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Posts posted by Karasaar

  1. I agree the dps checks were slightly undertuned with vet stacks, however the difference that is created by the complete removal of them is too high. It would be fine in my mind if a new difficulty mode was introduced with the only difference beeing the removal of stacks, simply to be unfair and absurd. However making it so that the skill gap between vm and mm is this high is just absurd. You have to consider that for people who are quite good but not absurdly good if nim remains on this diffuclty there is simply nothing interesting for us to do, since vm is too trivial and nim (I'm not talking about easy nims like asation here) would be far too tough.
  2. The current state of Tulak hord is completely unplayable. Every day or two days the server stops working for multiple hours, usually in the evening when one would want to raid. Eric, you must be aware that players are strongly considering their expenses for the game in light of this.
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