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Posts posted by chaharbagh

  1. No, they didn't have to outright remove them. They could've made those conversations optional instead of imposing a specific playstyle on everyone. Not everyone only does the class missions nor spacebars through every conversation.


    The same could be said about the Advanced Class mission chain, where for a time it was completely optional to do, but they removed it when they forced everyone to choose an advanced class at character creation.


    The devs cater to a very specifc playstyle, and as far as they're concerned, every other player that doesn't play that way can kriff off. There's years of evidence that cannot be denied. Below is a not exhaustive list of content that has been cut that either lends to story or immersion, sometimes both:


    • Galactic Map - 3D planet models, satellites, and home stars or mother planets shown, similar to Mass Effect's map
    • Tython
      • Captured Padawans - dead Padawan in cage missing that triggers mission

      [*]Advanced Class NPCs

      [*]Choosing Advanced Class at Level 10

      [*]Blade Dance/Ravage replaced with Blade Barrage


      • Option to see heroic mission NPC mission completed full conversations
      • Republic
        • Ord Mantell Heroics - Pickup NPCs removed
        • Into The Killik Warrens - Pickup NPC removed


      • Couriers
        • Fleet Couriers - Athiss, Cademimu, Mandalorian Raiders, Red Reaper
        • Athiss - Nar Shaddaa
        • Cademimu - Tatooine
        • Mandalorian Raiders - Alderaan

        [*]Colicoid War Game

        • Never updated for 4.0, not in group finder, essentially removed outside of story mode

        [*]The Red Reaper

        • Debriefings


      • Couriers
        • Pre-Dread War Couriers
          • The Eternity Vault
          • Explosive Conflict
          • Kaon Under Siege
          • Lost Island

      [*]PvP faction-based warzones, cut faction-specific cinematics of Voidstar. (I know this was done because of cross-faction play now, but would it kill BioWare to let us have the option of seeing the old ones?)


    The couriers for EV and EC were moved to the Fleet Vanguard vessels, if I recall correctly. As for the Kaon and Lost Island couriers on each fleet, they are still there.

  2. On my Sith Juggernaut Tank, I was doing the mission "Catalyzing the Conversion" on Belsavis. There are 4 different NPC types that are supposed to drop "Reprogramming-resistant Processors", but they are not showing up among the loot, preventing me from getting the bonus mission "Stage 1 - Converting the Unconvertable". That mission has a Stage 2 and Final Stage before it becomes a separate mission called "Converting the Unconvertable".
  3. Posting some relevant links in this thread:


    https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=336665Catalyzing the Conversion , broken?

    https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=984641A safety feature

    https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=915792Red Reaper ending

    https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=927950Mission giver for Heroic "Into the Killik Wardens" missing

    https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=932984Bounty Contracts on Hutta and Ord Mantell above level 26

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