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Posts posted by hurlogar

  1. ability gain rank by themself


    and sorry but no, even with level scaling you still way more powerfull than them,

    i guess it s because they scale you to the maximum stats obtainable (full purple ?) at that said level on wich they put you.

    so you are still way, way to powerfull.

    again the greatest exemple i got from experience was that final fight from SW, was it ever that easy ?

    i didn t even use my companion so don t come and say that it was due to the companion .

    does he have no technique/skill at all or did i just him him way to quickly ?

  2. This. It is not going to change. Get over it.


    i guess so ...

    i still can t understand EA's logic to ask player to ignore 95% of their game, after puting so much money on it, betting everything on the lategame when it was the 1st issue at the time

    they should have made it an option, not a default setting...


    well then i started an imperial operative while i got answer (hoping that they was a way) . i guess i ll finish it

    (class quest without planet story arc will feel quite short)

    i HOPE story quest are disconnected from the class quest:

    meaning if i do balmora (earliest planet) he wont speak to me as if i was a new recruit ....


    Gotta love how some say level sync ruins their immersion because they can't go to starter planets and 1 shot everything, and others say it ruins their immersion because they are too powerful and everything is too easy.


    i really REALLY hope you are joking/trolling or whatever

    because you are supposed to be on an INSTANCED ZONE .

    it shouldn t be affected by level scaling UNLESS it s to put them at my level IF i am overleveld !



    oh wait ? this is it ! :D

    (seriously though i just figure it out so how about it ? scalling up the story/instanced monster ? so that you who want to rollface heroic 2+ can still do it (not instanced) and you who want to be immersed in the story mission (class or planet) can too ! :rolleyes: was this proposed ? )

  3. its for roleplay purpose,

    the greatest strenght of SWTOR was his leveling, his immersion due to the fact that all the quest are scripted, fully voiced etc ...(IIRC that was one of the biggest part of the budget)


    I understand that with all thoses expansion you should have option to speedrun the lvl 1-50 or even 60.

    but i think that should only be it: OPTIONS. not default settings...:mad:


    so yea sure normal quest does not give as much credits as spamming LFG/unscripted flashpoint or heroic .

    but imo they bring an insane value in RP/immersion... ²

    probleme is: right now it look like they are also indirectly the greatest issue for RP/immersion regarding your main class quest or even planet story arc quest. because you become just way to powerfull.


    during my SW story it only strongly bother me for the final fight because i was the classic cliché of the edgy DS sith warrior. so stomping everyone wasn t that big of a deal, "i was simply a stronger force user".... until this final fight,because they kept saying me how epic it would be, how powerfull he is bla bla bla ... and i kill him in 3 skill ...


    And just like for the SW: i dont think it would bother me for my sith inquisitor sorcerer too because again: force user :cool: ... up until i face challenge that the lore keep calling difficult. ²²²


    ²again i think that for certain class doing side quest are verry important like:

    -bounty hunter for the bounty and fame,

    - the consular or jedi for the "protect the weak and defenceless" vibe

    and for other it doesn t fit that much like the imperial agent who have a mission.




    ²²²aside from all that, this issue really show have balancing difficulty si important, moreover on a game so reliant on immersion/story:

    if you rollface on all the content you really overestimate the true (lore) strenght fo your character, to the point where if you get defeated you will only understand it as artificial difficulty comming from game mechanics and not the lore :

    because the strenght of your character during your progression is completly disconnected from the strenght the IG world perceive you.

    ex: i could take on the entire dark concil with my SW ... but if the game had a "sandbox tool" alowing me to hit them, the game surely will make it so that i got OneShot by them...

    => due to the poor difficulty balance: the strength of my character is not in synch with the game.

    having my character breath heavily when i just use 3 buttons to beat the boss was enraging ... it was like the game took my character out of my hand and arbitrary force me to acknowledge that my character is having a hard time....

    if the fight was hard it would have been fantastic because i would be in total synch with my character and the world, meaning: perfect immersion .


    on a mmo so focused on story, lore and immersion .... it s kind of a big black mark ...

    but anyway. i digress.



    so there arent ANY way to slow down exp gain ?

    i mean ... back int he day the probleme was "no end game content"

    and here you are telling me to skip 95% of the game content if i do not want to be overleveled ?

    a content that took a huge part on their budget ? (surely doing the voiceover of all thoses quest cost money)


    nah~they must be a way!


    else: if a bioware/EA guys pass here: please concidere doing what i said above (and surely what other said before me):

    go back to the old day with the OPTION, to go super fast. like:


    "exp difficulty setting"

    -normal: normal exp gain

    -story: fast exp gain allowing you to only do story quest to stay on level.

    -event: benefit from the story exp difficulty, plus the current exp (x12?) event .(this option is only available during thoses said event)


    or simpler:

    - lock exp. so that you can finish your planet without gaining 10 level and ruining your future progression.



    nb: dam i sure should stop making wall of text for something that could be written in a few lines ... sorry :(




    I also just came back, but haven't played since a few months past release, so I'm clearly missing something here. How does having a sith warrior who has completed it's story line affect your bounty hunter?

    it simply show me that "level scaling" do not work.

    if i was lvl 70 but the level scaling was good enouth for me to still have a challenge then they wouldn t be any issue (remmeber that in any mmo this is the primary purpose of levelscalling) add to that the fact that companion are op

    but that can be quickly fix by .... deactivating them (this is still insanely stupid concidering they seems to have been changed so that people could use them without too much trouble (equipment and role)


    "roleplaying" as a bounty hunter (aka: non force user) able to wreck anyone in my story quest will simply be EXTREMLY WORST than with a sith. because you can always underestimate a sith power, up until the final fight where the game/lore will slap you back into how powerfull you are suppose to be lore-wise.(ex: heavy breathing during SW final battle or more caucious/less cocky choices before the fight "if i die...." )



    finishing my warrior story shown me that even if i skip all the quest since Taris: i was still obliterating everything .

    my bounty hunter will do all the quest/bounty he come into. and i do not want to RUIN my class quest with a "whatch out ! he is super famous and powerfull, prepare yourself before facing him" *kill him in less than 5 sec with 99% of my Hp left... and alone* :mad:

  4. hi, i came back a couples of weeks ago and i was surprise by all the change (4.0 IIRC)


    i finish my sith warrior story and now i am making a bounty hunter but i have a INSANELY HUGE PROBLEM !


    due to some change in 4.0 it seems that i simply cannot Roleplay with my bounty hunter mainly because if i do non purple quest : i will LAWAYS be overleveled and it kind of ruin my sith warrior storyline (chapter 2-3).


    You see even if i just did that after coming back (purple story quest : aka rushing :mad: ) since i had about 10lvl ahead

    (i did all the quest up until alderan (80%) and drop at taris. )

    and because the game scale no matter where you go (even flashpoint put me lvl 70 .... what? :confused: )

    i never manage to reduce this advance in level and all the boss from my storyline where as weak if not weaker than grey mob, including the final boss (i even got the impression he was the weakest ... completly underwelming... but again, i guess it was due to the scaling down to "lvl 12 character" because .. you know: "korriban is a starting area".)


    so here i am wanting to roleplay a bounty hunter, but, based on my sith warrior experience, it looks like i do not have the possibility to take sidequest for extra credits (aka the essence, the core of a bounty hunter's mindset)

    else, it will ruin my class quest and overall story missions.

    Who knows, i may even reach lvl max before even getting to taris, and the story will be even more of a joke

    And because of the constant scaling its not like i will ever be able to lose my advance....


    to give you a factual example: i was lvl 45 with my sith warrior when i got back, even while rushing through the class quest it put me at lvl 58 ...i gained as much level


    as if i was in the right level range for my class quest ... (33-50)


    so yea TL;DR of this wall fo text:


    is there a way to stop or drastically slow exp gain from sidequest/exploration mission² ?


    -it looks like if you take the slightest advantage in level you will never lose it

    -i dont want to have my class quest ruined because, like many bounty hunter , i decide to take side stuff to gain credits.


    ²aside from unsubscribing (i would if it would only change exp ratio)



    NB: i do not even know why you guys are scalling everything, if i was lvl 40 questing on aledrant without scaling: i wouldn t receive exp.

    Sure i may be OP, but ... aren t companion equivalent to lvl 60 all the time ? so what s the point in scaling me if the companion are that strong ?

    (funny because before 4.0 it was: "dam~ i cant use this companions i like because i need a healer to be with me + you have to equip them else they suck"

    and now it s : "i must deactivate companion else it s way, way to easy ..." )



    NB2: what s more funny is that i have a TONS of exp boost (that i kept for class like imperial agent who do their job quickly without doing sidequest).... look like i ll never use them :D

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