usually

  2. WRONG! By choosing NEED you get your fair shot.... you lose, you move on. The Fairness was having a chance to get it.....

    thats was IMO, fair enough. But since the drops are limited, avoiding group play has become very desirable... Like if my boss says, we can hire another person for your team, but you have to take a loss of pay.... Guess what, I rather keep my pay and NOT have the help.


    You mised the point completely..... The big fish eats the little fish, this is life my friend.


    When talking about a world boss and 6 of 8 got nothing for their effort, thats like going to work for no pay too.... but in dog eat dog system, the one in the game, the strongest one, or in this case, the one that has MORE LUCK is who wins.


    So, if someone offered you work but they can only afford to pay 2 of you, but there is 8 of you, do you take the job?


    Yep, avoid grouping until the boss has the money to pay is NOT socialism and fairness in any system is getting paid for work you did, you take that way and guess what folks.... YOU GET THEFT!!!


    The game system is broken.... period! If based on real life, all employess should get paid for the same work, pay may not be equal, but thats ok... Not every orange drops sells for the same on GTN.

    People do World Bosses and FP's / Heroics mostly for Experience though. If you haven't noticed you can go like 5 levels without upgrading any gear and still be fine, so in fact you're just being greedy. You get massively more XP from doing the FP's and group quests so that in itself is a bonus, so you're not losing anything you're still gaining much more than you would if you played alone.


    Part of playing with other people is learning to share. I know you're old but can you remember when your mother told you to share your army men with the neighbor boy? Since you can't do that you should obviously just continue to play with your wife in solitude.

  3. I have a level 50 merc specd as dps on which i pvp all the time. I can usually shell out at least 300k damage per match. So the ranged damage is just fine with the merc. The only people i cant seem to take 1v1 are the stealth smugglers (name escapes me atm) since they have a multitude of stuns. But other than that it is my favorite class to play.


    300k at lvl 50 is pretty bad actually

  4. Yes, it does DISCOURAGE group play, the drops are too limited... has nothign to do with need/greed. NOTHING at all, its about the drops..... Not enough of them will lead to these posts weekly and why people do the need instead of greed.


    If we can do Heroic 4's and get the drops for ourself, then thats what we do.... To use, we are discouraged by the lack of drops to want to share them. So the solution, avoid grouping for leveling up.


    My 2 references, the only 2 I have made to using GREED was 2 PUG's for a WB..... Where have I posted anyting on small groups or guild play? I am talking about a situation where the WB drop is much lower then the people in it anyway.... and tryign to figure out who will use need/greed properly will again, cause these posts to surface.


    go ahead, make thousands of people use the system as it "should" be used and you will continue to find ones who will not....


    So if you and your neighbor buys a lottery ticket at the same time and he wins big, will you cry about it being unfair? Why, because he picked his right before you did? LIFE is not fair but you work within it to make sure you can live and be happy... the game itself, has an unfair loot distribution, just like NOT everyone can have a winning lottery ticket... make due!


    I think the children are the ones complaining.... I am 44, she is 43... we life live by ITS rules and laws, not our own.


    You sound like the people that vote for a socialist president because ITS NOT FAIR others make more money and have nicer cars. That you deserve other people earnings.... Do you?


    I thnk it would be better if the only options was pass/need, remove the greed option.... like lottery, you win or you do not or you do not play, simple....


    "Wahh it's not fair that other people get loot that they need and I get nothing! so i'll just be a ninja and need on everything so i can sell it on the gtn because its orange and I want orange gear because its only fair!"


    I like how you're talking about socialism but you're the one crying about fairness and want free handouts for doing flashpoints and heroics

  5. I understand what you are saying.... Good thing I play this like a RPG, so my need for grouping is very limited.


    like I also mention though, why should ONE person get the goodie and another does not? Is walking away without anything good? Who is to say, that person that has the proper drop for their class wont also sell it for 250k? So, in a way, they got a 250k pay for a fight and others do not? Was it fair for me to take the drop? Thats is up for debate...


    I have Armor I like the look of, so even for my guy, if I get a orange drop, I sell it. In reality, its not a fair system, so in a way, I can understand the lack of fairness for loot.... both sides have a valid point.


    Now for life after 50, if I do get into it, I will go with the "HONOR' system.... but I will avoid groups as much as I can, I play this game like its KOTOR3, the mmo part, its just a side feature I am not sure I will use much anyway. My wife and I tried a Guild, to us, it did not feel like we wanted that in our game... maybe its our age, I am 44, she is 43 and we grew up playing single player RPG's and never really got into anything MMO.


    However, we are loving playing together, so we like it as a RPG that 2 can play... Obviously, after lvl 50, we probably have to play it like a MMO to enjoy it, we will see. I am working on avoiding that part and seeing what we can enjoy without needing to be in huge groups.


    I can understand both sides.


    You sound like a child. This sort of ITS NOT FAIR attitude is for children. You can run flash points over again to get the gear you want WITHOUT screwing someone over by taking gear that they actually need.


    You're screwing people over because its not fair, so you're being unfair because its unfair?


    Great logic. You should move to China where everything is "fair"

  6. No, if you read his posts, he clearly argues that flamethrower is better damage than two flame bursts, so his motives are not purely aesthetic. Not to mention he posted his spec in rebuttal which should have no affect on ability animations.


    Are you... retarded?


    He's obviously saying its the best (most fun, coolest looking) to FINISH people off. He posted multiple times that he KNOWS there are better ways to do it , but this is the best way in terms of looks and STYLE.


    Please, for your sake I hope you're a troll.

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