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Everything posted by selena_soma

  1. They can add a scale for choosing the species when creating a cyborg. Ofcourse all species should be unlocked.
  2. 37. Add T7-01 customization "Chopper".
  3. 36. Activity in Stronghold. Moving companions in Stronghold, say between two markers, or something like rails, so that they follow a certain path. Shuttle arrival or loading work at the dock. Hear conversations companions or staff in the Stronghold, so that it seems lived in.
  4. 35. Consider bringing back the Taun Fawn pet. This could be an achievement reward or a quest on Hoth.
  5. 24. Chance to get permanent immunity to rakghoul plague (buff), of course after infection and passing all stages of the plague. Very rare chance, such as exploding slot machine or get crate-O-matic.
  6. 23. Signs of Aging Really want to see the character aging option, cause according to the internal chronology, about 20 years have passed since SWTOR start, but the characters have not aged a year. May be add a younger/older and gray hair sliders in customization, or add on/off age as for the dark side.
  7. 20. Split operation achievements by role: tank, healer or dd. 21. Tauntaun companion (please-please-please). 22. Ability to give a nickname to creature mount.
  8. Tracking the storyline. I play several characters, and there are moments when you need to make a choice: stay in the alliance or return to the republic/empire, send a prisoner either to the alliance or to the republic. So as not to get confused in the plots of my characters.
  9. I know that what I will list below has already been voiced more than once on the forum, but nevertheless, this is what I would personally like to see in the game. 1. New playable species: Bothan, Chagrian, Devoronian, Pantoran, Tholothians. 2. New planets: Mandalore, Kashyyk, Dathomir, Ryloth, Bothawui, Lothal. 3. New Strongholds: Hoth, Cloud City (like on Bespin), Corellia, Tython/Korriban/Ord Mantell/Hutta (small flat like on fleet), Voss, Oricon, Onderon, Flying Balloon or Barge on Tatooine, Moving Crawler, Tower (like Ezra Bridger). 4. Day/night cycle in Stronghold or the ability to choose the time of day before entering stronghold. 5. Flying mount (somth like Thranta). 6. Opportunity to grow and train your own creature mount. 7. Event "Real life": getting debuff: hunger, bad mood, sleepy, lazy, headache, appendicitis. Missions: visit to the dentist, repair broken mount or somth else. 8. More civilian armor. 9. Tattoos and marks/scars on body. 10. Helmets for specific species (like zabrak, togruta, twi’lek, nautolan). 11. Add regen «Marksman-H training remote». 12. Cybernetic body parts. It can be either customization or armor. 13. Companion Tusken Raider. I know you can dress almost any companion in sand people clothes, but I would like to have a story related to the Tuskens. 14. Full ignore in PvP. I am absolutely not satisfied with the half-hearted ignoring in PvP, I do not want to be on the same team with players who come to PvP for achievements or to complete another Weekly and stay AFK in stelth. Since you have tied the receipt of rewards to Weekly, it will be fair if only victories are counted for Weekly. In PvE you need to kill boss for reward and achiv. 15. Tracking the storyline. 16. Start a family. 17. Creating biography. 18. Remove names from banned/inactive accounts. 19. Get a conquest reward for every 100,000 points on one character: it will be fair for players who play 1-2 characters and get only 2 rewards, while other players play on 10-15 characters and get 10-15 rewards accordingly.
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