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Posts posted by TheLambOfDeth

  1. This is the same chest piece I'm looking for. The guides say the only guaranteed drop for a Underworld ARMOR token(which is the one needed) is from the last boss of S&V, and it seems all the other versions have been removed, The only issue is no one runs S&V anymore...>_>.
  2. The end of Chapter 1 is your only chance to fight Jadus.


    If you join with him, not only do you get an alternate boss fight,



    Darth Zhorrid,



    but one of your endgame options may change (it's also dependent on an Act 2 decision) to allow you to once again cooperate with Darth Jadus's agents.


    If you run the Eradicator program to delay things and then try to stop Darth Jadus I think you get a fairly devastating sequence of listening to Jadus's narration while the ruination goes down. Can anyone confirm that?


    I would've choose that, but I played my IA as too loyal to the Empire....even if he is DS.


    I just finished Taris, do you ever meet Zhorrid again if you picked another option?

  3. Ok, how different are the choices that lead to the different missions. I know there's


    Persuade Darth Jadus his plan is doomed: Blackmail

    Run Eradicator Program, pretend to join Darth Jadus: Defender of the Empire

    Run Eradicator Program, join Darth Jadus: Tyranny Triumphant

    Deactivate Eradicators: Hero of the People


    But are the outcomes really all that different in terms of the story ultimately. My IA is pretty evil, but he is loyal to the empire, so i'm not siding with Jadus. What I really want to know is, if I persuade Jadus, do I ever get to fight him later? That's the choice i'm thinking of because I get to manipulate him...

  4. I love Kaliyo, but as it was said before...it's love it or hate it with her. I'm only on chapter 1, but my Agent can deal with her, b/c he sees her for what she is...An Attractive Distraction. I think as long as you know she's a crazy, habitual liar, and keep her at a certain distance...she works. It's also helps that they're both the same race, since the empire looks down on me the same way they do her.


    To be fair my agent is pretty much set-up for her. I play him as a Sadistic James bond...in a way. He is very loyal to the Empire and believes in it stands for, but has very little patience for authority figures and politics. He makes the occasional snarky/sarcastic comment, but he's more about handling the mission. He's pretty bloodthirsty, and will opt to killing anyone if it makes the mission easier. No loose ends. As it stands though, seems he won't be bedding many NPCs...since he's and Alien...


    Thing about Kaliyo is she isn't just as DS choices. She usually has some thought to how she want you to react to thing. There's times during class missions where she doesn't you tampering with people or killing them. Whereas other times she's fine with you targeting anyeone. IMO that makes he more interesting. That's probably why I like her a hair more than Jaesea. That and Jaesea's Voice is horrible. And they way the OP feels about Kaliyo is the way I feel about Vette. I saw so many -1.and -30 with Vetter before I got Quinn, I just pretended she wasn't there....except the shock collar moments....

  5. Vokks and Thana Vesh's armror HAVE to be added to players. For the love of god, PLEASE add something similar to this for Marauders






    It's already IN the game...just let players get it.


    Marauders get no, yet sleek, detailed armor with a hood. All Marauders can wear are goofy count Dracula superhero capes, or Hot Topic inspired emo-spiked Vader vests. Something like Vokks armor would be PERFECT. NPCs should not have better armor than players....And don't make it lv 50, so only pvp and end-game players can wear it.


    And the Acolyte mask from the trailers. The Sith masks in the game look so corny and not really Sith-esque at all (and why are they so damn big? they just look corny.)


    Now the Acolyte mask I can see being added to to cartel, but Vokks armor should be in the damn core game...It's already textured for NPCs.


    And it's been said 1000 times, but i'm about to make it 1001



  6. Please add more Marauder hooded robes similar to the Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest. There's pretty much no medium armor for Marauder like what was in the beta or shown in the trailers. That and more sith-eqsue mask that aren't 3 feet tall. More standard, evil looking masks that fit under hoods.
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