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Posts posted by DarkLordKRH

  1. They wouldn't spend millions on blur trailers and story if the game was on maintenance mode.


    So, releasing 1 or 2 chapters a month was a wise investment then? The story in all honesty, was BW grasping for "something" to keep the game going. Now, lets not even talk about the last story line... "uprisings". With this alleged new OP coming... yea, so far, seems more like a joke. Just another repeat of KoTFE release.


    As for the game dying, perhaps it will, perhaps it won't. THAT truly depends on player base, not enough players to "pay" the bill per say, yea, the game will die. For many players, it already has, for some, it continues. Either play it, or don't, no one is forcing anyone here. As for myself, I used to spend real money for the cartel coins for packs, I stay sub'd just for the "so-called free" Cartel Coins per month. In which, I no longer find anything in the CM worth spending them on, other than CXP boosts now. Even then, just not worth it anymore.

  2. The one thing no one has mentioned.... que times for PvP. Most are assuming it's an immediate que and go, problem is, many peeps sit in a que for well over an hr. This is becoming the same for FPs, OPs and lets start tossing in Uprisings as well, they all don't "pop" like they used to. Why? Because of stupid **** like this, peeps have left the game. So, re-do some math, getting tokens will take longer than what some have attempted to list it will take. The up-side to all of this is, everyone who still plays, are in an agreement, BW/EA have their heads totally stuck up their ***!!!
  3. You're spot on with your assessment. However, I'd also like to add something that you didn't touch on. The last and final fight with Valkorian, he's in your head, he let it out about Vaylin's "conditioning", then you use it on him?!?! Like he didn't think of that? As for the end of Khem Val, there's a post and I believe a video out, that states, ALL companions are intended to be returned to us.... eventually, some day, some year, a decade maybe?! :D (Where's Jaesa?) However, that's on back burner!! :mad: I have many alts and have ran through the story-line enough times to know.... some of those fights are ridiculous at best!! As Wrath and as an Inquisitor, both force users, both should be looking for more power, more resources, etc. I, like you, am very disappointed but, if I had to choose between the 2, KoTET was a better story than KoTFE ever was. KoTFE was too drawn out!! Even the Dev's admitted this.
  4. So, if there are "roll backs" for these CXP gained from his pointing it out, does that mean he gets rolled back too? Seriously doubt it will happen. Nothing like helping to make a game that's been dull for the past year or so even more so, since there are no new OP's. People worrying about CXP should be more concerned about why we haven't had any new OPs in what 2 xpac's now?!
  5. http://deathgods.shivtr.red


    Check out our website for more details. We are a fun bunch looking for new and or veteran players to the game. Looking for Operations, Flash points, Hard modes, PvP (if peeps are interested), and in general, again, just to have fun. We do have a guild ship, if interested, please apply on our website. All levels are welcome to join.

  6. This is literally like the only thing I do not want to see at all anymore, and this is coming from someone who used to enjoy new levels. With the new level synch this becomes pointless. What difference does it make if you're level 70 or 65, in like 90% of the game? Honestly next to nothing. For the other 10% which are Ops, Flash points, and Kofte story line.


    Let's see Ops are simple enough as is, no need to over power them with better gear, and higher levels. That goes even double for Flash points. The storyline chapters 1-16 are all simple enough. You can complete them with level 1-3 companions, and your own level be it 60 or 65 makes almost no difference either.


    So what's the point? Why grind 5 levels (which would take hours literally) and regear all the toons for the simple sake of grinding? No seriously, why? So someone out there can have an hour or two of satisfaction leveling their toons while the rest of us get forced into regearing dozens of alts, just so we can get back to where we were before? No thanks. And before someone says, well they can re-tune the Ops and flash points for level 70, so they'll be just as hard if not harder. No thanks again, I'd rather them waste time on something that actually matters than retunning crap we already have.


    So with all do respect, no, hell no, F that ****, never again from this point forward do I want to see a level increase with the way the game is working right now. Not only does the level synch screw over any reason to do this, but their lack of resources to put out any meaningful content, makes this completely irrelevant. Now if they said, the next expansion is going to have like 4 or 5 new flash points, and 2-3 new raids, I'd be all for it. But let's not kid ourselves here. We'll be lucky if we get 1 of any of those at this rate.


    Come to think of it, there's probably a very good chance I'd stop subbing or playing out right if this is the direction it goes in.


    Totally agree with you here. If they change the level to a new level 70, they'll most likely change the OPs, FPs, HMs,etc. Which in turn would and will screw over those that are 60 - 65 and doing nothing but OPs, (There are groups that do this). As for planet sync, this is what I've noticed, even though my HP and dps #'s have dropped to planet scale, I still have full abilities that actually counter the planet sync. Meaning, even though I don't have my normal high dps numbers, I'm still able to just literally "walk" through a mob and take very little to no damage before I've wiped the entire mob. (Having my companion set to dps as well). This is noticeable doing the "new" dailies or H2's as they're now called. Kinda bummed, still no challenge even to these. So, yea, NO to going to a level 70!! As for new content, honestly, I prefer it just stayed quiet until released. I don't want to get all hyped up and only to get let down like some of the chapters for KoTFE did. Really hoping they bring back ALL of the companions, some are truly missed since we've spent more time with them to start with. KoTFE made you start over with comps, which imho, stupid!! Yea, got a few back, that's cool and yes even got some new ones but, damn, not all the one's that some of us ran with all the time. One thing I do miss, gearing up my comps, that was fun. Now, just get them to lv 50, give them a low lv weapon, voila, that's all they need now. :mad:

  7. Turn your comp off heal role. If that isn't enough, disable some of their abilities.


    Even then the comps are still uber. We need new OP content, new FPs, etc, etc. They are too busy being focused on the next story in which NPC's will continue to control your options... makes the game stale at best!!

  8. Some people, always gotta ***** about something in-game just to make the Dev's make changes in which, in turn, only creates more bugs, which in turn, only creates more patches for the patches that were meant to fix early bugs, in which still hasn't been fixed, all in which, just makes US have to wait even longer for the patch to "F'in" download all because they're using an external server?!?!?!?!


    An old saying: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"!! Meaning, don't sit there and ***** and complain about a good thing only to ruin it for others. Want a challenge? That's what HM and NiM was designed for, don't complain about just normal game play.

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