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Posts posted by Zanho

  1. Hello!


    Started to play SWTOR about 5 days ago and bought a subscription 2 days ago cause I am kinda of a star wars fanboy. Playe for a couple of days back in 2013 when it went f2p but stopped. Now i really got into it and today it gave me a warning that i need to wait aboput 15 minutes for a OTP. Left the computer and came back after 3 hours and noticed i got my code. Tried to input it both in client and on the web page but it says it is not correct. Tried to do the Security key through mobile but asks for a serial code which i do not have. Tried some googling on a solution, it says to change the email, cant do it cause i can't get onto my account on the web page, can't submit a ticket cause its only in game. I am usually calm and patient but this really got on my nerves cause I have no idea what to do and i finally have time to play on the weekend and it wont let me. Any help would be a life saver.



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