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Posts posted by Lorcen

  1. I actually disagree with most of what you say in this video but I enjoyed it & its always nice to see other perspectives on a class that has consistently been nerfed every patch! And you bring up some interesting points!


    Firstly, why have you disabled the comments on a discusion video!? I was up for commenting & discussing some of the specs.


    And I don't agree with the 1.4 decreased range on TD, it wasn't a good attempt @ balancing the class. I think Bioware have realised this with the 2.0 addition of a 12s elem dot!? WTH is that about, now I have two dot abilities that cook so much heat that I can't even warrant the skill points at close range. Leave TD as a finisher damage move @ 30m, I've spent those extra points & I deserve a 30m finisher!! I'm angry with Bioware, this spec is unplayable & doesn't give you the option to switch targets quickly, essentially making you commit to a target while leaving you with nothing left at the end of the fight


    Since when have Commando's or Merc been able to do everything better & faster, or any of those classes mentioned to be fair.



    The 1.4 nerfs to the range only highlighted how good the Bounty Hunter core is, despite the range nerfs for the PT, Bioware has completely missed the main asset of Pyrotech/Vanguard. Mobility from a decent amount of range & melee damage tactics. Keeping enemies on their toes & out of the fight by slipping in & out of range, giving you a distinct advantage in a WZ. You mention lack of utility & survivability but what about mobility & diversity? There is not many other classes that can fill so many roles in a WZ & spell problems for all players if played properly.


    I agree though that Bioware have lost their way on this, I think they are spending far to much time trying to define our class instead of concentrating on making other builds more appealing like the AP, so much potential! Give us back the 30m TD and drop the dot, then make other classes more fun to play!


    Nice vid, keep up the good work!

  2. Hey fella, the general tend for Pyro would be to go Eliminator for the set bonus which in 2.0 you can now carry in the mods to any armour shell. It's worth taking a look at the differences in mods with the Eliminator & tech gear to maximise the stats you want like surge! Every playstyle is different but you should be looking at individual mods rather than armours at end game!


    Spec wise, heres a video I put together with idea's on different specs & mechanics for the Pyrotech 50+. Hope it helps!



    and 8-8-25 spec in action here for 50 Build



    Enjoy the PT

  3. Would like to hear your thoughts on the new 2.0 specs & abilities! I used to play a 8-8-25 spec Powertech and found it alot of fun, but I haven't tested any end game specs yet & although I have an idea where I will probably put the points it would be great to hear some more ideas...? I've noticed Merc's seem to be doing alot better!


    Here's some ideas I had on the patch notes & hope to hear some different opinions on specs you guys are running



  4. I was hoping you guys would share your class & feedback on the new abilites & 2.0 update for PvP. Mainly the good & bad points of your class? Also if you've got time I'd like to hear what classes you have problems with or what classes you're finding easier... and why


    I play Powertech & made this video for a channel update. Check it out if you've got time, its abit long :rolleyes:



    If you're interested in testing some upcoming games this weekend I've shared some links & free Beta Keys within^^ but they are only valid for this weekend & Wednesday next week..

  5. Agree with James, PT is massive fun. The extra range/melee damage keeps mobility high and with tactics the PT can kite dps on the edges of a fight or get inside and soak up some damage/kills with the shield. I think PT Pyro works best focusing the healers & damage roles behind the line using quell & 2 stuns to break support. You shouldn't have many problems getting solo kills within a WZ, gunslingers/snipers are pesky but only when they have position. Remember to use Quell all the time to silence/interrupt!


    Here's a video to show you what I mean!




    Hope you enjoy the PT fella

  6. I just recently got the powertech BH advanced class and I know what it covers, tanking and all that and that's what I'm used to doing so I'm familiar with the requirements and such. What I DON'T know are very small qualifications, for instance: at this point I'm currently lvl 15, and I feel like, without mako, I'm defenseless. I tested it out and stored her so I can fight some enemies that fight in groups (3 or so) and even though I was taking a toll on their health, I got mowed down almost each time, or just barley managed to kill them all. I use the heavy armor I receive as mission rewards and I recently used my cartel points to buy the sand people armor (I installed some mods still working on that). Lastly, I'm focusing on the pyrotech tree what are your recommendations? Was choosing sand people armor a bad choice? Pls help I'm a bit confused this is the first BH I've rolled.


    If you're interested in Tanking then you should probably invest in the Shield Tech Tree not the Pyrotech. ^^ The Pyrotech and Advanced Prototype are damage roles. Make sure you always have the correct gas cylinder active for your spec and choose the correct companion to compliment your playstyle (you can also choose your CP's stance by expanding their toolbar) this should help alot! If you choose the correct stance for your companion they will react correctly without you having to control them. In the Pyrotech spec it is useful to use your companion to initiate combat so you don't take aggro. Remember to use your 'Heroic Moment' ability on tough/Boss fights for that extra edge! You shouldn't really be having problems with any mobs at low level, and I think if you stick with it you will find it is one of the more fun classes to play in TOR.


    I made a video a while back that explains the Bounty Hunter & Powertech core mechanics at low level. I'll link it below and hope that you watch it, I think you will have a better understanding of how to get the most out of this class! All the best!


  7. Hi all, I am currently lvl 17 Merc and I was wondering if there is a good, solid rotation i can use which enables me to manage heat without having to use vent heat on my quickbar?

    I can't think of another ability I would be happy to lose in it's place really!!

    Thanks in advance all.


    Easy buddy, there is many ways to manage your heat easily within a fight. Ignore the idiot that says you should lvl to 50 first, its a mugs game to not learn your class from the ground up! The Merc is abit heavier on the heat management than the Powertech. Both can be easily managed using the Bounty Hunter core CGC mechanic.



    This video guide will talk you through the 1-10 core bounty hunter abilites & Tech Abilities. These are massive in PvE or PvP to understand how to effectively manage heat while sustaining dps/mobility throughout the levels. Not understanding your starter core class - Bounty Hunter - and how to switch between the AC/Core rotations will cause massive problems later on and result in overheating!


    The majority of your 1-10 moves are tech abilites - which give you a %increase to accuracy - making them effective and creating chances to drop heat using RS and Unload to proc CGC. For a Merc you should use these to create space and movement. Do not underestimate the procs and damage of Rapid Shots to create safe space to nuke.


    Good luck and if you ever decide to roll a Powertech then check out my 10-50 PvP series on my channel!

  8. I do mostly RP and PVE


    Thats a massive question which depends on your playstyle, and the amount of input or which role you want to fulfil within a PvE group. If you want to be out front tanking and leading the group then go Shield Tech. If you prefer damage and solo play with your companion then go Pyrotech.


    A Pyrotech build will also allow you to do great PvP damage in Warzones and is a more diverse choice. The Shield tree is great if you have large amounts of time to become familiar with the end game FP's/Op's, but if you're a casual RP PvE player then I would release some pressure and play a dps AP/Pyro spec.


    My advice would to go Pyrotech, it is a brutal class in groups with a nice divide of range and defensive/melee abilities to play offtank/Dps.

  9. I have been reading a lot on PT vs Merc, and I just want clarification. Is PT a melee class? Because I recently just dropped my Sith Warrior due to I got bored with melee in pvp (always been a ranged class pvp guy) so i want to know before I hit 10 and make a wrong move if I am correct on that.


    I agree with most of ^^. PT is still a ranged class that works well when kiting into melee (10m) range. This class is most effective when setting up rotation/procs from range then burning CD's and dps at close range. If you enjoy mobility and damage then go Powertech. If you want to sit back and nuke with little defense then go Merc. Unfortunaely at the moment the PT Pyro is the best PvP spec, hopefully this will be balanced in the new lvl cap...?

  10. Easy guys, for the past 9 months, I've been working on some low level (10-50) Powertech Pyrotech video's that will help explain the core mechanics, rotations, tactics, mobility, keybinds & mentality needed to win with your Powertech Pyrotech at all levels in PUG Wz situations. I'm going to link you some, enjoy & hope it helps!
















    If you're interested in some

    content I have some on my channel, but I want to upload some more 1.6 footage soon!


    Thanks for watching Fisto Gaming and hope it was useful and answers some of the questions regarding Powertech PvP Specs...

  11. Quick answer is Powertech. The potential Dps on the Merc is great in a organised team where you can sit back and nuke. But Powertech has the versatility & Mobility to burst targets down and solo play if you don't have the support needed to effectively run a Merc. A lot of people are hoping the Merc (including me) will be reworked soon, but for now role a PT buddy. Run a Pyro spec until around 20-30 to maximise your effectiveness and then take a look at the AP and ST trees. I have low lvl Pyrotech guides on my channel that might be useful if you're starting out! All the best...
  12. As much as possible! Pick Aim gear with power attachments as much as possible. High endurance stat gear is essential for Powertech Shield Tech but has litle place until around lvl 20! Pick Powertech and go dps for early lvl lvling and pvp. Interested in 10-50 PvP/lvling video 's, specs, rotations, keybindings & tips? Check out my YT channel in sig below! Good luck & enjoy Bounty Hunting!
  13. With Powertech the easiest lvling Spec is also the most effective PvP spec using Mako. Go Pyrotech and enjoy both, you can kite and use heroic moment for tough fights and if you keep your team geared its challenging but fun. For PvP Pyrotech tips and guides then check out my channel below. Good luck!
  14. Also, how is it to be playing a Powertech in PVP ? Low DPS / High armor + HP I guess?


    I plan on doing PVP and PVE by the way.


    If its still early days then I would suggest going for a end game Powertech! If you're not used to playing a DPS role then this would be a good time to start. Great Mobility and burst damage, or tank role if you need. The Merc is waiting on a upgrade.


    If you enjoy and want to learn to PvP Powertech then check out my Youtube Channel


    I have made guides from 10-50 PvP with everything you need to know to Win!


    Good luck...

  15. Hey Sippix, thanks for taking the time to put that information together, I agree people should read this ^^ carefully. Very good points. I'm guessing you are talking about the 50 Spec Pyro video, this was made back in 1.2 and I've been looking to make an updated one. One thing to bear in mind with the IM is the 30% elemental periodic damage finisher on targets below 30% hp. This does make it a crucial part of a rotation if used with TSO, but I agree, it cooks heat and limits burst dps at the beginning of a fight. I also use Quell before or after my RP within the rotation, they share similar CD's and you can silence/interrupt every 9-11 seconds if in melee range in most fights. Using quell as soon as it is up makes a massive difference 1v1. If I make an updated spec guide I will definitely mention this ^^
  16. Easy guys, I've been working on some video guides to cover PvP specs, rotations, tactics & tips for lower levels and new/returning players. Hope these links are useful and answer some questions. If you find them useful please rate, comment, subscribe to my channel and I will keep you updated with future content! These video's mainly concentrate on Pyrotech Damage role specs...





    Fisto Gaming


    Any questions or feedback is welcome! Thanks for watching

  17. Thanks for the feedback guys. I agree that the changes were necessary and I think they are decent, mostly. I've been wanting to finish off this 10-50 series on my channel and I have not been on my lvl 50 recently so was not aware that Explosive Dart now has its own CD, thanks for pointing that out!


    @ Krozis - I can understand exactly what you're saying about lvl 50 content, but I started a 10-50 lowbie guide series which I'm determined to finish! :D I have and will spec into IM and will use it still but more conservatively. I want to test out how well the extra flame damage, Aim% & Tech increases in the ST & SP trees, offsets against the SP 31 cost of TD & Burnout (30% periodic elemental damage finisher). I'm not saying this will work @ lvl 50 but it does suit my playstyle more in theory. IM is a great ability but the heat cost is super high, using thermal sensor override to negate the heat is great but dps-wise I don't think it warrants being used excessively, unless as you pointed out, tactfully.


    From 10-49 though you're better off spending your SP in the ST & AP rather than going 31 PT in my opinion. I have mostly played a 31 spec Pyro, but with the changes in 1.4 I think hybrid specs might be more attainable, which is great. I would like to hear from you guys @ 50 & what you have tested so far?

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