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Posts posted by McBlobbicus

  1. Finally getting around to leveling one, which is the best spec to level with? Rage looks fun, but I hear vengeance is the safer bet. I thought about leveling as Immortal in DPS gear but I'm not sure if I plan on tanking in the end yet.
  2. Flip flopped on what role to play just before Fallen Empire hit and now I think I've settled on healer, but not sure how the changes to the classes have affected how they play. Which would be beginner friendly (in the sense that I haven't healed a lot on MMOs)? I'm currently torn between Sorc and Merc, but I might consider Op.
  3. I'm still stuck on this choice while I level up classes for legacy buffs and/or companion buffs. I ask general on the fleet on and off and it's always trolltastic answers that aren't really answers. But my understanding is still that tanks are needed more than anything, which conflicts with my current plan of maybe going sorc healer.


    I used to tank ALL the time on MMOs I played, but I began steering clear of the role because blame is ALWAYS put on the tank when something goes wrong even if they weren't at fault. And then there's having to learn to tank again and learn fights.

  4. That's a real shame I guess, that the mentality that melee is useless compared to ranged is still alive and kicking. When I first was planning on getting back into the game a few weeks ago I was going to roll with merc, but like I mentioned I always end up drifting back to wanting to do melee.


    Powertech could be interesting, I'll read over the guides in your sig and see what I think.

  5. Finished my sorc and healing didn't end up clicking for me, in fact ranged in any MMO doesn't tend to click for me since I like to smash people's faces in. Anyway, I've been trying to figure out which class to main for DPS and I'm completely stuck. Right now it's mara vs jugg, though assassin crossed my mind a few times. In the case of mara vs jugg, I've seen people say that jugg tends to trump mara DPS wise. Is this true? Mara looks like it has some amazing utility, while jugg has some pretty good defense, but I honestly wouldn't know which is more valuable 50+,


    I'm not (currently) going to be doing any hardcore end gaming, so that might be a factor to consider.

  6. It depends if you are content with doing FP or SM operations. If so - then yes - it does not matter which class you pick. However, if you are interested in progression at content level, then I would say that a commando / mercenary healer is the best.


    I'll probably only be doing FP and SM operations, yes. I currently don't have a guild to run with.




    Thanks for the explanations. I'm leaning heavily towards sorc, but I might give both a try and see what works. I'm a sub, so it shouldn't be hard to level stuff lol.

  7. I've returned to the game recently and I was stuck on classes, but decided to go with a healer, since I imagine DPS have stupid queue times lol. Anyway, anyone have any suggestions for a beginner friendly healer? Right now I'm torn between merc and sorc, though I hear sorc is easier on the resource management.


    Part 2 of the question is are all 3 classes (so no matter what I pick) equally as good once I leave beginner territory? Like, for example, if I pick sorc will it be good beyond being easy to manage resources.

  8. Haven't played in awhile, and I haven't really kept up with class changes or patch notes. How is DPS juggernaut right now? I skimmed some pages, and it seems the usually MMO mantra of "Ranged or don't bother" is apparently still strong. Merc is my second option, and it's cool and all but...
  9. I'm sorry in advance if this has been covered before lol (the threads I saw didn't seem to be recent so I'm not sure if what people said was still relevant). I'm new to the game (but not MMOs) and I've decided to roll with a Sith Warrior, but I can't seem to pin down which would be a better advanced class for me in the long run.


    For leveling I'll be teamed up with a friend who is making a DPS Sorcerer, and right now I'm thinking in the end I'll just be DPS. However, I do tend to gravitate towards tanking (which would make Juggernaut the clear choice), but in the event that isn't what I do I'm wondering if Marauder would be better off for DPS.

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